Tues April 18, Dominion / Fox DISBELIEF even $787 million, proves Right brain wiring is missing.
Mon. April 17, 2023, 3:00 pm
My decades of Research and Design, to build a TOTAL Health SYSTEM, is very similar to your Research mission. We have lost our Health, through our toxic "progress", but now are even losing our very HUMANITY. I have designed a new TRADE COMMUNITY COOP creating better quality of life for all its members. With our similar goals, Bridgepoint has an OPPORTUNITY to utilize my Research and design. My decades of time/ $ invested can be of great value to you.
I have used my Home Economics teaching background to design a SELF Sufficient community. We share HUMAN Intelligence, talents and skills and use the BLOCKCHAIN as a "Life Ledger" Trading system. Functional Medicine coaching, and Human Intelligence Analyst are some of the new careers involved, as well as a new ART TV network in our final SYSTEM network.
Home Economics involves Personal Responsibility and good RESOURCE Management within a family. Our Failing SOCIETY is our bigger FAMILY. Basing our Life SYSTEM on the work of Neuroscientist, Dr Iain McGilchrist, we see why we have begun to lose our very HUMANITY. Using his work researching the DIVIDED Brain, we can create ways to reduce conflict with MORE compromise and COLLABORATION. The STRESS and overwhelm of our toxic "progress" will never let us experience TOTAL Societal Health. The "Reverse World" System SIMPLIFIES, (more like back to RE PIONEERING), removing the unnecessary overload of ever "MORE".
My Research and SOLUTION DESIGN has created a framework for TOTAL Societal Health or base "Quality of Life for all". It is a formula for a type of UB I (which will never happened if expecting government "to tax the rich"). Government and corporations no longer function for the Common Good. By using a "FAIR R3 C6" Certification (B Corp on STEROIDS) with our Sponsors who did remain HUMAN, we can build an actual CO-OP template to be duplicated.
"REVERSE WORLD", is a revised capitalism and "democracy" community that moves only digital members, to local "Church" Library, Cafe, General store spaces. By connecting all the wonderful helping people like Food Banks etc., we can give a FISHING ROD (new career) instead of a fish. People can feel VALUED and respected again. Our gated community members share skills and TRADE RESOURCES FAIRLY in a new Blockchain Life Ledger system. Our Partner Corporations are "still human companies" willing to try a new BETTER SYSTEM, before our old silos collapse.
The collapse of all our systems is imminent. But .. if Right brain "Thinkers" work TOGETHER, we still may have time to save ourselves. Based on the ECONOMIC SYSTEMS of a home, plus McGilchrist's work, I have created the "THEORY OF EVERYTHING .. HUMAN". Think Maslow for our modern Digital Dystopia. Left brain ACTION is fast and easy. (Far simpler to seize power when only "me/ mine, here, and now" matters). But those BANDAID solutions are all collapsing.
We are already going extinct from inside. A HUMAN is his brain, not his body. A "being" with no FULLY functioning brain is just a zombie. Thoughtless, uncaring, "beings" do NOT count as human. Our Right Hemisphere holds our mind and "heart", our LEFT ACTS hopefully AFTER contemplation. But a "Virus of Greed" has destroyed much of our brain wiring. Only a balanced brain creates REAL success. But ..TOGETHER we could still SHARE our opposite Brain Resource.
This collapse of our HUMANITY needs our URGENT attention. A I and Robots will soon take our jobs. We will have NO power left over "the man" whatsoever. Now, we can still SACRIFICE and not buy from, or work for .. Companies not wanting to be FAIR or human. Once they give away our job to A I, we will have no money and sacrifice will not BE a choice. Better to do it NOW and at least feel EMPOWERED.
Please partner with me quickly, since bankruptcy is looming. Next week I must approach many other organizations, unless we have met for discussion. MY life time investment is of great value to you, and all the organizations and Businesses "for good" who become members.
With quick action, Bridgepoint can be the FOUNDING PARTNER MEMBER. Thank you for your time and ATTENTION. I look forward to meeting the relevant Decision Maker very soon.
Hilary Burke .. Founder ..The "Reverse World" SYSTEM of TOTAL Societal HEALTH ..647-574-0286
Fri. Mar 31, 2023, 7:00 pm
Of course it got no where because Healthy people do not create PROFIT! This is how I saw there really is an EVIl mission going on. I wondered why people drank brown SUGAR water (coke) if they were THIRSTY when I was 9 years old I the 50's! Should have invented bottled water then but poor on a farm and then nobody was an "entrepreneur". I wondered then why there was no teaching about building our body (house) with good durable bricks! Instead even then we went to the Dr. for a pill. WE can know our body if we pay attention! So 50 - 60 years later to FINALLY have Health CARE suggest ideas that build the body well, vs taking medication was so exciting. 10 years later .. nothing came of certifying DR's in Fnctional Medicine. Find yourself one. In all of TO. last I looked there were2 or 3. What sad proof nothing is FOR us .. only FOR their profit and power.
Was reminded of them tonight, because they have a hopeful cure for loss of smell and taste (after covid). Can you imagine if you could no longer smell baking or taste steak .. or your morning coffee. We sure take smell and taste for granted eh? since life is hell .. yes! we must practice being more GRATEFUL .. for seeing, hearing, SMELLING, and TASTING or even being able to walk, or FEEL when we touch things. Yes! we do NOT appreciate things until lost. Smarten up .. us! 😡 .. 🥳
We use the Blockchain in TRUE inventive ways and the internet as it should have been used .. as TOOL not life itself. EMF destruction is interesting not spoken of. Was the pandemic to throw us off worrying about 5G's further detrimental effect?
mental health CON .. emotional health now
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