Sat. April 22, 2023, 10:00 am.
.. are all the same!! But remember SPECTRUM, a balance scale some are moderate in both dualities.
Sat. April 15, 2023, 2:00 pm
We try to understand things while Left brains take the easy way! God? bad? solved! ACTION .. no cause consequence thinkng or CARING. Just me first screw you. *but too often just STRESSED selfish and therefore SHALLOW. For us right brain THINKERS life is hard always questioning and being curious. It is a HELL of a lot more work than left brain ACTION bandaids.
AND .. they NEVER listen to us! We plod along like turtles THINKNG about past problems future consequences while they whisk off in shallow success. No wonder we become addicts!
Did anybody listen to Rachel Carlson? Now it is TOO LATE .. good luck idiots .. but why do WE have to die right there along with your greed.
Tues. April 18, 2023, 7:00 pm
If our rants feel like combat to them we should tone down! That is our responsibility! To be kind and fair and sensitive to others is to be human! Guess I get mad and RESENTFUL, because no one ever UNDERSTOOD or cared about our way of seeing and handling the world. Now that the whole conflict is understood and tables turned we are supposed to be kind and understanding ofTHEIR discomfort and INABILITY? They surely were NOT kind caring OR understanding to us. It is really hard for us to just ACT without zig zagging like the fish. They just said "Get over it and get the job done". "Just get on with it, enough with the excuses" .. which of course are actually REASONS!! .. ways to understand past causes and future consequences of their simple solutions. Nobody listened and now we are paying with the collapse THEY CAUSED! WE could have prevented this had they listened to our worries! But we were just considered unpleasant negative anti social trouble seekers. We "mentally" ill were just unwilling to accept our own FAILURE. Am I right? No, we did not WANT to be losers we just thought more carefully with WIDER vision. But Left brains are MY-opic (me/mine, here, now) which of course if FAST and wins. Success is theirs but their systems are built on SHALLOW "SUCCESS", about to IMPLODE.
Anyway let's try to be more calm dealing with the warriors in our life. They twist everything back on us, because like a myopic near sighted lawyer, they simply want to prove guilt in the OTHER.
WE are not making it up or weak or whiny!! YES! Your god damn screaming (kid) monster is TORTURE for me. I am not being CONTROLLING or evil. YOU are traumatizing me with your kids daily constant 30 minutes screaming sessions all day long every day. YOU are not human and if all the kids have autism we need an autism CARE system, like the asylums. Oh! That was ok for us (epileptics) but not you for today's far more self absorbed toward evil non souls?
introvert .. lack of care for SELF .. tiny buddha
Wed. May 10, 2023, 9:30 am.
ALSO .. makes us SENSITIVE to everything, catastrophic etc .. looks like we think about US .. but we just worry we HURT someone not MEANING to. To SHALLOW attacking Left brain warriors normally ATTACKING, they INTERPRET thoughtfulness as ego and narcism!!!
Horrible! And that TWISTING is now MAINSTREAM!!
SO MEAN! from what shocks teachers buzz feed (see date above)
11. "A fifth-grader and I were setting up our instruments for her music lesson when I mentioned my pet passed away. Without hesitation, she said, 'Did it kill itself because it didn’t want to be your pet?' "
OK on first thought I was HORRIFIED. How much have these young children LOST their humanity thru IRRESPONSIBLE "specialness" parenting?? Little kids are KIND and giving. Yes, their honesty can be hurtful but this is TWISTY .. this is something WRONG. A NORMAL kid of 11 would have empathy that your pet died!! This mind is DEVOID of that bent only on SUGGESTING the teacher is horrible. WOW, they surely learn EMOTIONAL ABUSE young. Sorry miss trump (bitch) 5 million, EMOTIONAL TWSITING abuse is so much worse than PHYSICAL loss of control. She probably twisted the guilt of DING NOTHING into blame the man and now (20) years later is still DEMONIZING .. taking NO RESPONSIBILITY herself whatsoever. (hah add about the garage door gym bitch. If the door smashed HER car she would be SUING the eaton centre for a million in psychological harm. OMG people are TWISTED!! Left brains are TWISTED to SIMPLFY . blame and bandaid and take NO responsibility!!
Sun April 30, 2023, 9:00 pm
How can you possibily not believe in god? Religion? NO! Religions are also scams, conspiracies to keep us in line. The original DIVERSITY scam. If we go to war with each other the power guys merrily have no one questioning THEM. Just keep us busy fighting EACH Other. In our group there is no religion, no commandments EXCEPT ONE. Be DECENT, just be a fair THINKNG human! Consider other's well being before you selfishly do whatever YOU want. In our community we move from "ME!" a society absorbed with the SELF to "YOUme" and "weUS".
But if the CEO developer of this horrid nursing home here, could not even do a proper job of THAT, how the hell can any one think there was no (god) CEO managing the creation of the fabulous EARTH?? .. or at least it WAS amazing until we got so arrogant with our toxic "progress" the last 100 years. To me god is the guy who plabnned and constructed our amazing UNIVERSE. You can not seriously think that just happened all by itself!
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broad minded not MYOPIC. FAIR is in the big picture. People steal and kill becaseu they are sad angry feeling the world is not for them. "Bad guys" are not born .. they are created!
Mon. Mar 27, 2023, 11:00 am.
we often simplify and just file away the crackle outside onion shell, instead of DELVING into details! The layers will take us down to the HEART of the onion ..the TRUTH .. or closer to it
Sometimes we just don't have time, we don't have the luxury to sit around thinking! pay rent vs RETIREE!
Ruta .. home for summer, own language own culture only .. making me hate immigrants. I feel starter unwanted in own country .. no respect.
BY LISTENING and LEARNING I realize NOT personal .. excite to see someone same background .. not meaning to be RUDE. (she does do too much and has been here LONG) however TRUE .. if I saw someone who "spoke NYC" I would forget everybody and everything around me, greater good hell no MYOPIC NYC "presence" focus.. Now I just have to change my HABITUAL " got my back up" ANGER
Mon. Mar 27, 2023, 11:00 am.
perfect example how a FACT .. sort of sounds ridiculous. seems to me Kim thinks only of eyelash curling or selfies. see Cbs sun morn (NYC ?DA ... stopping stolen antiquities) YET IN A WAY .. she did! Like I always thought .. the TRUTH is GRAY! SELDOM black and white.
Wed. Feb 15, 2023. 8:30 am.
text sent with it to daughter
"tamara is snotty Ralph and I am not as smart as Georgio!!" I thought HILARIOUS yet several no responses.
"Perseverance" is a con! It is insanity to continue to try to be HEARD by a Left brain action mind.! Instead of hating on, I must REMEMBER their brain is DISABLED! No Right hemisphere means a person is UNABLE to think a little more deeply to try to UNDERSTAND the other.
What was Tamara response finally??? it is Perfect! NEVER yet admitting she refuses to listen and HEAR anything I say. This feels SO VERY disrespectful and demeaning.
finally a response after several no response. “Stop sending us ads. We get enough. “
I had ranted how this pet ad was so funny becaseu it exhibits T and My relationship perfectly. Still not even the (30 second view) respect to SEE my comparison. Left brains are bullies and masters at selling. In this case the sale is convincing me I am nothing. Yet I think they do not even UNDERSTAND how hurtful this belittling of ideas is.
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