Thurs. may 4, 2023. 2:00 pm
Each person must contribute to receive. sorry no dementia-ed old guys allowed. But wise old people are VERY valuable! Wise 30 year olds and those 40, are the LAST to have even SEEN more human, better quality of life. Old timers can introduce the kids to the way life USED to be. Yes it was hard to have no running water or use an outhouse but I think life might have had more value in those days. You worked hard and then you relaxed with family. SUNDAYS were for a BREAK .. church and fun .. NOT same old same old! Night was for sleep to rejuvenate.
x = y, we put in "x" time, "money", resources like space or land for growing food and we get out a decent life sheltered and not hungry. Old people could let us stay in their home in return for helping them. But then we need a phone and a few ($) to meet friends.
A seed can be stored! A plant would have to be eaten or planted and maintained. HMM .. what kind of seed can be stored, eaten or grow more of. OMG a sunflower or pumkin seed .. sunflower can even be SHADE, or beauty while the deeds mature. Oh I am just so creative! Now join me and MANAGE my creativity. ENOUGH DESIGNOING. Time to ACT and build. I am the mennonite who designs the barn and thinks of the best tree for lumber BUT LETS GET BARN RAINSING and that needs Left brain MANAGEMNT INTELLIGENCE. If we share and trade our expertise and talents we are GOLDEN>
How do we value things? We need 200 seeds for internet, books or paper, gifts but we also need 200 "seeds" for maintenance of our shared land and utilities. WE have to determine the vALUE we need for a basic comfortable life, and then what the value of our contribution is. If someone has tons of health knowledge I would contribute a higher value per hour than for me if I am just picking up trash or riding a lawn mower etc. If someone does uNSAFE or torturous work they get MORE. If we just want to quietly be the librarian we get less. YET every task has the value to eat and be sheltered PLUS. This LIFE LEDGER banking system will take a lot of ideas and compromise. Then I will say .. yes .. this is what FAIR looked like to me in my decades investigating our decline.
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Fri. March 17! 2023, 8:30 am
Why do you think we have diversity and all the crap DIVISIONS?? To divide us!! Divided we FALL. Do not fall for this crap . They are making men hate women and old ladies like me hate EVERYBODY .. that I never EVER in a LONG life had animosity for! Just be DECENT. If you get pushy and sacreamy I and probably other THINKERS want nothing to do with you. If you are an immigrant and your country comes FIRST .. sorry but you SHOULD NOT BE HERE! Go fix your country. Most people who could afford to be here today are better off than my kids BORN HERE. If You are an immigrant you should be RESPECTING Canada .. not making me listen to 7 languages LOUD around me TTC. This is CANADA .. we speak English in TO. HOW THE HELLDO WE COME TOGETHER to fix our MANY problems when we divide into pockets of every nationality. You have fallen for such a CON JOB!
If you believe our common HUMANITY is most important, welcome to our community collaborative. If your woman vs man or your country is more important .. there are millions of groups for you .. This is NOT the group for you. If who you sleep with must be public knowledge this is also not for you. You do not need to SCREAM "I am LGBQ" here (or whatever You lost my support when you went so CRAZY, and I had empathy for gays before you were BORN and people never even KNEW what gay was!) There will be no SCREAMING here .. I think it is people who do NOT feel special that scream weather with colours tattoos, earrings hair or whatever they are "LOUD" about. Hopefully other THINKERS like me are also sensitive to all the colour sound etc SENSORY overload .. and just want to build a quieter FAIR for all existence. (are you telling me the DEMONIZATION of men has been FAIR? NO! Women's Lib should have created more HUMANITY .. not demonization. But that is our very HUMAN failing .. taking EVERYTHING TO EXTREME. Extreme will always be hell. I think it is a law of nature? (I am stealing the book title "I guess I do not KNOW that yet"! No doubt an awesome book I just bought .. but that is my ?mantra? I am on like my 9th WEBSITE! I leave them costing me money never seen .. becaseu I think .. no! Now I understand better .. I was wrong in that.
I will always speak meanly of left brains Bec it is so recent that I realize our brains are FRIED. And please remember my ACTION "just Get 'er DONE" brain has always been very scarce. NOW I am so disorganized I can't even celebrate my OWN birthday let alone remember and SEND to others!! So please understand I always MEAN 2 kinds of smart .. think vs act .. we NEED both but in balance would be best. I also mean everything I say as SPECTRUM. there are few R or L brains I guess I should always add "MOSTLY" R or L
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Sun. April 16, 2023, 5:00 pm
NOTHING is for our benefit. So how does ranting about jefrey Epstein or trump or whatever save us? We seriously are SCREWED. I jsut met a man who said I will never make it .. they will shut me down. I have experience in my own life with 2 instances that prove he is right. I just PRAY that before they shut me down you will find and use my work. I am not advocating screaming rebellion, jut quiet REFUSAL to participate in their LIES any more. We will build our own EDUCATION SYSTEM of shared HUMAN intelligence so you need NOT go in debt. Plus it will have new careers for us. So our rebellion or revolution will be to QUIETLY TAKE BACK CONTROL.
But we do not have time to waste on discussing trump or Biden;s son becaseu it would take a lot of time and research to find the TRUTH. How would that truth help us pay our rent and food. Hopefully they will leave us alone, dear god writing this is making me AFRAID (THEY already stopped me once for making far far less of a difference. I might have kept a fe ex offenders from going back to jail. OH NO! Can not stop even that little profit from happening .. destry her, I think it took me a decade from being trapped in the ropes they mentally put on me. I guess the injustice and terror that it is true .. do NOT try to stop their greed for profit js was too much to bear.
But let's try one more time. If I strangely get hit by a car, spread the word because my website will be down. Take the FAIR certification ideas, copy them to your files and run with them if I am taken down. I am not "catastrophizing", people! During my gluten INFLAMATION obsession I accidentally went to a Health practitioner conference (not being ?certified). I got up my nerve and confidence at the lunch table to ask since the new INFLAMMATION KNOWLEDGE would affect Health based on DRUGS do people ever get killed for pushing the REAL HEALTH agenda. They all looked at each other. Just in their New Englan NY area theyknew of many SUSPICIOUS deaths. That was terrifying .. sure enough where did Functional medicine go? NOWHERE .. and I had waited for that my whole life!! Finally facing the reality that how you BUILD your body affects your well being. Our health "CARE" does nothing whatsoece=evr to solve problems. It only PRIFITS off bandaids.
This is making me sick to my stomach, so no time wasted on pedophile power people. (makes total sense, apparently they feel it gives them a fountain of youth, suits their eveil perfectly. but remember I doubt Joe Biden is part of the ruling families. There are only a very few. The rest are just wannabe's but we are counting on SOME still being HUMAN. Without some resources (investment) to get started .. we may as well lay down and die. Spend your time researching who might still be human and will PARTNER WITH US. Not on crap that will get us NOWHERE!
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Feb. 4, 2023. 9:000pm
NOT this guy! .. (altho I have done the SAME .. but opposite!! go away Left brains!!) Not him because To be here you must civilly LISTEN .. HE .. does not!
To be a member you must Civilly LISTEN, HEAR! each other, reconsider and LEARN to always THINK further. FindingTRUTH is really hard, but left brains are too lazy! Why do I always have to listen to LEFT brain bullies, but they are so COSED MINDED they will NEVER hear a word of what they do not like!
by Aaron Robinson on Quora .. I was asking if bullies are Left brain?
"Is this that old concept of the “left brain" being “rigid” & about “control" & the “right brain" being about “creativity" & all of that?
That was just “hippy" narratives about how having “discpline" like a “soldier" should be demonised & how being an irresponsible “free spirit" is something to be “put upon a pedestal”.
Pretty sure that Neuroscience today would lean toward us leaving that hedonistic & ableist paradigm back in the ‘60s. Especially in regards to the need for “routine" amongst many of a Neurodivergent persuasion…"
sad .. he is obviously Left brain, unable to even discuss new finding by an EXPERT (mcGilchrist .. you know one of those obsessed people who sped their lives trying to solve a problem or question? ! That guy is only a WARRIOR brain. Watch out! he will shoot you before "discussing" whether you actually did DO it!
no more quora for me!!
"Why some people say this or that is of no interest to me. I have studied left brain/right brain characteristics and have never seen this idea put forth. If, for some wild reason you are thinking in terms of left brain masculine and right brain feminine, you have wandered out of the ballpark. Both ladies and gentlemen can have unlimited combinations of the left brain / right brain configuration."
Is there any point my doing any more work? are these the kind of people that have turned life into hell? Will they even LET us form a community? .. or just shoot us because we are evil .. I think they call us liberals but I am neither. Everything is messed up by SCREAMERS with NO BRAIN. Zombies have destroyed our society. We Thinkers are too busy trying to evaluate REAL solutions so that meantime those Left brains TAKE OVER EVERYTHING! Easy to take over when. your brain thinks ONLY "me/ mine, here, now". "Me first, screw you" will always win. Can we do it? stay away from their nonsense? Can we sacrifice their "success" and rebuild a new SYSTEM. Most of us are totally devoid of ANY experience of sacrifice because we so long have lived in a "get it NOW, and FAST!" society. Without our success stepping our of the normal .. humanity is almost extinct already. A "Human" is a mind and "heart" that is THOUGHTFUL and caring of OTHERS. Are there still enough of us to gather and build our own quality of life SYSTEM? Please bring your friends and help build our template to replicate everywhere quietly. No DISRUPTION is needed becaseu we same wanting FAIR people only trade and share with EACH OTHER. Want to be a member? Then either THINK or if you can not you must listen and LEARN from OUR THINKNG work!
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