Welcome to our new community .. "YOU-me"
Together WE build a "REVERSE WORLD" that actually works for "WE the PEOPLE"
..where "Church", Community, Health, Education and Economy INTERSECT, come TOGETHER, instead of DIVIDE as DISCONNECTED SILOS!
..where "Church", Community, Health, Education and Economy INTERSECT, come TOGETHER, instead of DIVIDE as DISCONNECTED SILOS!
Wed. Mar 22, 2023, 10:00 am
DISCLAIMER .. or whatever .. WARNING!! This site is 150% NOT finished!! Parts are not even complete let alone EDITED. It is like you are receiving the notes to a manuscript that will take decades to pull together. But you need it NOW .. so I must swallow my pride and give you a total MESS incomplete, unfinished ideas let alone DESIGN. But .. (our favourite word) ..
I hope something here gives you an idea to follow OR a new HOPE for POSSIBILITY.
Hilary B .. Turtle Fish #1 .. A TURTLE is SLOW .. and a FISH bounces back and forth, up and down .. with no real direction sometimes. But if we pull the MANY DIRECTION IDEAS all together it is golden! That WAS my EXPERTISE .. found too late!
PLEASE remember "All those who WANDER .. are not LOST." Wisdom is found in curiosity and wonder! But seeking many answers causes the wandering mind!
Unfinished or not .. the mission is to pull together ALL factors that give us TOTAL
Societal Health or REAL base "Quality of life for all".
Mon. May 8, 1:30 pm.
BEWARE ALL EARLIER DATES! Not yet edited or relating to this NEW concept.
This used to be a story of "THEM", those evil people who have taken control of our lives. But in likening "THINKING" to an ONION with many LAYERS .. it is more complicated. Let's leave "THEM!" as the TRULY evil, STUPID! or .. alien? few families that now totally CONTROL OUR GLOBAL WORLD. All the other "them's" (big corporations) actually just did what we WANTED. We wanted easy and convenient. After WW 2 we began to faster and faster DEVALUE all our Life Resources except money and TIME. Today all that matters is money to purchase something easier and faster though it is UTTERLY USELESS in improving ur REAL total Heath. Those large corporations just want profit and power .. but it was Boomers who always wanted their stock value to raise.
Or focus has been myopic .. hah .. MY-opic for sure! Me first screw you became more and more prevalent as the decades passed to 2000. With the internet we could have RE_FOCUSED and created a REAL Utopia but instead we continued the simple minded, narrow focus of Myopic vision. The web gave us so much more ability to focus on the SELF. "Influencers who nothing about TOTAL Societal health rule their mini focused world
I was 9 wondering why does nothing WORK? Why are people evil? Was I always a teacher? preacher?.. wanting to question, study, Learn and then share? But nobody listened, So after decades and decades being a canary in our "coal mine", but no one listening to my WARNINGS, I got angry! So now SITE is old lady RAGE .. T's L
Wed.April 26, 2023, 7:30.
If you have a Right Hemisphere brain that THINKS, you will be depressed, like everyone that is PAYING ATTENTION! Have we creative, inventive, thoughtful people been labelled "mentally" ill because to Left brains who just quickly ACT .. we are a nuisance? I am beginning to believe that all of the "mental" illness stigma TOO has been a scam. Of course something can be worn with our brain .. just like our liver or lungs! So
The more we contemplate, try to UNDERSTAND why things work so strangely .. the more it seems maybe those of us who worry, consider the well being of others and want to design things toTRULY solve problems maybe give up .. becasue they NEVER listen. No one Listened to Rachel Carlson in 1960 and now we really think we can save the environment with mindless nonsense so late in the "game"?
Think Together WE can make change! "We perform at our best when we feel united, empowered and mutually committed to accomplishing something worthwhile." (Flyvbjerg/ Gardner, from "How big things get done".) As a TEAM with a shared goal, WE can create a different future, one that works BETTER for US. We will be a CO-ORDINATED, creative, purposeful WHOLE (an "octo-web" with 8 brains!) Stay calm, sharing our HUMAN Intelligence and resources we have all that we need
Wed. May 10, 2023, 5:30 pm.
Does anyone look at the BIG PICTURE anymore?
Certainly the SCREAMERS are MY-opic. A society interested ONLY in "the SELF" decays into blindness.
When no PERSONAL Responsibility is taken for "WE and US" above ME .. quality of life FOR ALL will collapse.
We are either zombies or just run into each other blind to seeing anything further than our own nose.
After 6 decades of ever faster "me/mine, here now", our short sightedness has put all our systems into collapse.
We have lost our civil society and are on the verge of extinction of humans.
Make no mistake .. a human is his brain, his mind spirit and SOUL.
Grow up .. or our days ALIVE will be very briefly numbered.
Those of us with a still functioning Right Hemisphere brain (the THINKING FAR perspective part!) need to get together, NOW.
By Sharing our many types of HUMAN Intelligence we may still be able to save HUMANITY.
First we lost our manners, then our civility .. now we act worse than animals! .. at least "the screamers" do!
Us quiet Thinkers (and the lucky still BALANCED BRAINS, that THINK before acting need to build a NEW better SYSTEM.
None of our SILO systems work. So ONE new SYSTEM that simply has a misssion of better quality of life is what we need.
We only have a very brief time. AI and robots are taking ANY control we had left.
Connecting together NOW has great urgency.
wed. May 10, 2023, 6:00 pm
Are we just STRESSED into MEANNESS?
Shallow and selfish is perhaps the mark of a tool for coping in an overwhelming stressed society. When you feel you are being attacked or will LOSE you must fend for your self. You consider your own safety and well being. But this is not our NORMAL human state Humans consider the greater good. We think of others well being before taking everything for ourself in GREED. The movie "greed is good" was just another of the con jobs we live in!
We must CHANGE THE PICTURE. STOP, let's create our OWN system .. NOT the one we have been FORCED into with TWISTING and lies. Nothing works FOR us.
A REAL human considers the well being of OTHERS before he screams and terrifies everyone else. Have we forgotten to THINK more deeply or are we just obsessed with our SELF? Whether from stress or being action left brain .. our focus has been me/mine, here now". With no ATTENTION to others the future or mistakes to correct of the past .. the only "success" will be FAKE like so much in our culture!
Everything we do today is SHALLOW. Our actions contain NO depth of thinking. Those in charge, plus the screamers make quality of life HORRIBLE for the rest of us. We think deeply about everything so this culture makes no sense, has no logic. Common sense is GONE and nothing is FAIR.
If we imagine THINKING as an ONION, the right brain works through all the layers wanting to UNDERSTAND causes of problems and consequences of solutions. The Left hemisphere just thinks fast and acts. Simple and fast is only the brittle shell of the onion. that kind of action like the shell .. cracks and success does not last long. Well .. Left brain behaviour has lasted since the War! TOO long Too much damage while we slept and followed along like little children. The wounds from simple solutions with no REAL depth are now very deep. Our TOTAL Health has been destroyed. Quality of life includes security and lack of stress. Panic is too much a part of the life of a THINKNG human that still has a MIND and heart.
TAKE BACK RESPONSIBILITY. You will have to sacrifice. No buying from or working for THEM. If a company is not FAIR for the common good we do NOT utilize them. You will have to SACRIFICE and that is not us who worship EASY and fast, NOW. Only those of us willing to take CONTROL back can save us. We can do t SHARING and TRADING our talents together.
The ONION think analogy is good because solving problems takes many layers of conflicting ideas. Running with only the shell is EASY and FAST, but ONLY a bandaid. . a shallow solution that will never last. Like the brittle ALL all is now cracking Going thru the ONION layers is the why ..'s, but ..'s, and "what if .. then" 's, of conflicting ideas and answers. We have FORGOTTEN how to do that OR .. are too lazy. Remember we can ALSO "discuss" in our mind .. that is the hell of being a thinker. HAH!? Do left brains ever DISCUSS WITH THEMSELVES??? Probably not! That is why they are fast and always get ahead of us !
Discussing ALTERNATIVES whether with others or OURSELF .. is how we THINK. We contemplate in order to find TRUTH or the best SOLUTION.
Sun. May 7, 2023, 3:00 pm
With only shallow, selfish "thinking" we created a "me/mine, here, now" society of SELF. But "me first screw you" can only cause DECLINE. A Society built only on "win/ lose" is not sustainable. Inability to consider OTHERS well being, BEFORE the self has destroyed our humanity.
Did we expect a meteor to kill us? Or that we become extinct, less and less of us here, like we have caused with so many other species? A society or species, of "me first, screw you" will not survive. Left brain action people have built our systems on a MYOPIC single minded ME foundation and they are now all collapsing. Our destruction comes from our disabled brain hemisphere wiring.
WE used to have a Balanced Brain. Think first, and then act on the layers of ideas that have been considered. Now those in power ACT without FIRST THINKING. Or .. those who scream loudest do NO THINKING but they are who we hear .. very depressing.
It all began with the poisoning of our brain with cocaine (coke) which gave the realization sugar destroys self discipline. Once those in charge realized we'd want MORE they put suar in everything under (54) DIFFERENT names. Processed food destroyed our brains and hence humanity. we are our brain. Our brain is our mind and "heart". Sadly for the action screamers BOTH their mind and heart are gone. Only profit and power matter. Adding the God of Productivity was the beginning of the end for us humans.
We have become a completely DIVIDED society. The toxins of "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring. Our brains are now DISABLED and no longer function with BALANCE and CIVILITY. Depending on which Brain Hemisphere wiring remains as our majority, this affects our character. LEFT brains are impatient to GET THE JOB DONE. RIGHT brains want to investigate all ideas in order to FULLY understand them.
Left brain impatience has taken control of the world. It is far easier to just "get er done" without concern for causes and consequences. Left brains focused on "SELF" take over, while Right brains are still evaluating choices. Control of profit and POWER requires speed and simplicity of action! But action without FIRST THINKING and evaluating solutions FIRST is always only SHALLOW "success". This is the reason ALL our systems are collapsing at once. decades of fast and easy bandaids have destroyed the foundation of our Quality of life.
Unless we research and UNDERSTAND DR Iain McGilchrist's new Divided brain work we are doomed to civil war. Steven King's "Stand" will happened for real. As the world explodes at the end of the book (?Stu ) says "We never learn". McGilchrist's new R/ L hemisphere neuroscience explains our DIVIDED SOCIETY. Avoid the old left/right work, we must study his NEW RESEARCH and his showing historical PROOF of conflict! You and your loved one's survival, depend on each of us taking this PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to understand our brain destruction. Stop the texting, Tik Tok and "influencer" sites, go directly to DIVIDED Brain study. (link). Use your time more wisely or we are dead. We are already phone faced walking ZOMBIES.
Once we understand the problem of our disabled brain we share this reason for our VICIOUS division, with everyone we meet. Do you really think we can survive being so cruel, instead of LISTENING with respect to each other?
Left/ Right Hemisphere division IS the cause of the EXTINCTION of humanity.
Without this BALANCE of "THINK and only THEN act" all our systems collapse. If you can not SEE this is a FACT, this is the REALITY you are one of the people who has caused this. Unfortunately unless you are willing to MAKE your right hemisphere WORK AGAIN we will have to BANISH you.
Even 10- 15 years ago, we could still somewhat SHARE our opposite brain resource. We were no longer Republican Left brain politicians still showed
Each of us has an amazing resource .. when it is used TOGETHER. Alone each hemisphere has NO VALUE and only creates destruction. ALONE each hemisphere is toxic a WEAPON! Hydrogen when mixed with oxygen is WATER, something we need and love! Hydrogen alone made the atomic bomb. YIke we are now all bombs waiting to go off! (mass murders increasing!) Alone, not balanced each hemisphere is a WEAPON waiting to explode! Please let's work together instead!!
This is how we have lived worse and worse every decade since the 60's. Less and less respect for the opposite brain character. REAL leaders were the balanced brains .. but there are few left. Stress has created shallow selfish people because they must SURVIVE. Many of us are still thoughtful caring humans but the overload and overwhelm of out digital society leaves us struggling to simply get the rent paid and eat. This is NOT quality of life. We have to find a better way before we all die of the terrible TOTAL HEALTH our MINDLESS "progress" has caused.
(Mindless progress? YUP .. our brains are missing in action. We "invented" a lot with NO thought whatever to how life would really look in a SMART but stupid age.)
Our BRAIN is our MIND. But our brain is also our "heart" .. our soul and our spirit. A human is ACTUALLY his BRAIN. But our brain wiring is destroyed by the toxins of our progress. When our BALANCED brain wiring is disabled, we are merely "BEINGS", but no longer HUMAN. Humanity is our brain. But we are becoming EXTINCT from INSIDE. A body with no care for others is no longer HUMAN. A HUMAN is thoughtful and caring of the common and GREATER good, rather than purely the SELF. A Left brain with little Right wiring is a warrior, simply blames and bandaids with destruction of the enemy. WE have become a blame and bandaid society and no problem is ever TRULY solved. We focus on fast and easy oiinstead of hard investigation and evaluation requiring contemplation. Our leaders lack Right brain THINKNG wiring. they merely act. If we can not SHARE our opposite hemisphere resource for BALANCE humanity will soon be extinct
When both our left and right hemispheres are BALANCED we can use our "heart" to consider OTHERS in solutions. But when our MIND is PURELY focused on DOING it neglects the well being of others focusing only on THE SELF.
It sees and THINKS about what we see in the world. Our mind can also help us be DISCIPLINED to force us to be responsible.
Has this "mentally" ill stuff all been a SCAM to get troublesome Right brain THINKERS out of the way? Left brain people just want to "get 'er done".
Painstaking contemplation of "BUT's" makes them very impatient even confused. SIMPLE and done is their mode of operating. But that begets ONLY temporary success. AS we canSEE, every system is COLLAPSING.
in charge can steal everything unchecked?
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Thurs. April 27, 2023, 10:30 am
Fri April 28, 2023, 5:30 pm. needs edit
(the biggest lie!! sugar inflames whatever problems we are MORE susceptible to. WE CAUSE our own ill health, with THEIR LIES). They simplify so you THINK you agree. But on further investigation there is far more to the problem. (Like "keeping the gay away" in the mid states .. yes why the hell CONFUSE little children?? idiotic! But for older children help them feel like not committing suicide. So many screamer things are like this .. sounds good on the surface .. but life is ALWAYS more complicated. Be suspect of anyone saying "It is simple! we KNOW right from wrong." That is a LIE. You are just TOO LAZY TO THINK OPPOSING IDEAS and evaluate and compromise!!
We learn nothing of importance in our "education" or communication systems. The power structure does not WANT us to be knowledgeable or responsible. If we were truly EDUCATED, we would have been fully taught about HYGIENE instead of just covid TERROR. Education should help us live our best life, finding and using our Personal Resources of VALUE.
Wed. May 3, 2023, 6:00 pm
Each of us has special skills and talents IN OUR BRAIN.
The Right Hemisphere of our brain THINKS THINGS THROUGH, designs solutions and then,
Of course a BALANCED brain works best! Or back even 15 years ago, we used to partner our invention Biz. brain, with a manager type brain person. Now we just demonize each other, no civil working together, sharing the resources of our BRAIN SKILLS. There is "THINK" smart and "just Do It" smart. We need both kinds of Intelligence. But for decades THINK Smart INTELLIGENCE has been demeaned. We are negative worriers. Or worse demeaned as "mentally" ill?
"Mental" Illness has to be a con job. How is something wrong in the brain different than something wrong with a heart or lungs? "Mental" illness is no different than any other PHYSICAL illness or disease! We are still pretty STUPID considering how arrogant humans are. To compare our old drug/ depression days to today's DEPRESSION is just LUDICRUOUS. If you are depressed today you have a THINKING brain! Has nothing to do with an error of the brain's wiring, (needing prozac?). Today we feel despair because we are losing hope we will ever have a decent quaity of life. This is GRIEF and has NOTHING whatsoever to do with prozac "depression". Perhaps problems created by a worrying THINKER were relegated to STIGMA, to keep us out of the way? Do not blame us for being ANGRY. Had our ideas been LISTENED to .. we would NOT be here in societal collapse today!! Thanks idiot "just do it" Left brain simplifiers.)
The toxins of our "progress" have destroyed much of our brain wiring. Perhaps THINKiNG wiring is more sensitive to the "poisons of progress"? Progress is fine but not fast, easy and EXTREME. Instead of balanced brains destroyed neurons leave us with a character that does more THINKING or or finds JUST DOING easier. Why do you think we hate each other? A thinker slows down getting the job done so PROFIT can be made. Research McGilchrist's work (DIVIDED brain). Unless The power structure of Left brain doers START TO LISTEN and LEARN from us THINKERS .. we are on our way to FURTHER extinction of HUMANITY. If you like to THINK please join us.
While we worried about physical health decline and destruction of our earth .. we paid NO ATTENTION to the destruction of our BRAIN. Our brain is our MIND and "heart". Therefore our brain is a HUMAN not our body. That is just a "being", too often now just a ZOMBIE. Every facet of our TOTAL societal Health has been destroyed. But only regainig the use of our RIGHT Hemisphere brain can solve our problems. Solving problems SUCCESSFULLY, requires thinking, considering all aspects, not simply convenient FAST bandaids!
It is time to actually LISTEN and LEARN from those Right Brains who study all things more deeply. Decades of Disdain, and dismissal merely swept away our supposedly "negative" WARNINGS. Those Left Brains in power, by not LISTENING and LEARNING may have destroyed any opportunity to still save humanity. My theory is the STIGMA of "mental" health was a way to get rid of those questioning the SHALLOW solutions of selfish Left brains gone GREEDY.
Our sole focus on SELF is the basis of our destruction. For Corporations it is sole desire for profit and power, valuing NOTHING else. For us poor masses, the SELFISHNESS has been our feelings of specialness, our "ME first" instead of considering OTHERS well being before DOING. THINKNG IS HARD, especially if it is for OTHERS quality of life, not just our own.
If you are STRESSED selfish and shallow you are welcome to try our way. But it requires extra EFFORT and time for thoughtfulness and caring. ONLY HUMANS ALLOWED. Our Desire for fast and easy must stop. It is destroying our humanity. Fast "solutions" are BANDAIDS that solve NOTHING. Every problem (wound) has now festerd far worse.
We have destroyed EVERYTHING with our extremes. There must be many who feel like me. An OLD entitled white lady who was KIND and caring of TRULY ALL humans now hates (Remember I am "Lazy trophy" material, "do not like" is 3 words. Hate is so much faster easier. I am a TURTLE, I need those seconds to get done what you do daily with no problem) 🐢 🙈 so .. I was KIND caring of ALL humans, but now hate WOMEN, gay people, immigrants pretty much anybody that SCREAMS. HAH! So I am NOT eveil .. just stop SCREAMING.
If you are a JERK, selfish and thoughless I do not give a FRIG if your skin is black. You stupid Left brain .. you are RUDE thoughless and uncivil and dare to call me racist for calling you out? No .. this group is ONLY humans allowed. ANY kind of human, BUT not focusing on "diversity" (whose purpose is successfully to divide us, as you see with ME). ONLY Humans are allowed in our "YOUme" Reverse World. Keep all your SPECIAL to yourself, or BE GONE! I knew about and felt such empathy for gays BEFORE YOU WERE BORN. We spent summers in Provincetown! But now you're in my face SCREAMING is just too much. You SCREAMING I AM SPECIAL has turned me against you. JUST BE QUIET .. be human and MAYBe if we think of OTHERS first, BEFORE "only the self!" we can save our EXTINCTION?
Common SENSE and BALANCE is our ONLY HOPE, our only possibility to regain our lost Humanity
Thinking, contemplating causes and consequences takes time. All the screamers think LOUD will cover up their lack of depth. Both of the sides are screaming instead of THINKNG. Considering and contemplating is QUIET. and then when we discuss we do so CIVILLY LISTENING meaning HEARLING to learn from "THE OTHER". Losing that ability means we have lost our HUMANITY.
Always considering the why's and the But's. The kind of THINKNG that is like going to the heart of an ONION. Left brains stop at the crackly brown our layer!
Sat. May 6, 2023, 2:00 pm.
Our REVERSE WORLD "weUS" Manifesto!
Wed. May 3, 2023, 5:30 pm.
from "ME first" to a REVISED capitalism and "democracy" SYSTEM,
ONE new no silo TOTAL Societal Health SYSTEM
that creates base QUALITY of LIFE FOR ALL.
WHERE "church", government, and the economy mean human SHARING NEIGHBOURHOODS, that build a "country" returned to "WE the PEOPLE".
We use the blockchain to build connected sharing and TRADE CO-OPERATIVES,
WE contribute our skills and talents and in return receive a decent quality of life.
TOTAL "Societal" Health .. far better than UBI with its feeling of not having ANY PERSONAL VALUE!
Where "SPECIAL" is EVERY one of us.
Not "me first, screw you" special, or mindless FAKE or twisted "woke-ism",
but RESPECTING and TRADING our differing HUMAN talent, and INTELLIGENCE.
No women's lib, gay or diversity people .. JUST HUMANS.
We THINKERS (not mindless zombies) all have THE SAME wants and needs.
So we work together sharing and TRADING our SPECIAL differing resources and value.
from living in "win LOSE" collapsing Systems now, together we build one WIN, WIN System
Remember! if you are LEFT Brain and unwilling to listen, learn, THINK, and reconsider ..
This is not the place for you (We ALL will Listen/ HEAR in order to compromise for our FAIR MISSION.
Be RESPONSIBLE, Respectful, and manage RESOURCES far better,
Consider cause, consequence, contemplate, compare, consult, Collaborate and then COMPROMISE!
Thurs. May 4, 2023, 6:00 pm
USING dictate ..purple pad
Every person is DIFFERENT .. UNIQUE .. "special" ..
BUT ..
Every person is also THE SAME .. a HUMAN.
Every human wants the same .. a safe, secure life, respect, to be valued and to belong.
But for 6 or 7 decades we have only celebrated how we are "SPECIAL", not how we are THE SAME. This is the basis of the collapse of society. When only the SELF is valued, decline begins.
Our CHARACTER as a human can be plotted on our 3 Life Ledgers .. Us, we and me. "Humans" focused on "self" focus only on the ME ledger neglecting the other 2 Life Ledgers. So now not only is our planet screwed, but we are asleep to how messed our society has actually become. Neglect of our shared Life "we" and "us" Ledgers, or bank accounts .. is the cause of our societal collapse. We can not constantly DEPLETE the assets (Resources) of our life, and then expect Life to just continue as we know it.
our HUMAN character is a spectrum of beliefs and behaviours caused by our nature AND our nurture. Growing up without support does not create self confidence or feelings of DESERVEDNESS. With a new system for connecting and belonging, hopefully we can still reverse our decline. We are losing our humanity. A human is his brain, which should be thoughtful and caring of others. But we are purely focussed on self, even if it is big cause we are stressed and just surviving.
We say a person is visionary. Others are not at all, but better at managing the normal how visionary we are, could be the base of human character. Think of our actual site or actual vision. There are nearsighted and farsighted and 2020 vision or balanced eyes, maybe our eyes are the window to our soul? Farsighted soul people think not only of others, well-being, brackets, wide perspective, but what our behaviour is causing for our future farsighted. Visionary people usually have a wide perspective taking a many different viewpoints and even looking to causes of problems narrow nearsighted, vision, people think of me mine here I know.
Thurs. April 13, 2023, 2:00 pm.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Our world is confusing to still HUMANS because there is no TRUTH and no FAIRNESS. Why can't we just be decent to each other? We treat each other worse than any animals! HAH, we the masses ARE decent and kind!! But we live in THEIR world of greed so if we still THINK we see all the injustice and hate the world. Nothing works for us and this is STRESSFUL because we are naive and think the rulers actually care. Let's grow up, their agenda is solely for their well being not ours!All we hear now is the screamers, the special who want their own group cared about. But we normal humans just want EVERYONE treated FAIR. Never mind gay, or women or immigrant or race .. unless we stop letting them DIVIDE us we. will be extinct. Dividing us means we can't get together as JUST HUMAN. If you want to work together to take back our HUMANITY, our thoughtfulness and caring .. this is the community for you.
we should study problems and come up with FAIR (true not biased) REAL solutions. we live in a world of BANDAIDS, no real solutions for anything. Our god is fast and easy and now we see the results of that IRRESPONSIBILITY. let's give up fast and easy go back to a simple life .. but that is actually a life WORTH living. Today's STRESS and overwhelm full of constant change and insecurity is not worth living in no matter how many APPS you give me!!
Capitalism and "democracy" are no longer working for "we the people". Let's throw out all the complications of digital life! That will leave time and energy to actually solve our problems. We'll create real solutions versus Band-Aids real solutions that take compromise and collaboration. The system we have now is set up for their benefit their profit their power. The system we live in is no longer FAIR for the people.
Together we will create a new win, win life, ledger (bank account). There are 3 bank accounts in our Life Ledger a "me" account, and "we, and us" accounts. We and us come first, so that the ME benefits MORE in the end. When we all contribute VALUE our "Life stock market" only goes up. We all get to withdrw from our elders but in the end the SHARED value is far greater than a SELF absorbed society of "me first, screw you". Me .. the SELF alone may be rich with $, but never truly joyful. Joy is being kind and feeling good becaseu we are making the WE/US community better..
our FAIR Certified community will find still human Corporate partners that want to join in to build a different SYSTEM
Not the "ME FIRST, SCREW YOU" society we actually have.
But wait .. we must CONSTANTLY remind ourselves, that anxious feeling is ONLY because we are focus on those "Desiring attention SCREAMERS". It is THEY in our face everywhere that make us feel the world has gone BAD! We must KEEP HOPING that we quiet still conscious and caring of OTHERS .. are actually the REAL MAJORITY.
The REAL "WE THE PEOPLE", the masses get no press or attention! So we feel the world is going to hell. That suits those few families who control us perfectly .. it is the plan! Hopeless people give up, or even if we just kill each other SO VER DIVIDED it leaves more of the scarce resources for THEM. They WANT us to be stressed stupid (shallow and selfish) just to survive. When we are just trying to survive day to day it is hard to be thoughtful of OTHERS.
So Let's get together! Those of us still kind and thoughtful HUMANS together can build a new BETTER system replacing all our collapsing dysfunctional SILOS of ?capitalism. We can REVISE capitalism back to FAIR .. and make the "vote" in "democracy" way way better. The Blockchain if used in a visionary OUT OF THE BOX way can create a vote ledger where we vote for everything depending on its RELAVENCE to our life. Why should I get to vote on the parliament park when I never take time to go there? Why should I get to vote on something I have taken NO responsibility to learn about? We can build a NEW SYSTEM that is based on RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT and ACTUAL Resource management. WE are actually DEVOID of these today.
"Me first, screw you" is a horrible way for a stressed society to live. Our "Me /Mine, here, now" Power Structure is for sure collapsing the middle class. There probably no longer IS a middle class. Us quiet not SCREAMING still humans can build a different better way.
we have to STOP BELIEVING the screaming left brains that have destroyed our humanity are the majority. They are the ATTENTION grabbers, politicians and powerful, the "influencers" and most media. let's find each other and rebuild. I have spent decades and designed the architecture for a new SYSTEM based simply on FAIR Certified. The axiom? "Life is not fair was written by a powerful person wanting us kind considerate people to BE QUIET. The left Brain in charge, think SELF becaseu they are WARRIORS. We Right brain WORRIERS think "what about. ?", "but what if ..?"and use our DEEPER brain to contemplate in order to UNDERSTAND. Fast simple action will always beat us. Hence .. the WARRIOR Left brain has taken over our world.
See dreadful snow plow job PHOTO
this IS terrible in real life .. be proud of your job and doing it well! Certainly this guy is not!
but rest of horrible work CAN be understood! Think about it! we make everything work .. us worlers .. but get NO respect!
Epiphany 100,035 (hey, I am OLD! 😨 They add up!) Why do I hit snooze like 10 times .. when I actually WANT to get up early to get things done? Am I sabotaging my accomplishing stuff or ..
I think maybe rather than sabotaging our "getting 'er done" .. IT FEELS LIKE CONTROL TO US! There is SOMETHING in my life I can actually CONTROL. I can take a nap too .. and just leave it all behind. I know I know we just keep on ruminating worrying and find it so very hard to SHUT OUR BRAIN OFF ... but somehow hitting that snooze button or running away to nap feels like "screw you, I don't have to" .. feels like I kid with a temper tantrum a nd nobody can do anything WE FINALLY HAVESOME CONTROL OVER OUR LIFE!. Does that make sense? So if you hit snooze or nap with glee, (then hate yourself because you had so much THINKING, investigating, learning .. to do) then you are a Right brain THINKER and belong here.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY