Wed. Mar. 22, 2023, 2:00 pm
Sorry BUT I am really going to yell at you if you are SHALLOW THINKING. If you are here you are a decent person but you must take TIME to think more DEEPLY. Look to the heart of the ONION model. Those greedy skin people destroyed us, but those who just followed their take over .. are RESPONSIBLE too. The web gave us an OPPORTUNITY for Utopia. Instead we went EVEN more evil. UBER is TOTAL evil. THINK about it! Capitalism on STEROIDS. And people do not even notice. So SAD. Wee are too stupid too live.
Where do you think YOU will be in a YEAR or TWO, when EVERYTHING has moved to A I or robots? Robots do not get sick OR strike! Do you not think THEY will replace us? Of course they will, robots require even LESS respect or maintenance than humans. Why do you think THEY were happy to Dehumanize us? Zombies are easy to CONTROL.
So .. seriously instead of the damn fashion idiocy for your dog .. give those $ to the food bank, or the guy you see freezing as you go in your nice place. Seriously! They have destroyed our humanity! No wonder "people" do not even see how ridicuous our behaviour is! If we are stupid we won't KNOW we are stupid. If we are intelligent we KNOW we are stupid!
Don't get me wrong, I am stupider than most. But a GENIUS at THINKING. But get something FINISHED? Multi task or even multi STEP to COMPLETE a task? not on your life. Action smart? NOT me. I can not even EAT the healthy food I just bought at the Market!! here are the ACTION steps of SMART ..
So ACTION SMART is completely missing in my brain cavity. However I now realize my EXPERTISE is designing solutions .. BETTER ways. You people should have listened and EVERYTHING could be better by listening to a complaining perfectionist! THAT is my skin "This is stupid, why is it not this BETTER way?" So why did I get 2 degrees after 13 years of schooling .. yet I knew NOTHING of what I was good at.? I knew NOTHING what my skill I could contribute to the world was? It sure seems from square 1 we are set up to WIN .. for then always LOSE for us. How could everything possiblety work so badly unless it is PURPOSFUL to make us lose in every way? THEY are more EVIL than you ever realized. Sorry but it looks like WAR is the only way. Destruction of the .1% but we probably have been to SLOW to LISTEN to Right brains or think FOR OURSELVES!
After 67 years wondering why people eat garbage to build their body HEALTHY .. forgive me if I think STUPID was never LISTENING to me! If I am the thinker and spend 2 days on what you spend 2 minutes on might it not be wise to LISTEN TO MY INVESTMENT IN FINDING A DEEPER ANSWER??
Maybe oi am just angry at getting no respect for my SMART! The world went on without me .. respecting only FAST action. Never mind consequences or the causes of the problem. Let's just get a BANDAID .. always a SHALLOW solution. us thinker SMART GUYS got no respect or APPRECIATION. In fact worse! .. I think we got termed "MENTALLY ILL"! You never listen to our canary in the coal mine WARNINGS. And now we are suppose to live in the HELL Left ACTION "SMART" world you created? I was angry .. but sorry by now I am ENRAGED. Gone (NAZI?) at the disrespect THINKERS have suffered at the hands of FAST "Just do it" ... "success". Those who disrespected our INTELLIGENCE calling us negative and "Just get over it losers" have destroyed our very HUMANITY!
So seriously .. keep on with your shallow "more" and extreme EXCESS .. but I have NO pity on your demise. You can join us if you want to SACRIFICE the crap of our time, the "progress" and excess. Otherwise when I get my island you are OFF .. sorry .. hope you can swim VERY far. No Longer mob problem. I worked and worked, and tried and tried. I sacrificed my entire life worrying about EVERYTHING. It is now MY turn to say "too bad .. I am looking after me." If there is still time. I really think I am too late to enjoy the good we had, it is crashing very soon becaseu irresponsible people did not want to take t time and energy to THINK a little deeper than using up everything in sight, including the well being of people.
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Sat. Feb 16, 2023. 4:00 pm
Sat. Feb 16, 2023. 4:00 pm
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
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