FRIDAY .. April 28, 2023, 10:00 AM hah! Re edit .. to DUALISM!!!!
IT SAYS HUMANISM EVOLVES WITH SOCIETAL CHANGE .. we ADD a NO CAPITAL god .. the CEO (Daniels can not even do Regent park right! god developed the UNIVERSE! best CEO ever and KIND. plus Law of attraction MAGIC MAGNET that allows left brains to take over the power. God does not hate us quiet thinkers!
Sun. May 14, 2023, 9:00 am.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
it is burning my lips and HAND!! who complained it was lukewarm?? PLUS .. so ht destroys coffee flavour even after 10 min on a burner!!
If your brain does not register things a LOT like us right brains .. you are already lucky! YOU HAVE A POT OF GOLD!! So yes the world is arranged for us sensitive RIGHT Brain thinkers!!
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Fri. April 21, 2023, 5:30 pm
With that lack of responsibility we have now lost ALL our freedom. When they say be sure to vote it os a JOKE. No politician are about we the people anymore. They all partner only with big business and we lose. WE were asleep for too long. Now it will take great sacrifice to regain our control! We have taken NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY allowing those in power to make all the decisions. A few of us protesting makes no difference. The only way now for us to take back control is MANY of us getting self discipline to actually SACRIFICE the easy and convenient we got accustomed to. With it .. we lost ALL our power.
OMG Tues. May 9, 2023, 8:00 pm.
What a JOKE!! "freedom? our old premier is putting HOMELESS people into our expensive semi retired ACTIVE senior place gone NURSING HOME! What a joke! They are free to do what they want and we just have to TAKE IT! He profits by stealing ur tax money!!
Democracy and voting .. unbelievable SCAM! Must be 20 choices for mayor and we vote in 6 weeks. they say "VOTE it is your right". What nonsense. I have no clue who these people are .. and no time to study all of them. I will NOT be voting because it is all a JOKE. Make people work double shifts I order to pay rent and then we just vote for whoever they promote. yes, you can buy ANYTHING. So "DO NOT VOTE!"! Why would we vote when we have no Clie what we are doing?
MAYOR SOLUTION .. My SYSTEM would have all these "do nothing but complain Retirees" doing our research (live in OUR community and "you CONTRIBUTE or GET OUT!". They would analyze and investigate the Mayor hopefuls and chose the 6 best with our FAIR objective in mind. Now we can take time to investigate 6!, chose and the pay back from the 6 is they all work TOGETHER no matter who wins. Toronto is going DOWN. Nothing works everything is in decline. We need all the help we can get!
With that agenda goes our future plush solution is never more than an easy bandaid. Real SOLUTIONS are hard! Opposing ideas must be discussed CIVILLY. Can we get back our civility and discuss different perspectives to come up with FAIR HUMAN solutions to replace our failing bandaids. All the WOUNDS are festering under the bandaids and the weapons that caused them are still being used. Can we quickly get enough SELD disciple to be personally RESPONSIBLE for our society? Manners went long ago, then our civility. Unless we work FAST our humanity is being extinct from inside our brains. Thoughtless, selfish "beings" are just zombies no longer human!
We took whatever crap they gave us (there are no longer REAL jobs, half part time and some are contract. We slept thru these changes. And now wallowed them to take WOKE and use it against us. Of course if us phone faced sheep ants do WAKE UP .. they are in big trouble! Let's do it! but we need to work together with discipline NOW. Zucati park and OCCUPY (link) was 10 years ago! It has gotten so much worse and we did NOTHING.
BUT .. we can not change every little thing like changes method .. we need a HUGE goal that applies to everything and everybody. Reverse world is kind of B Corp or Social Enterprise on steroids. Unless big companies certify FAIR R 3 C8 we isolate from them. No working for .. no buying will brig them to their knees. Can you do it? If you do not sacrifice now .. you will be forced t o when there is no job no$ for food becaseu A I took your job.
managed 10 now manages 2 or 3 people!! plus COMPUTER SCREENS. OMG!! I just had goose bumps all over not 3 hors ago. We discussed how people are BRAIN DEAD. When I rant I want a REAL person, that their job will be gone .. they generally hVW LISTENED TO THE TWISTED PROPOGANDA " OH no .. more of us are working to keep shelves full. Wow just wow are we STUPID? or just insane?
Tues. May, 9, 2023, 6:00 pm. even if addicted OR having a DISABLED mind.
kindness taken advantage of! (not sure if "quora" can be linked .. Linda Hill administrator, homeless result) I guess our members must think like me! "If I am bugging people and can contribute nothing I am gone .. even gone from earth. We have wars for unknown reasons .. this is now self preservation, self defense. If you are a decent person and have tried to help someone in every way and they can NOT be helped, we may have to eat them (there may be no food?) Seriously, we may have drastic times coming.
If we had money ie rich paid their fFAIR share we could have gotten back the "say;um" to try to help people be RESPONSIBLE. If they are MIND disabled they can not torture our lives. We ourselves will be struggling. Middle class hopes are long gone. The mess made by the selfish SIO systems has begun to extinct our humanity. Beings will have to be detained and still HUMANS will have to work hard!
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
because Dualism means HEAR THE OTHER SIDE! instead of just good vs evil!!
Sun. April 16, 2023, 6:00 pm
So my grown kids say anyway. The dictator of "be decent, just be fair .. just be a caring thoughtful human or GET OUT!" If you do not like that ONE RULE This is NOT the community for you. I get to say (at least in the FAIR membership and CERTIFICATION) what the rules are .. really just others come BEFORE our own selfish wants, or at least consider if our behaviour will affect someone negatively. But I get to RULE becaseu I have wondered and studied the 3 questions for my entire life. Now that I found the answers I expect you would listen. Yes, you could have done this in 5 years .. not 6 decades ( forgive my slow 🐢 ..back and forth 🐟) you could have done it faster BUTYOU DIDN"T! So shut up and get on with the actual building of the the solution from the architectural plan, or formula , or RECIPE a la Home Ec.. that I designed or invented. It is your turn now.
Mon. Mar 20, 2023, 2:10 pm.
Let's separate .. create our OWN community .. where we deal ONLY with Partners who also want to build a FAIR WORLD. There must be a few corporations or cities that ACTUALLY still want to behave in THOUGHTFUL, considerate and caring .. HUMAN ways.
Sun. April 16, 2023, 12:00 noon
HAH!! I KNEW IT! I was so enraged when they cancelled my Home Economics in the curriculum. I said, "sorry guys but my class is the most IMPORTANT OF ALL and they are cancelling it??" I always feel arrogant and judged for that BUT IT WAS TRUE! Home economics taught RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, taught how to run a family efficiently and with less stress. Of course they cancelled it!! I was a stupid teacher with awesome INTUITION but had no clue about the greed and actual EVIL of capitalism gone wild. Our lives have been planned and CONTROLLED since the END of that brief GOOD post war period. In a way I feel the luckiest generation of all (me? NOT an evil selfish BOOMER)!
I experienced EVERYTHING! From remaining Victorian morals (NO divorce), the effects of war time care for resources, VALUE and respect for the home and family as the BASE of society, respect for mom's and homemakers (this destruction was a KILLER of humanity, in the STRESS and division it has produced) to hippies, rock and the "freedom" we actually THREW AWAY. The late 70's was the beginning of the end of the middle class. My kids saw the first MARIO game and how their life is total OPPOSITE to what we expected! No middle class Nantucket holiday for them!
From my first TV dinner in the 60's and McDonalds in the 70's, in 50 years we managed to destroy our society with our unnatural, unnecessary "progress". Now we live with the numerous types of toxins of MINDLESS dystopian digital "invention". We may already be too late to stop the VIRUS of greed we created. I spent decades worrying and DESIGNING. Please use my work or my investment is for nothing! I have taken my Home Economics background and turned it into a spider web of connected expertise and INTELLIGENCE. I have simply taken managing RESOURCES for the home and family, and expand it for the larger community and greater good. HUMANS share and TRADE resources. We now have the luxury of using the BLOCKCHAIN to create LIFE LEDGERS, 3 bank accounts thatvaffect all of us. Our new ECONOMY has everyone deposit in our ledgers but also WITHDRAW basic decent QUALITY OF LIFE. No one will give us U B I when the robots come for us. We can be ready with our OWN better more simple system. It will take sacrifice and hard work .. BUT .. far better than waiting until there is no income at all .. for shelter or food. It amazes me that people do not SEE they starve will without the job A I took.
Can we OPEN our mind for a CHANGE? ..
.. can we actually use BLOCKCHAIN in a NEW creative! inventive VISIONARY way?
Why is everybody simply inventing new MONEY? Why not thought out the whole idea of ONLY valuing money and time? THAT is what got us in this mess! There are far more important things in life than money and time. WE made it the most important. We arrogant white guys came along calling natives PRIMITIVE and overran everything with "invention" of new ways to increase money and time.
IN our selfish MYOPIC view, we DESTROYED every other resource or ASSET of value. We worship only MORE, money and time to get more EXTREME EXCESS! I would trade our god for the culture we felt PRIMITIVE any day! The values of Native (7G) .. Respect, Truth, Honesty, Wisdom, Bravery, Humility and Love create a culture of happiness because it RESPECTS earth and others!
What if we track ourselves in THOSE values .. and when someone increases the value of our "stock" market we celebrate them.
Tell story of Siri asking re setting 7 min timer (for my nap!!) .. what the hell?????
Instead .. We could do our OWN tracking .. track each other DOING GOOD! That is how we INCREASE the value of our trading. We trade a new "STOCK" (human value) and every day we EACH work at increasing the value of our EXCHANGE. The traditional stock market is now nothing but a joke .. a casino .. that we little people end up paying for to bail out.
eg tracking .. my pushing cross button but impatiently sneaking across before. how mean .. making those people stop driving for no reason .. NO! think thru the ENERGY ledger!!
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Fri. Feb 17, 2023. 3:00 pm
But one simple COMMANDMENT, be fair and decent is VERY HARD WORK! "FAIR" takes time and "LISTENING, Learning" ENERGY, something we have NO patience for. We just want quick blog answers so can can blame and bandaid. The ONLY way to have a CIVIL Human society, is to LISTEN, Hear with an OPEN mind, reconsider, investigate analyze and THEN the hard part .. Compromise and collaboration! Instead we just blame and bandaid. These last few years ever worse in that behaviour are doing TREMENDOUS damage to our humanity.
Business has been blaming "productivity" for every cut to human behaviour is accepted. Hah! Not just profit but productivity was the BLAME so we could bandaid a solution .. cut staff, make then work harder and cut QUALITY. And we wonder why every "system " is falling apart. We have to reverse EVERY SINGLE thing we do and how we behave. Maybe that is easiest explained by TAKE SOME DAMNED RESPONSIBILITY FOR W SOCIETY and our humanity actually works! It certainly is NOT quality of life! We certainly have NO total societal Health. Our physical Health is collapsing but now our emotional health is even more URGENTLY needing assistance. Certainly our economy only works for the wealthy and powerful.
The ONLY solution is to quit working for or buying from those who refuse to be FAIR to people, planet AND society's wellbeing. Unless we do this SACRIFICE now we have lost ANY opportunity ever. Humanity will continue its decline into zombie EXTINCTION. Robots and A I are coming for your job. How do you expect to eat and pay rent. A I and driverless cars are very close to your job being gone. it is idiotic and BRAINLESS to think the 2 jobs to. create and maintain A I will replace the 50 it destroys. really start using your brain. If we can not .. we are already zombies .. extinct humanity walking around beings. We are our brain. Our brain is our mind and our "heart" (soul, spirit). Our humanity DEPENDS on our brain. But sugar, stress and selfish focus are toxins that have depleted our brain wiring. We physically have lost our mind but of course this works very nicely for those few in POWER. Is it too late to take away their power? There are so many more of us! Together we could build a better FAIR quality of life for all SYSTEM. But if no one is willing to sacrifice .. good bye humans sadly faster than climate change will do us in. Civil war L against more R brain people demonization will kill us first.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY