Thurs. April 27, 2023, 5:00 pm
If we are too lazy to take responsibility don't cry once your freedom is gone. We were asleep at the switch but our irresponsibility leaves a disaster for young people. NOT FAIR. So it is time for EVERY one of us to take PERSONAL responsibility to force change. Protests and even strikes are too late. Unless we build a TOTAL "strike" as in ALL of us together make some REAL demands. By sharing our HUMAN Intelligence we will create a FAIR certification SYSTEM. (pay workers decent, pay FAIR tax, don't pollute and STILL be philanthropic .. not the joke "RACES for a cure" where workers actually raise the funds! We are so scammed .. we paid NO ATTENTION!
We will ask our employer if he would join us to build this "FAIR" Certified System. WE will keep asking but after x time or efforts, their Corporate name will be published and we ALL will quit buying from and working for these people who just USE their workers. We all quit working there TOGETHER a mass strike. They HAD a choice! We work hard for them but struggle to eat while the CEO gets many hundreds of x our salary. (Some CEO's make 600x what you do! How is that even human?) You can barely pay rent and are sick with stress, but they get 600X your pay. Nope not human, and eventually we will have to have civil war. Why is it ok to kill a stranger from another land because the (president) declared WAR? Let's declare WAR on NOT HUMAN. Oh, But if we decide someone is not HUMAN therefore a great enemy .. now it is MURDER. How is that FAIR? There are so many Vets with PTSD because they realize they were killing other people also just trying to raise their family and live! Told you! We have lived ASLEEP in a total BACKWARD world of scam cons.
Let's take back responsibility for our lives and STAND UP for FAIR .. SACRIFICE together.
Saw her buy a magazine and wanted to alert her to Functional Medicine and how processed food inflames all our body function. Nope .. no interest in Listening or LEARNING new ideas. A perfect example of Left brain Myopic (simple NEAR SIGHTED behaviour. She preferred to look at me with disdain .. she knows everything and it is in the GENES. Sure stupid woman .. BUT! our BAD genes get INFLAMMED with sugar and the gluten of processed food.
Why would there now be 1 of 37 kids are autistic? Has she no CURIOUSITY whatsoever WHY that would be? I'm old, mu kids never in their life behaved like the monster kids. believe me they are screaming MONSTERS. But it is their PARENTS who are responsible. If they quit processed food things would improve but they have no feeling of RESPONSIBILITY whatsoever. I am the problem if I complain. I am the evil one. Becseu they are Left brain they are ENSITIVE to nothing and can not even IMAGINE the torture they create for us quiet Right Brin THINKERS.
Why do you think sugar is in every food? It fries our brain so they keep control .. PLUS they profit with drugs just like drug dealers! Boy were we scammed. But personal RESPONSIBILITY means SHARING the resource of our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. Listening and Learning ill ALWAYS beat our new god of A I. We are really becoming too stupid to live. A I will destroy the need for us. How do we eat then? Our Reverse world will SHARE and trade Human INTELLIGENVE that has for more VALUE than artificial!
PS also met a dad .. he was so horrid I wanted to murder him .. I should just move. Sorry not human. We have to invent a PESTICIDE for those not human .. they are a virus EPIDEMIC!! Behave, start thinking, be decent or BE DEAD!
Some neuroscientists feel we can FORCE our brain to word better. I know when I DO discipline myself to accomplish something it becomes easier to keep the discipline going.
Some of my family think my "disability" is a con job. If Only! Do you not think if we less accomplished LOSERS could, we surely WOULD just get our act together? For us too thinkng Right brain OCD, ADD etc., it was very hard to hurry up and just "GET ER DONE!". So many "but's", so much evaluating, and deciding. To "Just do it!" without so much research and analysis would be SOOOO much EASIER. But .. next to impossible for us THINKERS. So .. if I am now researching the possibility that we can CONTROL our brain .. more than we knew .. now THEY have to do what they have disdained us for all these decades of stigma. Start THINKNG or you are just a loser like you have called us, while we were the GENIUS. (remember Left brain is "ACTION smart", Right brain is "Think it Thru smart".)
WE will work on Disciplining our brain to decide and ACT faster. But then we can expect THEM to not be given a free pass. THEY were never empathetic to us they called "mentally" ill. meantime we were just the brilliant guys they wanted to ignore because their brain is too SIMPLE. Who is the ACTUAL idiot now? We must try to be empathetic to their DISABILITY. Meantime let's see if we can FORCE our brains the way we want. I can ignore heat if it is summer and I have no air conditioning. I can ignore thinkng I will fall backward on many flights of stairs focused on an important idea. So why can I not similarly .. say .. focus on the possibility we are NOT gone too stupid to live. have you noticed sometimes you miss say feeling cold on an icy day becaseu you were FOCUSED on something else? Let's organize that idea so it becomes a resource or TOOL for us. It would be a great help to keep our spirits up during TROUBLING times. We need to try to be OBLIVIOUS like those left brains.
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Thee are general places where people just feel calmmand happy but some of us can feel them even amidst areas we do NOT like. I do NOT like Toronto but some areas I feel happier, they like my sprits. Like Greektown .. if I am really down, I go there and the street that feels more like old neighbourhood, where sometimes people even say "hi" or help each other like a broken carry bag .. feels awesome regardless there was a MURDER there. If you are intuitive you can feel energy vibrations. pay more attention to them. Since my believed NYC seems to have tripled in price
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY