Sat. April 15, 2023. 8:00 am
Unbelievable. See how we ravage Mother Earth's Inner organs, above ? Coal for ELECTRICITY and steel. Cars, and ever more air conditioning and CLOUD STORAGE power. We blame the greedy mine corporation .. BUT .. we are complicit!! We take NO responsibility! We just want our fast and easy and IGNORE what it causes. Does sacrifice ever even cross our mind? No we want SOMONE ELSE to fix it. Do not ask ME to sacrifice. Yup we have lost our humanity where greedy rich or even just making it. No wonder Natives survived for centuries but when the white man came he destroyed Mother Earth within 200 years. If you think global warming will get us, we paid no attention to our destruction of HUMANITY's soul .. and now that will kill us first. Brain dead zombies are not HUAMN. Whether missing brain "beings" are us stressed worker ants, or the vicious soulless powerful .. humanity has gone extinct from INSIDE. Our Bodies roam earth creating mischief but our brain is MISSING. We are "BEINGS" only no longer HUMAN beings. A human is his BRAIN. The BRAIN is where our mind spirit and SOUL reside. When they realized cocaine could keep us in line and sold it to us as coke, it was the beginning of the end. They got greedier and greedier and Edward Beranys and the evil of public relations (advertising) Took us to collapse. We could have built our Digital society into UTOPIA. Instead we chose to base it on ADVERTISING and now we live in a subliminal world of their desire.
Sat. April 22, 2023, 10:00 am.
PERFECT! add more
Fri. Mar. 31, 2023, 11:00 am
Remember Left brains are those in power, it has NOTHING to do with politics! WE the people have to take back control and build a NEW better SYSTEM. This one is NOT working FOR US. It works ONLY for them. We need to grow up. The fast easy BANDAIDS allowed all our wounds (problems) to FESTER!
Except the left brains NEVER take time or RESPECT Right brain people's contemplation to UNDERSTAND the problem and possible solutions. The Left Brain's fast action takes over and has the "success". But now that BANDAID is falling off and a far bigger wound now is seen. Thinkng FIRST would have created REAL success. Now all we have is chaos and collapse becaseu of Left brain fast easy solutions. Their mission was purely SELFISH and SHALLOW. Their mission is me mine here now. That goal has decoyed earth and now our HUMANITY. A Zombie is not human. Our Brain is our humanity! Our "Heart" and mind!
Left Brain Warrior vs worrier, and selfish vs selfless spectrum.
Tues. Mar 28, 2:00 pm
anarchy is bad right? is that another STOLEN word? Did natives have 7 million Laws and rules and reguations? NO! A society based on Respect responsibility and resource management lasts centuries! Our society of laws and regulations destroyed the native's land in what? 2 centuries!
So if anarch mean lawless ness ... GOOD. We just will be decent FAIR "HUMAN" beings to each other and then who needs a million Laws?
Don't be an idiot, JUST WALK ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE STREET! That way we all know which side to stick to and there is ORDER instead of CHAOS. We have a billion laws and REGULATIONS and EVERYTHING is still falling apart! Why? becaseu it means YOU take no responsibility .. just sue somebody daddy is taking care of you. Grow up! It is all a con job! "Daddy" (the govt and their corporate partners) who you MISTAKENLY think cares for your well being is taking care of HIMSELF .. not you. We have moved so far from the hopes and plans of the Founding Fathers it is turning them in their graves. Yes they made mistakes but at least they were TRYING instead of living in shallow selfishness. Anarchy? Let's take the law into our own hands on our ISLAND. BE RESPONSIBLE and respectful to others is our only law! Respect and care for our self, but ALSO take responsibility for others well being TOO. Just be a basic thoughtful caring HUMAN and we will figure it all out TOGETHER .. and FAIRLY. win/lose is destroying us!
My son just made me realize nobody knows "the rule of SIDEWALK right side", BECAUSE THEY NO LONGER DRIVE A CAR! And of course since parenting went the way of HOME EC .. disappearance! no parent teaches manners or even DECENCY .. RESPONSIBILITY to other. Lazy irresponsible Careless self absorption have destroyed us. Why do you think that our THINKNG brain was destroyed by "Daddy"? Because THOUGHLESS masses are far easier to CONTROL
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Friday, Feb. 17, 2023, 1:00 pm.
F. E. C. Fast Easy Convenience is truly the ONLY thing we RESPECT and take responsibility for. The god of F E C is actually SATAN and has taken us to HELL. If Fast and easy is SOOOO great then why does it feel we have NO TIME and life is just So much MORE complicated. It is not that I am old and don't know what is going on. I probably talk to more you people than anyone known to man. (my kids say I bug everybody, coffee girls who could care less, people on street corners, but there is pretty much NO ONE who disagrees that life is NOT the easy of FAST CONVENIENCE.
That is because a life that is FAIR to all and takes others well being into account will ALWAYS be hard. But nobody wants to hear that. We could build a FAIR system where everyone is respected AND takes responsibility that works WAY better than the silo systems we live in. NONE of them work. Not education, health care OR the economy . or at least they do not work for US .. we the people. That is because they have never been meant to work for us! Especially since last mid century things got worse ever faster. We can rebuild a BETTER society together, we honestly can .. but the PROBLEM is it will for sure be HARD, SLOW and still imperfect. But I PROMISE it will be about 4x better than what we now "exist "in .. becaseu this is suely not living. These young people I speak to are rushed (Weird!) not feeling secure and pretty well hopeless for a decent future. This is horrendous! Young people should be exited about their future, wondering what wonderful adventures await them as they build their adult life!
CAMH says 2 of 5 will face (mental illness, don't get me started! LINK) this year. But I think some horrid HIGHER number of youth have considered suicide. If (god) gives gold medals we surely deserve one for DESTROYING the future of the young! We honoured easy and fast and those in power had the sole god of .. PROFIT over any decent fair HUMAN behaviour. Boomers are responsible becaseu we just wanted profit for our pension stocks. We should have been STRIKING about FAIR 50 years ago. Instead the hypocrisy of of hippies or protestors (tree huggers?) turned into corporate CEO's themselves .. or just oblivious to others selfish "citizens".
But REAL Citizens take responsibility for their country. (Immigrants today do not seem to respect canada .. and prefer to be DIVERSE instead of work TOGETHER. (Or that just may be another of the power structure's tricks to SEPARATE us from TOGETHER). WE forget that together we could do so much we are the masses. But it would mean we must sacrifice being part of ANY company not willing to be fair. We are probably too far gone impatient to actually QUIT working for or using ANY company that is not FAIR, to people, planet and society. The boomers live in their NURSING home alzhemered by the toxins they created completely refusing to accept ANY responsibility for the SELFISH direction we took. Boomers should get an UPCHARGE not a senior discount! At least those oblivious with no empathy, who say young people who struggle are just not TRYING HARD ENOUGH!! Those are my senior boomers I w ant to WAR with. Sure it is now hard to even look after self .. but that is all we didi our whole life! Those who were caring moved out of this oblivious selfish place months after they moved in. I do know one woman here who used to volunteer until covid. But the others think ONLY how they succeeded and anyone who even tries should be able to do the same as they did. How oblivious to today's world can you possibly be? Must be nice! My life would be SO EASY if I was oblivious to OTHERS FAIR needs.
BANDAID .. Depression today is the result of a THINKING Brain NOT "mental illness" scam
from Jim Kwik on DR Daniel Amen
You could have many things going on that lend to the idea of "mental illness" According to Tana, (Amen's daughter) “We are putting bandaids over bullet holes with all of the medications without actually fixing the root cause of the problem.”
Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. 4:00 pm
Normal HUMAN life is very hard if we always want to be FAIR to others. In our society of over SIMPLIFICATION, we can NOT be FAIR to others. Life is hard when you are constantly wanting to be sure your behaviour is NOT harming others. (sometimes I am oblivious and do bother others, but I do try never do harm! Stupidity is acceptable. 😢 Pure selfishness is NOT! 🤬 Expecting convenient and fast is SIMPLE but as you can see .. turns into HELL .. not REAL success
( link .. I have not yet read this, but heard the judge speak on the news. It was impressive to hear him say how difficult the decision was .. both sides having a point. The judge felt much more could have been done to PREVENT such an invasion of freedom by a Prime Minister.) He said "Reasonable INFORMED people could come to a CONCLUSION different than mine, it was a HARD decision, a reluctant conclusion.There were a series of policing failures and federal government failures leading up to the Emergencies Act use." His words show us everything is wrong in a society that EXPECTS easy and fast. We live Like there is a "DADDY" there, solving our problems. There is NOT! We must still GROW UP. WE have to take responsibility and solve problems ourself! Life is not EASY .. when you. care about OTHERS not just SELF! Life is not EASY when you try to behave in a FAIR and decent still HUMAN manner.
Written Previously .. A Judge was tasked with whether the government of canada over stepped our "freedom", in the shutdown of Ottawa protesting truckers in Feb 2022. He spoke very well of how hard it is to balance 2 opposing FAIR viewpoints. We can agree with BOTH opposite sides of the debate.
The trick is to BALANCE opposite ideas or beliefs. How do we easily create the MODERATION, or balance that compromises both sides of the idea? We are free to gather and protest. But we are NOT free to harm others lives. Yet .. should we whose lives or businesses are destroyed, sacrifice because these truckers are taking the time and loss to protest OUR freedom as well? At first I just agreed with the truckers and found them honourable and responsible more than us complaining at home safe and warm. But then when I heard about the honking I totally disagreed! Now on further contemplation must those people just accept the terrible noise and business loss .. just as the truckers to are inconvenienced uncomfortable and ALSO losing money. WE have been lazy and irresponsible with keeping things FAIR in our lives. The truckers TOOK RESPONSIBILITY and loss. The rest of us should have sent money to them or put up with the noise and chaos. This is how we will lose everything. By being lazy, judgmental (I was once I heard about honking noise which drives me insane) and us being irresponsible if it INCONVENIENCES us .. we will soon lose everything.
Once I thought about my own belief that if a raft holds 8, and I am the 9th, old or sick or double FAT .. I will forego my place on the raft, FOR THE GREATER GOOD. BECAUSE IT IS ONLY FAIR!!
Not in trying to be a hero .. just being FAIR!! So similarly people living in the area should have sacrificed THEIR comfort just as th truckers did and took LEADERSHIP..The rest of us neede to REPLACE their lost wages and those businesses affected! But we just judged .. and we never really STOPPED to think about this situation deeply!
Who the hell made up the crap that "life is not fair" ?? Why can it not at least TRY to be? You can have your yacht, 5 mansions and jet. But you damn well will pay your workers FAIRLY, not pollute in ANY way .. pay your taxes FAIRLY.. and then STILL be philanthropic!! OR! Sorry but you are not human and you deserve to die. (What is this but Civil war? Why do those in control get to kill but not us if it is FAIR? 🤔 )
So you can see how HARD and complicated it is to DISCUSS opposite ideas and come up with a fair solution. Human life SHOULD be compromise and collaboration so that it CAN BE FAIR. Biut we love convenience. F E C is our god but sadly he has become SATAN. With no THINKNG no contemplation of what we are DOING everything extreme turns evil. Great inventions turn BAD. The watchwords are BALANCE and moderation. If compromise and collaboration were our GOD we could prevent the collapse of humanity.
Can we summon the courage and patience needed URGENTLY? Our last convenience is A I and robots, but these will leave us slow selfish humans OUT of the equation. We will die of starvation becaseu there will be no income for us.
One robot requires one computer specialist in total ..but removes 10 of us mere inconvenient complaining humans. Do you really think corporations care about us? They care about 3 P's Productivity, Profit, and power. The 3 P's have already turned fat to many into phone faced zombies. Can those of us who still THINK, wonder and worry save the collapse of humanity? If you believe there are far more of us still decent caring humans let's jin together and build a new way. Base quality of life for all in a REVISED FAIR system of capitalism and democracy. (I do NOT want to be the leader but I have a formula to succeed. We each share our skills and talents, trade amongst us and shut out NON humans. Selfishness is the spectrum to greed .. and greed ids the EVIL .. not good! (sorry Michael Douglas.)
Thurs. Mar. 23, 2023, 9:30 pm.
Are we still human? No, I have to remember that our brains are gone and as brain dead DISABLED zombies I should not get so enraged "holier than thou". I must remember we are UNABLE to be smarter, actually DISABLED. Remember there are 2 kinds of SMART. Thinking (R Hem) smart and ACTION (L Hem) smart. But usually if we do not THINK before acting the results are only short lived "success". We used to have a balanced brain and hearing 58% of food is wasted would HAVE to be some inhuman planet that we would speaking of. Our RESOURCE disrespect of decades, gave us our shallow "success". The Bandaids are now ALL falling off AT ONCE.
These Second Harvest people are angels! The Toxins of "progress" (link) destroying our brain wiring seem to harm the RIGHT wiring more? Is it more sensitive physically too? besides making a human sensitive to others? The Right hemisphere is the "selfless" side of the selfish spectrum.
Second Harvest is a world first research? we must radically change how we value food?? How about we value NOTHING? The only thing we value is fast and easy and our laziness future
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Sat. Mar. 25, 2023, 9:00 am.
Our brains need BALANCE, first you think cause consequence and analyze and evaluate. But we have lost our humanity by just DOING with no thought to ANYTHING but self. Me/ mine, here now is our focus and behaviour. The Bombay beach photo is a perfect example. Mostly right brain people see this deserted town (with its glory in the 50's) .. as HAUNTING! This is HISTORY and has VALUE to learn from. We want to celebrate the past good history and UNDERSTAND what went wrong here. Our Right Brain CURIOUSITY wants to solve this mystery. WE would head for RESEARCH what happened? why?
But it is HORRIFYING to discover BRAINLESS, (devoid of any thinking brain wiring) Left brain characters SEE IT AS THEIR ART CANVAS .. also known as VANDALISM! This is not art! It is Self absorbed anger or seeing no value in history except "how I can USE it" self absorption!
(It is only ART when it makes the viewer WONDER, feel curious about SOMETHING. Otherwise it is just self absorbed CONCEIT. I finally understand when we "lived" at art shows, weekends in Buffalo why I hated some of the art. It screamed "LOOK AT ME, I'M SPECIAL". What does a few clothes hanging on a ladder TEACH the world? Even a painted landscape simply reminds us to PAY ATTENTION to the beauty of nature we sometimes take for granted. If you are making a statement with your clothes on a ladder please explain under your artist name. Us Right brain thinkers want to UNDERSTAND! sorry for diverging once again.)
This town should be preserved, tours taken of it to LEARN how we need to be more AWARE, PAY MORE ATTENTION. Water was diverted for Farming but it created a lake of farm chemicals . See Cottage Life, TV " SALT water actually destroyed the tourist value. Everything EXTREME kills .. the beach, swimming all the fish.
I learned of this last night on COTTAGE LIFE TV (Mysteries from above?) and seeing the images again on my computer, I become totally DEPRESSED. Now how does that help us? How does that SAVE us from our human collapse?
NADA .. it just decreases ALL 3 of our Life ledgers! My "ME Ledger" is feeling despairing of selfishness gone mainstream, parenting gone devoid of teaching civility and humanity, parenting devoid of valuing anything but the SELF. But my despair will now spread to others, and I INFECT those around me. I DECREASE the "WE ledger"! Now I give up throw all my plastic in the garbage and put my negative VIBRATION in the atmosphere. I am decreasing the balance in the ATMOSPHERE or Cosmic or US Ledger! For what purpose?Smarten up Burki! (Sorry Turtle Fish 01).
Instead of rehashing horror .. think that some of these shallow selfish "beings" may still LISTEN to us and LEARN. They may say "hmm. I never thought of that!" Like my American Democrat friend that turned Republican, viciously so. There is hope in the MASSES of us and some will TRY to listen and learn. The others we must feel compassion fro since their brain is DISABLED. Our action brain is disabled so we must PROVE the magic Magnet can help us GET THE JOB DONE, but better!
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Do you see the shallow brainlessness of us? People with data warehouses in their area COMPLAIN .. it is noisy and HOT. Where is the worry about saving the planet in a FAR FAR worse situation than my cows gas! We create electric cars at the same time as using a million x MORE power with our cloud STORAGE of nothingness. I doubt I am alone in having 7 million photos (of my sky view) that I never EDITED. down to a thousand GOOD ones!
the LAST proof of brain dead STUPIDITY .. we are stopping plastic straws to conserve bUT .. the cloud uses 10x as much energy as I did 20 years ago. The article .. is from 10!! YEARS ago BEFORE most of us AUTOMATICALLY even USED the cloud!!
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