Thurs. Mar. 23, 2023, 10:00 am
Seriously we can collapse the unfair system we live in! We really CAN! And we do not even need to disrupt, cause harm or SCREAM! It is SIMPLE .. but sorry .. VERY hard. Becaseu the solution .. the stick pulled out of a system NOT for us .. is SACRIFICE. Could you do that? Most of us are too lazy and IRRESPONSIBLE. We have been TRAINED to take no responsibility , trained to be lazy and stupid just wanting easy. Even in the 60's and 70's we were not such BABIES. We think the gov't or a lawyer suing fixes everything. The only thing that will fix .. is sacrificing all the CRAP we have gotten used to. Think PIONEER .. we go back to a simple life, just the basics. No 100 kinds of skin cream where I must buy 6 jars to complete the routine. WE have been so CONNED. WE THINKwe need all this crap but its purpose is SOLELY for them! It is in NO WAY for OUR well being. WE The People are the LAST worry of those in charge. Their only goal is THEIR OWN well being.
our simple well being was a far better quality of life than we now have. We are STRESSED stupid and selfish. Let's start regrowing or USING the destroyed wiring in our brain and THINK again. We can REBUILD a system that is SIMPLE but works 100 x better! Over 3 decades I have built the system but it only works with each of us contributing OUR special skills and talents. And we have ONE and ONLY one goal .. TOTAL Societal Health .. or base quality of life for all who CONTRIBUTE. It is simple! Just be decent and FAIR .. but that is very hard and takes SACRIFICE.
Are you willing to give it a try? .. or just continue to EXIST in the sugar and search STRESSED "stupidity dystopia" we have created? There are more of us! we can have actual FUN together building a new BETTER system!
Sat. March 18, 2023, 5:30 pm.
Quiet church mice get little attention. Is that the same on the street? I pass 100 people and forget them but the 1 who screams at me down 2 blocks becaseu I said it was an ON LEASH dog park .. is the one that ruins my day! We have to stop letting inhuman zombies make us think (believe?) society is screwed becaseu everyone has NO CIVILTY. It is hopefully way less people who are pretty evil. I am surely sick of being called down .. because YOU were rude but happened to be black or gay. Rude is rude .. get the hell away with your NONSENSE.
We decent fair people are so confused by the ridiculous nonsense continuously thrown in the mix .. we feel it is ALL people are horrible and therefore SOCIETY. Even if it is 7 JERKS, out of 10 "people", the 3 of us can get together and make a difference! First we create REAL success in our community .. and then as others see our success .. they will replicate our FAIR system and we will very soon become a NEW "religion". Our community is based on just be DECENT! Be fair to others, put them first NOT always our own selfish shallow desires.
What if there is only one jerk face in 20? They ruin our day and we see society as COLLAPSING. They are so TWISTING of reality (YOU are the jerk not us trying to be DECENT!) it is even possible they are 1 of 50! Let's try harder to see how many people will smile or hold the door or RESPOND if we do? I am afraid I am so shocked by loss of manners, civility and now just plain HUMANITY that I am far exaggerating the problem!
Let's go out of our way to connect with others. WE have no problem accepting someone if they are a jerk because they are stressed out of their mind. We have all been there. If someone is kind to you, when you are stressed or frustrated it always calms. You know when you call a help line an wait half an hour and then yell? Used to be they would be very sweet, and I would immediately calm. In this backward world they just say you are terrible and will hang up. Strange, everything is strange for sure. Everything is made to DECREASE resources (energy) where in the old decent world things worked to INCREASE our energy bank account!
If we go out of our way to be nice to other quiet people we will INCREWASE our resources or energy LEDGER, and in so doing begin BELIEVING the horrid people are still the FEW. I have to be careful because I always "catastrophize". QUIT DOING THAT.
Sat. April 22, 2023, 8:30 pm .. introvert signs
Hope comes from others like this MOM says of seeing the joy of her sons classmates when he succeeds in walking.
move this ..
{ But seeing todays badly raised kids this class is the result of one VERY AWESOME Teacher. So many kids today receive no REAL parenting. A parent is the NURTURER who raises the HUMAN. A non aborted fetus is merely a "being" nothing HUMAN about is.
This teacher needs to teach other teachers how to bring humanity back into self absorbed self centred little "beings". BUT .. from the school below me none of those people feel they need to teach CIVILITY. They just ignore the self absorbed constant screams of ? fear. And if 1 in 34 kids has Autism why the hell are we not studying it FEVERISHLY. The kid(s) below me below in an arylum .. and we just let this go?? }
SORRY! I got totally off track .. watch the video and be HAPPY .. awesome class makes us happy and see there is HOPE! ..and give praise to a teacher like that. Mom feels hopful with those lovely caring kids! .. and so can we.
Others will say "Change that attitude, lady. You only think you get ONLY BAD!!" But is it not TRUE? Some of us keep ONLY getting crap in our life! SERIUSLY! Am I right?
Karma? HAH! what a lie .. we try to be kind and considerate, but that jerk next door is an asshole yet everything works NICELY for that family! Why do some OTHERS constantly have good luck, security, calm and fun ? I swear there are people who have few problems. It is NOT they are just quiet and not sharing the problems. They are always smiling and positive and I am SICK of that smile!! I am jealous AND resentful. Nor is it that they are NICE and deserve better KARMA than me. They do NOTHING for others. it is all "me/ mine, here, now" shallow selfishness.
They do not even TRY to be good people! they look after SELF alone and admonish us for not just worrying about ourself. Seems very irresponsible to not care about the space around you. They are myopic not seeing past their nose. HAH! Myopic. Meanwhile we worry big picture and about others well being. We often forget about looking after our SELF. But THEY always win. What the hell God? I expected you to reward GOOD .. or trying NOT to be selfish! What the hell? .. I quit the religion of God. I am making up my OWN god.
Left right brain explains every problem! Again a person with more ACTION wiring can focus on ME, solely get things done that move forward the PERSONAL agenda ! Meantime the Right brain person is worrying about others wellbeing affected by their actions. Trying to be FAIR and considerate is HARD and takes energy. Worrying solely about me is far EASIER! Pretty much everything can be explained by the Right vs Left hemisphere CHARACTER that is created by the missing wiring!
It is my theory that Left brain people have a POT OF GOLD when they are born into a secure stable family! Those of us born into divorce and single parent division had to fight to survive the conflict in our homes. This is not a secure calm foundation to be raised in. If a tending Left brain character has a stable NURTURING family this is the biggest resource ever .. rivalling being physically Healthy. I always thought HEALTH was the biggest gold, but now I wonder if NURTURING support gets you further? If I am raised to think I am awesome then I am self confident. If I live in a stable relatively loving family the support and love makes me feel DESERVING! Would Self Confidence and feeling deserving not be huge VALUE in our life "pot of gold"?
SERIOUSLY! It brings us whatever we want! There was that "secret" book, when the Law of Attraction was in fashion. You know "manifest" ? I could never get into that mindfulness and meditation .. although I KNEW it was awesome. Maybe some of us feel more comfortable with scientific vs (?spiritual). Isn't that what Einstein's everything is energy really was .. or certainly today's Quantum Physics? regardless .. please answer me .. why do JERK people (who focus on SELF) seem to get all the success?
God does not hate us or forget us .. we just have to remember HE thinks we are great and deserving. If we had no one in our life to make us feel valued and needed, he would not have made us had there not been a special skill we can add to the world. We need to find our talent and share it. Feeling deserving and focusing on US helping the world I bet will bring good to US also.
this is MAJOR important and HOPEFUL!! A "Science" of hope
Dr Joe Dispenza! Go to his work and books, one is "YOU are the placebo"!
Sat. Mar 25, 2023, 10:00 am
If I use Bryant park web cam can I even TRANSPORT myself to MY thin place? (where heaven is closer to earth) like in ?star wars? "beam me up scottie")
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Statista says only 1 of 3 .. are AVID fans. So there are 2 of US for them!
research with 3200 24% NOT42% casual fan, but 33% considered self AVID fans. My theory is we 24% will never convert the sports monsters, but 42% casual fans COULD be converted to a WIN WIN new SYSTEM!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sun. April 2, 2023, 3:00 pm
everything is a SCAM, religion, health CARE, Education, the Economy, then green nonsense .. the mission of everything, is to further THEIR agaenda .. never ours. Grow up! Ben Franklin and Alexander Hamilton who carefully created a system of government are turning in their graves. Government "by the people ..FOR THE PEOPLE" is long gone. Government works only FOR the Corporations that run us. Building quality of life for "WE THE PEOPLE" no longer exists. Productivity, profit and POWER" are all that matters. Soon the robots and A I will take away our LAST VALUE remaining.
Come on .. do you not seriously look at what goes on and say .. what? and this is supposed to be highest level ?mammal? Seems wolves left alone in their packs manage better.
What's a product or service you'd like to show.
It is time to be an ADULT, look at what is happening, and say "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore" (I better watch the movie). But not taking it means stepping out of it! No more MORE, excess and extravagance. Time to SIMPLIFY .. yes, that means SACRIFICE! No working for or buying from companies that are not "FAIR R3 C8" (link) Certified. That means change of lifestyle. WE build a community of sharing and trading that is less glamorous BUT is our last chance to FIX THIS. In a year or 2 they will no longer NEED us. They will have AI and robots no longer needing humans.
We do all the work that creates their profit .. but our supporting them by BUYING, is where their profit comes from! Unless THEY are just ALIENS starving us to death makes no sense. Their profit source is gone, and that is their god. Their brain must also be gone .. maybe WORSE than ours. (.. because they were Left brain to begin with!)
How many university grads do you know that "work" for uber?
How many university grads do you know that "work" for uber?
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY