Wed. April 19, 2023, 8:30 am .. important!! GREAT INTRO??
Is toxic "progress" our CANCER? .. growing incessantly, but quietly for decades. CANCER IS A DISEASE THAT GROWS OUT OF CONTROL. Now we have the ADDED VIRUS of greed, and the POISON of selfishness. The Digital SOCIETY thinks it is Brilliant and ACCOMPLISHED, but is actually EXTINCTING itself. Phone faced sheep ants are only oblivious zombies. A HUMAN has a "heart" and MIND. We give no ATTENTION to others, what caused a problem, or how a solution will affect the future. Such MIND LESS ness is not human. We have lost our soul in trying to be so "inventive" But we have only invented DYSTOPIA.
So we have a cancerous DISEASE, with an added VIRUS creating havoc in our society. Screaming selfishness is EPIDEMIC. All that factors that make up our TOTAL Health are massively collapsing at once. A human without a THINKING mind that has heart, is only a "being" devoid of humanity. We have already begun our extinction. Can we sacrifice "progress" and "ever MORE" to save us?
Sat. Feb 25, 2023, 6:00 pm.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."
eeeih!! But we merrily paid no ATTENTION then nor do we now when things are SOOOO much worse. Do you know MORE people die of Heart disease EVERY year, than die of covid. Plus people who die of covid are not healthy and half died of COMPLICATIONS. You got so scammed .. and called us "conspiracy theorists". I am 76, white, entitled, used to be LIBERAL .. hAH! I am no conspiracy theorist. Just like if you are a jerk and black .. RACE HAS NO FRIGGIN THING TO DO WITH IT. Do NOT be a jerk face! so too if something is true but does not suit THEIR control system .. they will start the crap themselves that I am a conspiracy theorist.
Not long before covid I was enraged to find I had ALWAYS for decades been RIGHT about the fat lie. Heat disease was NEVER caused by fat. The LIE was exposed for like 1 day on the news but other stupid stories you hear over and over .. to subliminally sneak into our brain. I had just looked into Heart disease statistics (my mom died when I was 9 of H D. I lived on a farm so I was always ANGRY they blamed my cows for it! Plus I love cream and steak so I ate more, butter cubes replacing chocolate!) I am 75and very healthy.
So covid came along just as I was enraged over the fat lie. So I watched the covid numbers ANGRY, with Heart disease having been FAR WORSE forever. We shut the world down and detroyed our social skills in case we might catch something worse than a cold. BUT .. it was great for moving us ALL on line. And great for rolling our 5G which will surely kill us soon. OF course terrified of covid who is going to complain about faster internet. You can be sure many would have protested had we not been trapped inside muzzled becaseu no one would listen in their programmed state.
Now we are marketed or sold Propoganda in every corner. Bernal's' words from 1928 above are horrifying now. They have had 95!!!! years to perfect their subliminal command of us. And you wonder why I scream about people not thinkng? I am always thinkng makes life a REAL pain, yet so very often I get conned. If you never waste time thinkng how many cons and scams have been pulled on you? Hopefully you are not too busy conning others so YOU get the profit and power. Nah .. you would not have got this far in my work. Le us share all these tricks with each other so we share our HUMAN Intelligence .. screw information .. we want REAL INTELLIGENCE and wisdom! Information is an overload .. overwhelming crap. Intelligence is words pared down trying to find CLOSER TO THE TRUTH. Yes! every one has their perception causing HUGE problems. You think a gun protects you, I think a gun causes all manner of death and wounding that would not happened if we just were decent to each other. YET being truly human is hard becaseu both sides have merit. It is sad you feel you need protection from bad guys or the government. 1) let's get rid of government .. create our own gated community. 2) if we treat everyone with respect fairly and VALUE them their is no need for a gun .. we will CREATE no BAD guys! Bad guys are created by our injustices and unfairness. Treat everyone with fairness, they contribute and everything BALANCES!
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Our BIGGEST scam .. disease = drug or procedure. NO!! They profit off our discomfort! How about fixing the CAUSE. Everything is always a fast easy bandaid. BUT ALWAYS PROFITING THEM. Those genetic problems you have can be handled with NOT INFLAMING the area of your disease.
Pure White and DEADLY, Dr. John Yudkin 1972!!!!! by Dr Gifford Jones
At first sugar just meant buy more coke. Then they realized it destroys our SELF DISCIPLINE. CREDIT was born!
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Our Extreme of everything shows we too are greedy. We old people had meat potatoes and a vegatabel for supper. Has the ability to have ANY culture delivered made our life better? No! it polluted our water and our AIR. Did you not even think of the TRANSPORT our greedy little lives entail. Yeah most people do NOT think. I wonder of the many I speak to if even 1 of 10 will join in? I don't really know how many we need but at least enough of us in one area so we can TRADE or skills and share our resources. would that work with 100 or do we need 400? And we only have a year or 2 before I think they unleash A I in full .. no more rent or food .. no jobs
Grow up little babies .. whoops forgot the only people here are people like me .. maybe you can yell at people who will not be allowd on our ISLAND of FAIR .. that yoiu would miss. we can BLAME THEM .. the EVIL who run our society but in the end we were asleep and should have TAKEN RESPONSIBILITY. Maybe it is not too late. Maybe we still can save humanity us Thinkers TOGETHER?
Where do we think our mountains of broken or "not good enough for me" stuff goes? We don't even think of landfill, earth as a LIVING being you know MOTHER NATURE??. Have you noticed how mad she is at us? was it 7 inches of rain in 3 hours ? in San Fran .. no FLA! Always said if I was god I would wipe us off the beautiful planet we SO DISRESPECTED.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Health? Education? justice? the economy? any of it work for you? All is a toxic LIE. Who pays the taxes? We do while those with 600X our salary pay none. .. yes really .. wake up .. or better GROW UP! We live in a TOXIC LIE THAT IS KILLING US SO MUCH FASTER THAN COVID EVER!! did.
We never even noticed the goal of EVERYTHING was actually THEIR MORE. Their profit and their power ever growing. Our GREED was for MORE stuff FASTER and EASIER. We never took responsibility and let "daddy" feed us whatever garbage PROPOGANDA "publicity" he wanted. Daddy is the gov and corporations who work TOGETHER for THEIR own "MORE". The goal has not been "WE THE PEOPLE" 's benefit since the ?70's.
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In the early 1900's the ch arch still preached selfishness was evil. Eric Fromm in 1930 suggested HEALTHY selfishness was actually good. So over the decades we went from supposedly total selflessness (just the masses NOT the powerful) and twisted Fromm's GOOD concept into total SELFISHNESS, We do this with EVERYTHING. Women's lib COULD have been good. But twisted extreme where men are bad guys creates young people who do NOT like women. What is the matter with us? Have we forgotten how to THINK??
Fri. Mar. 24, 2023, 9:30 am.
food waste .. 58% of food is wasted?? This is shockingly telling of our LOST Humanity. We are not GOING extinct .. we are jut "beings" too irresponsible for the merit of human. Animals do not do such disrespectful things! Hah maybe animals will take over the power! Dint a dolphin destroy a luxury sailboat recently. I laughed and cheered for the dolphin. OurMIND and heart are already missing. Is that not the very mark of being human, higher consciousness .. thoughfulness and caring? Yes .. I am JUDGEMENTAL .. but maybe think about this FACT before demonizing me and going back to our regular "care less" lives. We have become a society of "me/mine, here, now" zombies, programmed by ever present "marketing" evil and the powerful 1%. Our fault .. we took NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and now it is almost too late unless we get off our lazy rear and ACT together for WE .. instead of the normal .. ME.
Now stress is killing us . we have no time to think. Just surviving a day is half of our problem. Things will only get worse once A I and robots really take e over and that is VERY soon.
Wed. Mar. 29, 2023, 9:00 am. (see Bernay's link)
Evil Tim's!! Once you join me and we start to sacrifice, my first obstacle to surmount will be quitting my beloved coffee. (Unless I see others have interest in TAKING BACK OUR CONTROL .. why bother sacrificing alone? Enjoy my addiction before our collapse into the abyss.) But once I see a willingness to buy in to SAVE OURSELVES, no more Tim's for me. Not sure I will survive .. but I WILL DO IT if we are TOGETHER in this plan to take control.
But I for Tim's (and you) will also go to your (Restaurant Brands) company and ask them if they prefer to get "FAIR Certified" .. or lose us as customers and WORKERS! That means if you work for Tim's, before you find another job call up Head office and give them an OPTION. If tons of Tim's employees were doing that somebody might eventually PAY ATTENTION and look into our FAIR Certification. (Pay employees fairly, pay taxes, don't destroy resources AND still be TRULY PHILANTHROPIC.) Sorry as usual diverging. My brain is IMPOSSIBLE to corral. I will keep trying! Thank you for hanging in there with my flying around brain. 🤪
The heading said LIES. We live in a world of TOTAL lies. Tim's just changed their system of Rewards. They make it SOUND great! As usual if it sounds GOOD for us .. the REALITY is it is ONLY good for them. But they TWIST the words, so it sounds nice and I always get tricked. (SEE! I am positive .. or maybe just NAIVE? .. expecting EVERYBODY to be GOOD like us. You know HUMAN .. thoughtful and caring.) Oh! Tim's being so kind .. EVERY $ will count now! As usual my intuition said this is BAD. A coffee needed 70 saved points now it needs 400!! .. how CAN that be good?? Sure enough! I am always broke end month and a free coffee feels like I have some resources and CONTROL in my life. 😅 Guess how many I get this time around .. 5 free .. I used to get like 5 days of 2 per day! Evil. I think maybe it is to benefit richer people who buy more and more expensive coffee. I buy cheap and little food and the want RICHER customers. another con job .. win lose for us.
You know if this was a little local coffee shop, and they said "so sorry, we are just struggling and have to cut the free down to stay open." I think we would be human and say .. "no prob! good luck, we'll bring friends over." Am I right that it is the TWISTING that gets enraging? and always screwing us LITTLE guys with LESS!
Is it decades of destroying our trust, since nothing is ever "TRUTH" that has turned me into a murderous senior? When everything is a lie it is no fun living anymore. Us thinkers can not just ignore the horror around us. We can not just breathe and do yoga and worry about SELF. That is not our nature. we want things FAIR for everybody. We Right brains EXPECT things to be decent like "humans" were supposed to be.
So let's take back our control of our very HUMANITY! We will not buy from or work for those big companies that are not themselves HUMAN. If THEY do not respect us or our SHARED resources, we take PERSONAL responsibility and SACRIFICE. WE DO NOT BUY from or work for them. But it only works if we do it TOGETHER. Only a Few of us can't make it work. Together we are a FORCE to reckon with! Bring your family and friends willing to take PERSONAL responsibility. SACRIFICE now or just die worse a little later.
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Tues. Mar. 7, 2023, 10:30 am.
Losing these we lost our way. Natives thousands of years! us? progress? sure .. within 200 years destroying everything! not just the environment but RESOURCES, family, community, civility and now our ACTUAL humanity.
Thurs. Mar. 30,2023, 9:30 am.
This video says it all. It is more an understanding of the culture and history of the people whose land we invaded. Why did we not COMBINE pioneer inventiveness ALONG WITH the wisdom of peaceful native CULTURE? Guess we were always arrogant aggressive "white man. (Like, Left brain do not have "heart" to accept this. They must battle whatever affects their "I am great! do not dare make me question that!" mind! Left Brains have no ABILITY to ponder and accept guilt. Much easier to vanquish the enemy. therefor hit also explains ABUSE. wow!! 🤔 .. 🥸
Yes natives had less progress and were "primitive" (see DUALITY, PERFECT example!) but that "primitive" lasted centuries without destruction. We come along and deplete or destroy EVERYTHING, not jut the envirinment but resources INCLUDING our humanity! This video is everything I have been thinkng but in my entitled arrogant white way I focused on the BARN RAINING of pioneers. Let's simplify have a general store and trade and share TOGETHER.
I wanted to research native ways but there was just SO MUCH to try to learn about SOOOO many things. I thought maybe we should focus mennonite or Willian Penn and the Quakers. Then looking at even Hindu etc "religions" in my belief we only need ONE commandment "Always Be fair and DECENT to others FIRST. Self comes second" .. the very opposite of a society obsessed with "me/ mine, here, now". But studying our own land's history is the perfect answer for getting along. The first time I watched "the Accused"(link) it was something about natives and one of them was a rat to his own. They deservedly had the total opportunity to shoot that cheat .. but instead forgave him and even hugged him. I was blown away and immediately wanted to learn more about this amazing culture. Me raised in (western) win LOSE ways was obviously so angry .. murder is now ok in an angry old ladies mind. How are these people so much has been taken from so kind forgiving and peaceful?
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Say something interesting about your business here.
Say something interesting about your business here.
Say something interesting about your business here.
Say something interesting about your business here.
NOT "all we need. is love" SHALLOWNESS .. but the REAL hard act of love! It involves sacrifice and constant forgiveness. Shown clearly DEMONSTRATED in new show "ACCUSED" FOX series .. sorry hard to find. Navaho friends .. try to shut down a Uranium mine. The forgiveness of the TRAITOR at the end, is mind blowing. Made me pay ATTENTION and really think of LEARNING more about NATIVE culture.
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Do you not see the utter stupidity or DISABLED BRAIN, in being vegan with an electric car .. as we use 1000x more energy with our phones and "cloud" warehouses of selfies????
People are not NICE anymore. OR .. Am I just paying attention to all the SCREAMERS and those knocking me off the sidewalk because THEY feel more SPECIAL and deserving? Are we quiet church mice just forgotten but WE ARE THE MASSES .. "WE the people" .. not those loud selfish shallow zombies.
Is complete stupidity still human? Certainly an ALIEN is not human. I suggest pure evil, caring for no one but self .. in fact willing to destroy other's health and life joy, solely for their own profit and power .. is more evil than some murderers! So some of our power structure have then LOST THEIR HUMANITY.
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Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Some of us have been yelling at our loss of human CIVILITY for years. Sadly in a society were everything goes FASTER every week .. we now have to yell about losing our humanity. The "men" in Memphis are just the tip of a western (?christian) consumer capitalist society gone extreme. Each of those words can be "good" .. but if they are hypocritical or EXTREME then only BAD will result. Our society is collapsing becaseu of our insistence on EXTREMES.
It may be too late but our brains are FRIED. They are damaged in such a way that much RIGHT brain wiring is disable. It is the right brain that develops caring thoughtfulness and UNDERSTANDING. Left brains are great at managing and GETING THE JOB DONE. But a left brain person does not contemplate a situation and act AFTER considering both sides of black and white. A Left brain person should NEVER be on a police force. there were 20+ people involved with the 5 "police" charged with murder. NONE showed HUMANITY. Step one in police REFORM. remove the word "FORCE" and ONLY balanced right and left hemisphere or RIGHT brain people are allowed to be COMMUNITY RESOURCE MANAGERS! Every person has value and the police job goes from SIMPLISTIC "catch the bad guy" .. to EVERY person has value. If this person never got the pot of gold of vcconfidence and deservedness we will install it so he can CONTRIBUTE to our community ledger! Not defund the police but TOTALLY change the entire focus. NOT Force or catch the bad guy as in protect but SERVE EVERYONE not just the white or wealthy
me first, screw you creates bad guys
understanding and feeling empathy is a community CONNECTOR
Life is hard! Everything we do must be examined and evaluated for causes, consequences and HOW IT AFFECTS OTHERS. But that requires THINKNG. THinkng is researching investigating analyzing comparing .. CONSIDERING OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS with an OPEN MIND. But we fabulous western humans need it fast and convenient! EASY is our god. AND .. if we create something others want or NEED the god is PROFIT AND POWER.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
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People who have control of their MIND and life are HARD to control. Do you really think those few families now globally in charge of our world want us to have a brain in order to use our mind? That would mean we would CONNECT and complain and STOP what has been happening faster and every faster. We have completely lost control of our lives and capitalism has become evil and democracy a joke. Do you seriously think VOTING gets you anywhere? the system is not meant for us. It is only meant to service THEM. and the stupidity that falls in line below them for better living conditions. We may have lost our chance. When there are no more jobs they will have complete control of us. That ONLY gives us a few years
The neuron's and wiring and chemicals that make up our amygdala and 2 hemisphere have been totally DAMAGED by the toxins of progress. Do you think the multiplication of diseases we have today, autism, diabetes are not from toxic "progress".
Falling for every divide trick is not a very intelligent way to run our lives. Women's lib SHOULD have been a wonderful liberation of MEN too! If they wanted TO RUN THE HOME THEY COULD. But no we only kept those ideas that served THEIR purpose. Breaking up the stability and connection of the family and home .. plus dividing us. A perfect way to keep us millions from ganging up on THEM.
Sat. Feb. 25, 2023, 5:30 pm
Henry Ford 's Innovation Nation .. paper dresses 1967 .. I just said everything started to go to HELL in the 60's. A perfect example of "REAL cool" taken over by a marketing ploy of Scott's paper towels to extreme. And it only went to excess on STEROIDS after that .. ever faster!!
Then I either lose my notes, amidst the 100 more, or I get a new idea. So I will just share all of them with you, and TOGETHER we will come up with the FINAL .. "Theory of Everything" .. with respect to our HUMANITY or LACK OF IT! We surely seem pretty inhuman now. I can not say we act like animals, because that would be an insult to poor animals! How did we turn MONSTER?
How are these behaviours that of HUMAN beings?? Our bodies are still here .. our "being", but our HUMANITY is missing!
Humanity means a higher level of intelligence than animals. Are we not considered the top species? We are currently hearing much about the antgrpocene and the APOCOPLYPSE. I fear it will not be an asteroid will do us in .. BUT WE WILL DO EACHOTHER IN! The next civil war will be us against the demonized opposing idea side. So there will be 10 wars .. men against women, gay against straight, black vs white, abortion vs none, gun against NO! Sounds pretty stupid to me!!
We are still HERE, but something is missing. Our bodies are rolling around like "ant sheep" or zombies. Our minds common sense logic an d reason seem missing.
Mon. April 17, 2023, 8:30 am
A young non threatening kid looking to pick up his brother, but making the mistake of the wrong door. What has happened to our humanity? That people can watch these events happened over and over and say 'who cares I want my gun should WAKE US UP to something being VERY VERY wrong.
kid is alive .. so what! Damaged for life, debt for life, relive FEAR for life .. and watch .. Kansas white bastard will get off. his home THE RIGHT TO HAVE A GUN. God I hope there is a meteor or fire of hell that destroys us. Who the hell wants to live in this worse than animal society anywayI think a wolf would snarl if you came near his home but unless you were threatening hw would not try to KILL you!! Sure we cn say this is ONE incident and I am once again CATASTROPHIZING. (To survive another day I will have to listen to you. Thanks) BUT .. does no one even NOTICE we are not human anymore? Is it only me saw. we lost our manners some 15 or 20 years ago, then we began to lose our CIVILITY. But Now it is even WORSE than not civil behaviour. Now we are EXCUSE for caring THOUGHTFUL humans.
Why is no one paying attention to Dr Iain McGilchrist LEFT Brain work? Those who ACT without thinkng get ahead because they are FASTER than us plodding Right brain THINKERS. We want to UNDERSTAND and only THEN ACT. We used to have BALANCED right and left hemispheres. First we THINK then we act on the CONTEMPLATION. NOPE no more
idiot announcer Gail going on and on what a good kid he was .. who cares .. I don't care if ghe was a bad kid .. how do you get to shoot him. how is that in your brain unless you are an EVIL MONSTER BRAINLESS ZOMBIE! HAH!!! on SECOND THOUGHT .. had I heard Gail say that LATER .. of course it is of INTEREST .. BUT!! when I just learned of this I was yelling who cares .. he should NEVER have been shot.. there should BE no gun in a MODERN society of STRESS
Right Brain THINKERS are quieter and no Left brain listens to our cause nd consequence considerations anymore. Left brains are in charge and LOUD. WE can only HOPE us quiet can get together and David and GOLIATH things. Because the "screaming stupids" sure seem to be our SOCIETY. I guess the media pushes this to depress us so much we kill ourselves! Right brain thinkers have always been TROUBLE for greed filled Left Brains. Bring those along who are just STRESSED selfish and shallow to survive. That is completely understandable with today's UNFAIR overload of STRESS. But they have to be willing to LISTEN, willing to recognize that their brain does not FUNCTION AS IT SHOULD. They can borrow our research and analysis and TOGETHER we wtill can SEPARATE and create a new GATED COMMUNITY. Stay out if you do not want to think about the other guys well being. Stay out if you are "me/mine, here, now" focussed. Everything in life has a BUT .. if you do not want to think about all the BUT's then GO AWAY.
Tons of us wonder about causes of problems and consequences of a planned solution. but those in charge do NOT .. they slap on FAST easy BANDAIDS instead of the HARD work of contemplating ideas and what their result would be. Your CURIOUSITY keeps us guessing slowly coming to researched and evaluated conclusions. But fast minded people in charge just create new problems with their simple solutions. ONLY by listening to us WORRIERS can we build REAL success.
The life we live today slaps a bandaid on EVERYTHING to handle the simple minded BLAME of citizen chidren. NO! wrong word .. we are only citizens when we look around us and behave in a manner that CONSIDERS the well being of all. I am going to believe there still are many of us that put others well being ahead of our own selfish desires.
We do not FEEL like pushing someone unknown off a subway track becauseu we are even so considerate of others we leave the sidewalk free so those in the opposing direction, can have their FAIR share. Selfish, self absorbed, confidence can turn to greed and eventually this is a spectrum to EVIL!
I suggest we only see those who want control and fame .. the SCREAMERS and it is SO very depressing to still human people. Let's get together ourselves, and build a win win community. The others can keep their win lose never ending COMPETITION>
How did the dreams of the Founding Fathers ago so wrong? WE the people has been forgotten at the alter of PROFIT. And as important as profit is POWER. Today with social there are even more desiring POWER. They get it as an INFLUENCER. Why the hell is fame now judged by the number of viewers and freinds? LUDICRUOUS! We truly live on a ludicrous planet ..but more important a western world gone insane but taking everyone with them! NOT fair.
Our aim is to restore or create a first FAIR. We are so sick of UN FAIR we are so enraged we ourselves are committing inhuman acts. You can not create injustice for a life on and on and not expect that human to crumble eventually. Our lives are so overloaded and stressed we can not withstand it. We lose our very humanity.
The toxins of our supposed "progress" have destroyed our brains
Our Humanity is our brain. But not our PHYSICAL brain which was already often UN WELL. Mental illness is a PHYSICAL ailment like lungs or liver and it is LUDICRUOUS that supposedly smart people still (centuries later) STIGMATIZE a defective brain. Unfortunately now we areaway past the stupid stigma of mental illness. There is now something very wromg with way too many of us. Step one in my theory is that our brains have been
Please, please remember throughout this website I refer to left vs right Brain but of course the REALITY is a whole SPECTRUM of right vs left imbalance. A few people are still balanced, but very few. A Balanced brain can THINK and then act on the contemplated ideas. A more left brain acts more quickly. A very right brain thinks to LONG before acting! If we have lost most of our opposite brain why not WORK TOGETHER LIKE WE USED TO?? As an inventor I looked for a partner with business management smarts. Both hemispheres are necessary for REAL success. But unfortunately we have built our world of the last century on LEFT BRAIN ACTION. Even 10 years ago brains were balanced enough to HEAR the other
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
EXTREME is ALWAYS negative! Almost everything has a good and a bad, cn be a tool or turned into a PROBLEM, disease or weapon. Everything needs MODERATION, BALANCE .. instead we live by EXTREME and excess.
Sat. April 15, 2023, 2:00 pm
I live in a microcosm of capitalist greed. And everyone seems to know our old leader Mike Harris is part of it. CHARTWELL. I have hated them for their semi retired gone nursing home scam but now I see how they neglect those they ILLIGALLY brought in! On checking furthe r here is how they TWIST their way our of responsibility ad being SUED. Mosaic. pdf Sorry will try to find how to add their pamphlet ...
Wed. Mar. 29, 2023, 5:00 pm
Profit and the power that comes with it is ALL that matters. Asbestos turned out to be so poisonous, why did we not think just a little further. when we rant organic now .. how cn it be the same toxic air and water serves theORGANIC guy as his corporate farm neighbour. Sory we deserve to be extinct. We have no respect for our planet and TAKE NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for anything.
Do you not wonder why me taking the FIRST consumer Studies class in 1970, and it being stopped soon after? it taught that DOLLAR VOTING is far more important than any POLITICAL voting. We are told to go out and be sure to vote! Sure! because politicians "work" for THEM, not for us. You can affect your life so much more by NOT BUYING STUPID STUFF.That is called DOLLAR VOTING .. shut down in the 70's! Let's grow up a little and be adult. There is a hell of a lot more to FREEDOM than voting once in 2 years. Do not buy into everything figuratively AND literally. This is the basis of my whole plan I guess. We take back control by not working for or buying from evil corporations. We will know they are evil if they will not Certify as "FAIR". You bring on the companies in your area. Together we can take back control, becaseu someone will KNOW someone in charge, and by SHARING our H I ( Human Intel. ) we gain back control with our BETTER fair win/ win system. If willing to SACRIFICE .. Together "REVERSE world" can have us living a far better quality of life. Still DECENT human Corporations will partner with us to build our "island" or gated community. When others see our calm secure but simple life they too will want the same system, instead stress and chaos.
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Friday, Feb. 10, 2023, 2:30 pm.
Becaseu you are FREE to have your own point of view, you can just leave the gas on to let an explosion happened .. BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT .. to your own brainless opinion?? I say brainless becaseu this LUDICRUOUSNESS is today's society! Brainless .. lost their mind! Devoid of reason and common sense because THEY are so fixated on "THE SELF". They say "After all you can only take care of yourself, others must do the same. Do not expect others to behave as you THINK they should, YOU just have to behave responsibly and things will be fine. Why are you struggling to find a job? You did not work hard enough or take responsibility to actually get on with it. Do not ask me for help. you must help yourSELF". This kind of me first screw you attitude has gotten us into this horrible mess. Of course life is so much easier for those in a "me/ mine, here, now focus". Understand I am NOT counting those who are STRESSED shallow and selfish just trying to get their rent paid aAND eat. I am speaking of those who seem to have ALL the "success". But their "success" is fake and all the shallow systems they built are now tumbling down. Everything in our society is built on Left Brain ACTION, with no depth of thinkng whatsoever. THINKNG, contemplating THE COMMON GOOD, a GREATER good that includes others and the future by studying mistakes of the past is what makes a great society. In the beginning America WAS a great society, but industrialization began the greed of an even bigger proportion of the population. The dreamed of middle class eventually became a similar evil to the power structure. There were just more have's .. but the have NOT's did the bulk of the work. What happens when that. work is no longer necessary? Very soon us have not's will not be needed to create the wealth of the powerful. Do you think THEY will feed and clothe us out of the goodness of their heart. If they step over begging people dismissing them as losers .. we will all be the next avoided losers.
PS .. Munch's painting above vandalized. Here is an example of the idiocy of our time,!! The SHALLOW selfish people scurrying BRAINLESS on the planet like ants or roaches, pretending they are ?activists for good?? What in hell's name make you think you have the right to harm HISTORY, something people have feared or loved for 2 centuries! What the HELL is in your brain other than "I AM SPECIAL! NO! not only are you NOT special you are heading to being EVIL! Wake up (link) from your self absorbed sleep. ! You think YOU are doing good gluing yourself to history? No you are brain dead trying to show how important and special you are. But instead of hating on you for your sheer and utter self absorption built on stupidity, I should feel EMPATHY for you becaseu your brain is missing. At least your thinkng RIGHT hemisphere is! ACTION devoid of thinkng results in loss of HUMANITY. WE wonder whether evil people are psychopaths, something WRONG with their brain. well let us ALL wake up to reality, most of our brains are GONE and we are running around devoid of our humanity. A HUMAN is his brain! The BEING part is just our body. Our brain is part of our body that needs to be healthy, but our terrible thoughtless selfish no foresight behaviour for decades has destroyed our brain. We still have enough their rot walk and do .. but those are LEFT brain .. the contemplative RiGHT brain is gone.
When will we notice too many screamers exhibit LUDICROUS behaviour. Maybe Much was psychic? This art terrified me for about 7 decades, until I realized it is us now. Maybe Munch saw into our future brainless behaviour. Seriously? when all our systems are collapsing and we have created a huge mess of the natural earth .. I should let you have your own point of view. How very kind of you to give a damn and take responsibility. Sorry once I am dictator (hah I can't pay my bills and get the cleaning done let alone run a cooperative!) But I do WISH I was skilled and I would put shallow, selfish UN people in an ass-ylum or spaceship to mars becaseu their greed is destroying all of our society and earth. (Pps .. I wanted to say STUPID people, but we are often stupid but sorry for our mistakes. SELFISH toward greed people are NEVER sorry, they think they are god's gift to man. Damn I have to take my rage all back becaseu they are DISABLED, just like I am disabled at MANAGING and getting things done. They are good at that we right brains are NOT. But they need to start LISTENING TO US. Dismissed as mentally ill .. when it felt the OTHER WAY AROUND leaves one vengeful and raging. Please help me calm that down! My 'flock" will minister ME in our Reverse World "church"
Sat. Feb 25, 2023, 8:00 pm
In fact our "Total SOCIETAL Health" has been destroyed through our shallow, thoughtless "inventions". Our new focus on "me/mine, here, now" has been the UN-DOING of our humanity. The word is we will soon go extinct. Is it possible we already have begun the extinction? Are half of us just "beings" roaming around .. without the HUMAN of the human "being"? A human is his BRAIN. If the toxins of "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring, then we have lost the HUMAN of our body! Our brain is our mind and "heart" (our spirit and soul), those parts of our "body", that help us be thoughtful and caring .. HUMAN.
Our Brain is everything that makes us human. That we are finally wondering if maybe we should finally accept "mental" illness is just a disease like any other .. a PHYSICAL non functioning body part! Kind of late to get smart now! Now we have a whole new struggle of health destruction. Our EMOTIONAL health is struggling and our pghysical declines with it. Many many People are TRULY depressed and anxious, you know those words were words before 100 pills were described for this eof us who are THOUGHTFUL and worry! If our right hemisphere THINKING brain DOES still function .. we feel HOPELESS! Only someone whose Right hemisphere is missing is walking around today .. NOT worried and anxious and panicked! The Left hemisphere gets things done, but our used to be BALANCED brain first did some investigating and analyzing.
Today we jump into everything too quickly. No contemplating results of action or pondering causes of the problem are undertaken. Those of us who want to think things through are rudely dismisses as NEGATIVES!! good so we can blame everything on left brains who REFUSED to listen to the slow ponderous THINKERS!
Our Brain is everything that makes us human. That we are finally wondering if maybe we should finally accept "mental" illness is just a disease like any other .. a PHYSICAL non functioning body part! Kind of late to get smart now! Now we have a whole new struggle of health destruction. Our EMOTIONAL health is struggling and our pghysical declines with it. Many many People are TRULY depressed and anxious, you know those words were words before 100 pills were described for this eof us who are THOUGHTFUL and worry! If our right hemisphere THINKING brain DOES still function .. we feel HOPELESS! Only someone whose Right hemisphere is missing is walking around today .. NOT worried and anxious and panicked! The Left hemisphere gets things done, but our used to be BALANCED brain first did some investigating and analyzing.
See Iain McGilchrist left brain simple ACTION
Wanting MORE .. was fine ..
when it was RUNNING WATER!
.. constant heat without waking to add more coal!
.. a PHONE! to speak to farm neighbours in emergency
.. then .. a TV to see the rest of the world and watch the news at 6 all of us TOGETHER!
I actually LIVED through those changes! .. getting our first cheap car that was total amazement for my big brothers who could take out their girlfriends SHARING a vehicle. By the 90's within 25 years there was NO MORE SHARING. Everyone had to have their OWN TV .. their OWN bedroom, their own phone. We used to share the phone line with ALL the neighbours and had to interrupt nicely if it was a bit of an emergency! There was an operator who put you thought o your connection. IT sounds like another lifetime .. and belive me it was .. and wisely that SHARING is what made us HUMAN! Plus we WAITED patiently until we could afford that old car .. no credit back then.
Sure we live more CONVENIENTLY but is it really better quality of life???? I suggest NOT AT ALL. When our economy collapses I would 300% rather be in a tenement in the 30's, than one of our city's today when we can no longer get what we want when we want of the BRAND we want. Chaotic WAR will result. In the 30's we would have been sitting on the tenement fire escape figuring out how we could share and trade our meager rations! Please learn from my past life! Unless we are willing to SACRIFICE and share and trade we are "done" (extinct) very soon. Sounds arrogant! why should some smart more "primitive" society go extinct when it is just western society started the decline? Sadly becaseu our "me/mine, here, now" attitude reached much further than our own borders. Not FAIR .. but seems a sad truth.
Since my family got the joy of NO OUTHOUSE, constant winter warmth, and connecting with others .. we spent the next 65 years ever faster wanting more and then MORE again. I doubt one of these "more's" will ever match the joy we got on a 60's farm, walking a mile to go to the neighbours farm to watch TV. (and I walked 3 miles to school ALONE! no lazy school bus!) Everything we expect must be easy fast and require NO responsibility. WE have doe everything possible to destroy society and our humanity. We have no patience and no discipline and behave like little children where the government is our daddy. Will some of us get together, create a new BETTER SYSTEM for societal HEALTH .. even if we have to forego CONVENIENCE?
ME3, ME ..more excess, ME .. more extreme, plus ME .. "Me first, screw you" special. What a great livable society! ME 3 has destroyed our society. Self absorbed "look after yourself is the saying!" shallow people hav stolen a REAL future. By the way THOSE yoga? Just breathe and be grateful people leave off the second part of those mantras .. It is to look after others! you know look after the GREATER good BEFORE yourSELF.
Luckily .. if you are still here, you are probably Right brain and less on the selfish, more on the considerate of others spectrum. Let's believe there are more of us
will this disappear? above
Our desire for convenience at any cost, has stolen our ability to control our life. We became lazy and irresponsible and expect "daddy" (the government) to solve all our problems. If it snows a lot, that INCONVENIENCE should magically be cleared, by employees that drop from the sky, on a moments notice. What a bunch of "tantrum toddlers" we are! Maybe we should GROW up and take some responsibility!?? We tried "wake up!" but like everything .. great THINKNG words get STOLEN by "THEM". You know "THEY" .. the one's "taking care" of us crying babies? Woke got stolen and made negative because we were asking people to start THINKING again! OMG! THEY do not WANT any THINKING people around.
Thinking people QUESTION, are curious, wonder about everything and WORRY. The guys IN CHARGE OF US wonder about NOTHING except their profit and POWER! Life is so EASY when you focus ONLY on SELF (me and my friends and family)!! A life wondering about PAST causes, thinking about possible consequences or who else is affected by my action is HELLA harder! If I just look after me how freakin simple my life would be!! But us worriers worry about job loss to A I, unfair nurse pay, why the weather is so weird? YES!! we are always thing and we are a pain! Is that why you Left brains in charge call our DEPRESSION a MENTAL illness?? Hah we are despairing because we are STILL HUMAN!
The "WELCOME" .. is only for those willing to THINK, take responsibility again. If you are selfish and shallow profit power person .. GO AWAY. Come back when you want to use your brain for a BROADER VISION AGAIN! Those in charge are MYOPIC .. they see only their tunnel of PROFIT and POWER. It is for that reason that our world is collapsing. Lack of vision, a BROADER mind than me / mine here and now is necessary for REAL success. The "success" THEY created is SHALLOW (nice word for STUPID!) and SELFISH. That success can ONLY be temporary and now us Right brain WORRIERS are stuck with THEIR actions.
Wed. Mar. 29, 2023, 4:00 pm
Corporations refuse to pay FAIR taxes now! What happens when our jobs are GONE? Do you really believe they will pay us a U B Income ? (. ) If you do, you are a bigger dreamer than me! There will be no jobs VERY SOON!! Why are people sleep walking? the Answer? Because their brains are missing! 100% seriously! Literally. Everything in the last 50 years has FRIED our brain wiring. The most amazing machine in the world .. our BRAIN is missing some of its circuits or neurons! Surely you see insanity! Processed food, toxic air, search, stress ..our brains no longer WORK or the wiring that helped us to THINK is actually GONE. How did we let ANY of this happened? .. Because we gave up adult RESPONSIBILITY and figured government was our "daddy". Our shallow irresponsible culture of SELF has destroyed us. Yes, we must be responsible for our self, but it is actually MORE important to look after "US", we the people .. because we live in "us", the society, ATMOSPHERE or energy vibration we create. Shallow selfishness has created a total Dystopia. and the Interent could have been UTOPIA if there were adults in the room. We let those families with all the money, the .0001%, take all the power.
Our Jobs will be gone within a few years, but we are merrily buying our kids 6 colours of nail polish. Kids! Wow .. no wonder those I see are horrid monsters with no human thought for OTHERS but SELF. Parents have not been parents teaching civility or THINKING, and schools have not EDUCATED for civil society. But this was all a plan .. make us STUPID, and divide us so we won't get together and cause trouble for THEM. Stupid people are easy to control and disrespect. And boy do we just take everything and then chose one of those 364 beer kinds to destress! I remember when we had like 3 kinds of beer and like was HELLA better. no comparison. More faster and easier is NOT better!! .. in case you never noticed! we have blah .. blah .. but no quality of life. Our TOTAL Societal Health is about to collapse.
I think I am now too late with my "recipe" to help you. Too bad you never listened to my rants years ago. Is there still anybody out there willing to SACRIFICE .. not buy from the jerks that do NOT respect it is US make them their profits. They are paid 600X what we are! How do they sleep at night? I will share the SYSTEM I created to thwart them, but its success now depends on you gathering your friends to STOP supporting THEIR mansions and jets. Keep on the way you are of MAKE CHANGE HAPPENED. but it takes all out QUIET PEACEFUL WAR. Until the jobs are gone we have some power. Once there is no job they are TOTALLY in control.
got to here wed nite ..
1/3 of jobs will be gone .. while you are worrying that I KINDLY said "Hi young lady!" and you said "How do you know I identify as female?", 1/3 of American jobs will be gone!! (You know what? I am not even sure I care to help anymore. How can we use my recipe to build better quality of life, when this is how shallow and selfish (aka STUPID) our brains are.) I do not give a frig how you use your genitals! I do care that Western humanity is GOING OVER A CLIFF! Wake up or GROW up .. look around you if you can get the right hemisphere THINKNG part of your brain to still FUNCTION. Nothing works in our society! We have to start over or stay in this mess and go EXTINCT. Living in hell or dystopia.
Who do you think will give people money to shelter and eat? Surely not those selfish shallow inhumane that don't pay taxes already, but take home 100 or 400 x what you do. You are the one who GETS them their million. Us lowly workers. So keep being a zombie .. a phone faced sheep ant, but mark my words. If you think things are Scarry now just wait til 1 of 3 of us is starving. How much violence will you face then?
If you DO want to use your brain again or already ARE worried .. let's get together and STOP THIS. I would say we have a year or 2. One year before collapse .. if Trump starts civil war if the tantrum baby loses. The first thing you have to do is learn McGilchrist's Right Left Brain hemisphere work (link). Once you understand a Mostly Right brain character wants to think about and understand, whereas a mostly Left brain just want to use and accomplish .. fast! It explains relationship problems and everything else. Yet we are taught nothing USEFUL like this. Before the TOXINS of "progress" fried our brain wiring we had balanced brains. We THOUGHT about a problem, discussed with those on the opposing side and then COMPROMISED to solve the problem for BOTH. We are so LAZY we just demonize and then bandaid everything. The VIRUS killing us is wanting "EASY and Fast" creating IRRESPONSIBLE brain dead beings lacking humanity! "Selfish and shallow" is the beginning of the greed toward EVIL spectrum!
It is URGENT we get together now and ACT .. but it requires sacrifice. And to WIN we need a good amount of people, 1 of 100 probably can't work. Bring your friends and family. Most people WOULD like a NEW SYSTEM that is based on WIN/ WIN for ALL instead of only the .001%
It will be HARD, and SLOW .. but surely be a better quality of life than the DYSTOPIA we allowed the interent to create. I said ALLOWED becaseu we have to take MORE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. There is only one way we can save our collapse
Mon. Mar. 27, 2023, 4:30 pm.
Nashville school mass shooter ..
The screaming about the Nashville school 3 CHILD murders is about gun control. If you want proof of my this society is INSANE .. how does she go to a school with 3 guns? AUTOMATIC weapons like we see on SWAT. I think it is LUDICRUOUS on SWAT! But this is just a young woman with 2 MURDEROUS TEAR YOU APART weapons plus another. The first question is how do we DARE to go and be missionaries to "primitive backward people when we ourselves are WORSE than any primitives ever. An army take over with sling shots and bow and arrow? No we have murderous weapons apparently anyone can buy. Sorry CONSTITUTION ws written before crowded cities and overly stressed people. Guns were for pioneers. It is INSANITY that we have them in an overloaded overwhelmed society stressed just to survive never mind ANY gone "American dream". And yet .. had something ACTUALLY been done to get RID OF GUNS (at least automatic weapons) .. it still would have been a SHALLOW response.
Now .. emotional well being is at is all time lowest. It was bad BEFORE covid .. but it sure feels like COMPLETLY CONTROLLING us during a bad flu was purposely done to completely destroy our health. The virus we now have of TOTAL health destruction (mental is purely physical but maybe now we will face that belonging and connection is a huge part of EMOTIONAL well being. Those who were struggling before are now going over the edge. Covid nonsense lifted the lid on the mess under cover. We have solved everything with easy bandaids for many decades. No one cared to LISTEN to THINKNG minds. Only fast Left brains in power controlled the directions of every system. All thos esteems are now COLLAPSING. Selfish shallow solutions with NO GOAL whatever to help "We the People" work only temporarily. Now our lazy irresponsibility is in full view and the payment for "convenient" is due.
Bandaids .. everything in American Society is quick and easy, never contemplation of REAL true DEEP SOLUTIONS! If you don't believe me, check today's news.(link) TRUE solutions are well thought out, and look for deeper causes than just grabbing the outer shell of the onion and saying you made a meal. You did not. The real meal or SOLUTION is getting into the messy layers of that onion, and you might cry cut yourself or small like an onion for a few days. But that DIFFICULTY is what solves the problem of no supper flavour.
American Society creates shallow selfish solutions. It seems exactly like an onion. Lots of work to get the GOOD part (a REAL solution) Desiring only SIMPLE and FAST answers, those in power they hold up that brittle onion shell and make us believe that is the SOLUTION. BUT! .. It is just the simple SHELL of the problem. (The onion or PROBLEM needs us to get into the deep layers, what caused the problem, how will solutions affect others. onion layers needing THINKNG. those in power
Mon. Mar. 27, 2023, 9:00 am. If you need no understanding how insane we have become please skip this section. Just go to "Solutions". (link)
10 - 15 years ago I got obsessed that King's "The STAND" was coming true. but his Captain Tripps VIRUS is actually the toxins of our supposed "progress"
If we NEVER learn anything are we too stupid to live? Lucky I am not god .. I would wipe our stupid off the face of the beautiful earth we are so quickly destroying.
Sadly HUMANS are going extinct. Even worse we do not even NOTICE! We have not even noticed that a Human is his BRAIN. The "being" part is just our BODY. But our MIND and our "Heart" live in our brain! Do we still HAVE a mind and a spirit and soul? We want fast and easy as our entire society and ts systems are collapsing. If humans are a higher consciousness level .. I suggest ANIMALS are now way NICER than us!
We seem to be missing our brains as we amble along phone faced oblivious about is happening around us. Surely no mind to others using the sidewalk is a microcosm of our bigger world. We are myopic focusing only "me/ mine, here now". Others well being completely escapes us. In fact if they DARE to admonish our forgetting CIVILITY .. we will be screamed at for 2 blocks, considered the EVIL one. 🤔 What the HELL is the matter with these people? They are MISSING the RIGHT "Thinking" Hemisphere of their brain. It is THINKING causes and consequences that makes us HUMAN. But contemplating opposing ideas is HARD .. and we ONLY accept fast and easy. Good luck with the DISTURBED DISABLED society that creates. But Left brain life is EASY, just get the job done, none of this time wasted with "wishy washy", flip flop ideas. 😡
If you have stayed on this site, you probably still have a functioning RIGHT brain .. the ABILITY to actually THINK before acting. But we are the quiet contemplators, those quietly trying to get our ideas out in a world where SCREAMERS always win. Nobody listens to our TRUTH, found because we took time and energy to STUDY the problem. Left brains RUN THE WORLD becaseu they focus on SELF and taking control FOR THEIR OWN LIFE. WE are slow, because we are thinning how our action will affect others and our big home. Not focusing on ME we miss out on much success. So we lose very often! The selfish and shallow WIN and create the win lose word we hate!
It will be HARD, and SLOW .. but surely be a better quality of life than the DYSTOPIA we allowed the interent to create. I said ALLOWED becaseu we have to take MORE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. There is only one way we can save our collapse
HAH!! So awesome!! seriously! God saw I am getting old so he is sending me everything concisely that I wandered through for 67!!! years!! Yes .. since I was 9 I figured why is this place STUPID? Why does nothing work? Why are people MEAN?
Sorry but Einstein said (. ) and I think I finally have 67 years .. 25 FULL TIME, LIFE OBSESSED years are now more clear. I have got magically "universe sent" things dropped on me for 4 years and now it is even clarity and serious MAGIC I am getting (see later .. a purse loop and "candle" MAGIC .. link here). I think god (link) is sending me magic to make me BELIEVE anything is possible? Amidst the hopelessness of brain dead people with NO civility, ambling phone faced thru life .. there is a POSSIBILITY to fix us .. if we can MAGICALLY restore the brain the TOXINS of "progress" have destroyed.
get our system described so you can follow the recipe or formula in YOUR community. AS Left brains see our life is BETTER they will want to join us
Wed. Mar 29, 10:30 am.
The virus Captain Tripps kills EVERYONE, but a very few remaining souls. Our REAL virus today is the spread of "SELFISH and SHALLOW". We disrespect more important resources than money, and desire only convenience and ever more. Maybe our virus is being LAZY and irresponsible and NOT THINKING! This removes our Humanity. Our BRAIN is also our mind and "Heart" (spirit and soul). A Being without heart or mind is not human.
Our virus vs King's of 50 years ago! has bodies moving around, rather than decaying around us like in "The Stand". But our moving bodies are zombies, devoid of thoughtfulness or the caring of BEING HUMAN. Sorry all you "phone faced sheep ant ZOMBIES" .. you are not HERE!! Be PRESENT .. pay ATTENTION to here and now! screw that META verse .. it is DYSTOPIA sold as cool. It is NOT our friend. It will destroy humanity. We are already half extinct bodies roaming with NO humanity evident!!
In the STAND those few still alive DIVIDE into 2 warring sides of course. (Even at the END, we never LEARN!) I always thought it was Good and Evil (Recently those crazy Republicans .. 😁) but SERIOUSLY .. it is LEFT vs RIGHT brain "beings". Liberals or dems are just as BRAIN DEAD. A Mind THINKS weighs opposite ideas. Our politicians can no longer DISCUSS only DEMONIZE. Sorry unless we UNDERSTANF dr Iain McGilchrit"s (LINK)new Brain work .. we WILL very soon be EXTINCT!
In the Stand The zombies or greedy people went to VEGAS! How fitting. Us THINKERS went to a corn field. That is what we must do .. DIVIDE .. but divide between those who want to TRY to be HUMAN against those zombies who want ONLY "me/mine, here, now" thoughtless inhumanity.
The virus Captain Tripps kills EVERYONE, but a very few remaining souls. Our REAL virus today is the spread of "SELFISH and SHALLOW". We disrespect more important resources than money, and desire only convenience and ever more. Maybe our virus is being LAZY and irresponsible and NOT THINKING! This removes our Humanity. Our BRAIN is also our mind and "Heart" (spirit and soul). A Being without heart or mind is not human. Our virus has bodied moving around but they are zombies devoid of thoughtfulness or caring of BEING HUMAN. In the STAND those few still alive DIVIDE. I always thought it was Good and Evil .. but SERIOUSLY it is LEFT vs RIGHT brain beings. The zombies or greedy people went to VEGAS! How fitting. Us THINKERS went to a corn field. That is what we must do .. DIVIDE .. but as those who want to TRY to be HUMAN again vs zombies who want only me/mine, here now thoughtless inhumanity.
Mon. Feb 28, 2023. 5:30 pm
Our desire for convenience at any cost, has stolen our ability to control our life. We became lazy and irresponsible and expect "daddy" (the government) to solve all our problems. If it snows a lot, that INCONVENIENCE should magically be cleared, by employees that drop from the sky, on a moments notice. What a bunch of "tantrum toddlers" we are! Maybe we should GROW up and take some responsibility!?? We tried "wake up!" but like everything .. great THINKNG words get STOLEN by "THEM". You know "THEY" .. the one's "taking care" of us crying babies? Woke got stolen and made negative because we were asking people to start THINKING again! OMG! THEY do not WANT any THINKING people around.
Thinking people QUESTION, are curious, wonder about everything and WORRY. The guys IN CHARGE OF US wonder about NOTHING except their profit and POWER! Life is so EASY when you focus ONLY on SELF (me and my friends and family)!! A life wondering about PAST causes, thinking about possible consequences or who else is affected by my action is HELLA harder! If I just look after me how freakin simple my life would be!! But us worriers worry about job loss to A I, unfair nurse pay, why the weather is so weird? YES!! we are always thing and we are a pain! Is that why you Left brains in charge call our DEPRESSION a MENTAL illness?? Hah we are despairing because we are STILL HUMAN!
The "WELCOME" .. is only for those willing to THINK, take responsibility again. If you are selfish and shallow profit power person .. GO AWAY. Come back when you want to use your brain for a BROADER VISION AGAIN! Those in charge are MYOPIC .. they see only their tunnel of PROFIT and POWER. It is for that reason that our world is collapsing. Lack of vision, a BROADER mind than me / mine here and now is necessary for REAL success. The "success" THEY created is SHALLOW (nice word for STUPID!) and SELFISH. That success can ONLY be temporary and now us Right brain WORRIERS are stuck with THEIR actions.
Thurs. Apr. 20, 2023, 2:00 pm.
Everything in our Society is collapsing because ..
add no real jobs only part time or contract all in their benefit!
How did we let things get so bad? We gave up being responsible GROWN UPS!! We let Daddy (the gov) do everything for us. We let ourselves be CONNED into thinking VOTING once every 2 years matters. It does NOT! Most everyone that is in power is there for their OWN gain .. not ours. I think a lot of people start out wantng to DO GOOD, but they are usually the target of some scandal and gone. That I have seen with my own eyes when I had my biggest success ever with the Mayor of PHILLY. Heat breaking .. I think put me in depression for a decade! Can we fight the power? ONLY if we stick together. Only if those of us who still have a FUNCTIONING brain to THINK, discuss and then compromise come TOGETHER and sacrifice anything to do with big corporations. It will be hard but better on OUR own terms rathe than theirs once there are no jobs because robots and A I ate them all. The we have no choice but to starve and be homeless. AT least if sacrificing now makes us homeless .. it is under OUR power vs their control. They will not give us UBI .. they won't even pay fair taxes for roads and clean water. Surely you do not think whne the jobs are gone someone will house and feed us. I seriously doubt it.
Years ago my daughter dismissed my excitement at GLUTEN, and finally .. an acceptance that inflammation causes disease and avoiding it can CURE disease. My excitement was dismissed with "There is more to Health than gluten!" I was saddened that my excitement was un-shared but the more I thought of it the TRUER her words were. Sure if I avoid gluten, I won't have my arthritis BUT unable to pay rent or stressed at too much change I still will get joint inflammation!
To NOT be STRESSED selfish and shallow (brain dead) we need to feel secure, not with police to protecy but that we will have a job for awhile. Boomers had the same job for 30 years! What do you think a new jobs search rejection, training difficulty and new commute does to relaxation. On and on and on reding interviews and being rejected is not confidence building. we Brat boomers neever had any of that! Yet they wonder why my son does not try harder. The nerve, sorry but I want to MURDER such oblivion. Surely there are still HUMAN seniors who would share their house for getting help, or contribute to our coop community we are building. We could trade resources, strength and energy for space and everyone is happier and less stressed.
We need to build a SHARE community where everyone contributes their resources but in return everyone get a decenyt quality of life WITHOUT constant overwhelm and stress.
Do we have to accept this un FAIR NESS? No! But it means taking responsibility and NO LONGER SUPPORTING the 1%! We support their greed when we work for them and buy from them. Let's QUIT .. TAKE A STAND .. sacrifice all the crap and go back to Re-pioneering. If mennonite's can still live a SIMPLE life why can't we? NO! It is NOT NAIVE. Together sharing our skills talents and resources we CAN create a NEW trade system! Simple .. but with MORE quality of life for all. A New TOTAL Societal Health system where things actually work. Ther are so many good people who would help us! 99% of us are the volunteers at food banks the ones who donate. WE ARE THE HUMANS. Maybe we can even wake up some OBLIVIOUS ZOMBIES to join us? STRESSED selfish and shallow is NOT the same as the selfish to GREED to EVIL spectrum.
We can not be Personally HEALTHY when our life is overwhelmed and overloaded with STRESS. We can eat perfectly and exercise but we won't sleep or BREATHE because we are so worried about paying rent or rushing to commute between 2 jobs! WE need a SOCIEY that is also HEALTHY. But our society can never be healthy when greed steals our resources for only 1% of the population. Things have been difficult in all of humanities history, but after a BRIEWF time of decency after the war, things began spiralling faster and faster to not FAIR. Selfish is the spectrum to EVIL. How do people living a life of luxury walk past a homeless person with disdain. How do they sleep at night knowing their greed is leaving people sleeping on concrete. Do THEY really think we would CHOOSE to not succeed. Not everyone is born with the same POT of GOLD!
move to safety/ policing/
Being born into a stable secure family that builds self assured confidence and being a deserving person is a POT of GOLD that is the basis of success. Children do not chose their family or the NURTURING they receive. If they see little being valued and loved their life will always be harder.
When they see no good relationship skills, becaseu of angry single parenting, they have no role models to build on. It is so unfair that their life will be more difficult becaseu of their parents irresponsibility.
Money makes life easier but far more important is loving kind nurturing. Good or at least decent Parenting is what grows a HUMAN. (why some of us are so against forcing birth. A REAL human is not BORN, a human is created by teaching and supportive love. Parenting is a lifetime job. If a child must struggle but it is with decency and fairness he can still be a responsible human. But those of us who struggle whether with "mental" health, addiction, guns or gangs do so becaseu we had no one in our corner.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
There are 3 parts to our PERSONAL HEALTH, ME.. my body, WE .. our community working together, and US .. respecting all of us TOGETHER along with our Earth. WE threw all of these natural common sense ideas out soon after we took over the primitives. By the way they were here for centuries, and we Westerners destroyed everything within 200 years! Let's start over let's E-PIONEER, but using the wisdom of the Native Grandfather Teachings (link). The Founding fathers are turning in their graves! This is no longer their plan at all
Let's revise capitalism and "democracy" so they are what the Founding Fathers laboured to build, but this time using the Human Intelligence of Native teachings. Our lost common sense and reason (plus capitalist GREED gone wild) have destroyed the TOTAL health of our society. In fact the greed has destroyed our brain wiring and our hauman INTELLIENCE is and to find
Left brain take control becaseu they are faster. Acting before careful thinkng will always win. But it is win LOSE .. just a BANDAID. Right Brain worriers .. the THINERS have been dismissed for decades. Are we the MENTALLY ill. Is that another of THEIR co jobs .. get rid of us troublesome curious wanting to understand slow indecisive people?
Without a brain we are just "beings" .. no HUMAN about it. Our humanity is almost gone. If we are zombies .. we are already EXTINCT. BALANCE! R L hem
Did they lose their brain too? Do they not understand when they replace us with robots, we will have NO $ to buy their crap?? Do they think A I and robots will be their customer? Are theystupid and steroids, or evil? or maybe they are ALIEN. That would be why NOTHING MAKES SENSE. If you treat people with respect and be responsible for more than me first screw you" EVERYTHING just workds better. Quality of life would be better for EVERYONE including the 1%. Surely may are imbalanced seeing the despair and homelessness they create with their capitalist greed.
PS Capitalism can be fine. A local store that takes profit to pay off their building is certainly not evil or even selfish. They are just GOOD BUSINESS. It is when the profit turns to GREED and on toward EVUL that we are NOT SUPPORTING. But the hope is some corporations are still HUMAN run and they will join us and partner to build our new FAIR SYSTEM.
If We work TOGETHER I bet we could! BUT .. we have only a year or 2 before A I and robots take our jobs. The only power we have left is the work we do for THEM. Without us they have NO PROFIT. Without us they ahve no ability to take over power. They do not make and do .. we dottier work FOR THEM. If we sacrifice NOW we could still STOP THEM. Once we have no work to hold over them we just starve. Don't be naive, no one will give us U B I .. Governements work WITH corporations they do not work for OUR well being. If Gov worked FOR us there would be no companies were the bosses make 600x our salary .. and those same people do not pay the taxes that we do!They system we have is totally rigged. WE either stop working for them and buying from them NOW or we los that OPPORTUNITY. It is our last chance to take responsibility! Our last chance to show discipline and patience. . Life willbe hard for awhilebut we can starve now IN CONTROL or do it later with no HOPE or possibility of better.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY