Sun. Feb 12, 2023, 8:00 am.
HAH! YES!! Left brains are great at taking responsibility ... for SELF!!!
Epiphany!! HUGGGGGE epiphany! You are here to witness the epiphany of epiphanies!! Right brains are slow to take responsibility and ACT .. becaseu they are thinking of OTHERS, causes, and consequences. WE are VERY RESPONSIBLE but not to SELF, more important RESPONSIBLE TO OTHERS, the common good .. the welfare of OTHERS not just the self!!
Left brains are great at taking responsibility .. FOR SELF!! To Hell with others who are different! IF we are right brain we try to UNDERSTAND!! But to a fast simple minded, quick "get er done" Left brain, we are wasting time, mulling ideas forever instead of ACTING and DOING. Doing without THINKNG is a prescription for failure! For decades the easy way out blame/ bandaid left brains have run the world (McGilchrist). Now their SIMPLE SOLUTIONS are all crumbling at once. Humanity is in dire straights. Our boat is about to sink! An ass or donkey is STUBBORN. Like a dinkey or mule Left brains are stubborn, they will NOT listen or hear new ideas. They are driven to "JUST DO IT", never mind the consequences. Shoot the "bad guy", never mind he actually never DID it. Do not WASTE TIME THINKNG just DO something. Yes life is easy when you think only of SELF and act accordingly. Life is slow and hard when you as a mostly Right brain ry to THINK and UNDERSTAND!
Sat. May 6, 2023, 8:30 pm.
To really UNDERSTAND a problem and its SOLUTION requires many layers of THINKING to get to the heart of the best answer. Think of it like an ONION, but Left brains just grab the outer crispy protective layer, perhaps to PROTECT THEMSELVES form the confusion of having to listen to conflicting ideas?
They (left brains) hate "BUTS" because they complicate and confuse things. They want SIMPLE reasy fast. WE plod along thinkng forever in order to be FAIR!! So that is why THEY say you KNOW right fro wrong! NO! just about everything is grey. Who did you murder. The horrible guy harming everyone? Or someone caring who stopped a man from stealing everybody's rent money. I suggest the 2 murders are NOT the same. But Left brains can not handle COMPLEXITY of ideas. They handle conflict like a warrior .. so I guesss that is why I am constantly attacked living mostly with left brains!
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Sat. Feb 4, 4:00 pm.
knowledge evaluated, analyzed and brought CLOSER to truth, not just A "fact" or perspective. INDIVIDUAL student learning .. but only for OPEN right brains. Left are CLOSED
instead advertising the web could have KILLED, just tripled in market size. No wonder Lies became the framework, INSTEAD obtruded Human INTELLIGENCE!!
we are so STUPID or at least left brains are .. that certain words LOCK DOWN their brain!!. Like vegetarians or worse VEGANS! Are protesters and activists just louder left brains?? Why can I not say we need to exterminate those who are shells of humans (bugs)? Because their brain fries from the word used for jews. How nowhere we will get with that NONSENSE kind of brain.
Like when I was sharing setting the ground work for a survival PLAN .. back to pioneer .. she brought in our bad native treatment. WHAT DOES THAT have to do with the TOPIC of SOLVING the PROBLEM we have?!!! I was talking about going back to SIMPLE .. church, general store and BARN RAISING (community together!! And then to accuse me of DEPRESSING HER! Those kind of people's goal is to knock us down whichever direction we go. They can not follow our brilliant thinkng. As WARRIOR left brain they MUST win .. so we are the enemy to be taken down. This = How I have allowed myself to be detoured by closed minds forever! I always felt it was a karate match I was unaware of but the goal was purely to TAKE ME DOWN. Whether I said it was a nice day .. or it is cloudy ("you are so negative!"). Either way I was ALWAYS wrong, negative or if hopeful NAIVE. Who gets the trophy for stupidest human ever? ME .. thank you very much!
But watch out now, because I am alerting other similar "Taken down" people to your Left brain TRICKSTER ways of mean twisting, instead of LISTENING and maybe LEARNING!!!
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old people? do young people even have a clue what I am saying??
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