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Hah what a scam .. they never get to the OTHERS part!
even just "I must look after me in order to help others" is BAD .. we FORGET part 2 Bec we have a nail appt. or take daughter to ballet. And only helping our OWN kind does not count as nice EITHER!! Like the senior "volunteers" here.
Sun. April 16, 2023, 1:00 pm
OMG .. please please hurry and join this with your expertise and connections! We seriously have so little time. I am a stupid naive old lady DREAMER. My son is very smart and has been showing me the flaws in my naive thinkng. I have argued and argued and refused to listen .. but then it turns out he is always right. Left brains (which toxins are turning him more so ) are CONFUSING because their ideas are GOOD .. they just do not explain them well. At least for a RIGHT brain who wants to UNDERSTAND everything.
This is bad. I keep ARGUING why would they want to GET RID OF US .. We work for and make their profit for them also by BUYING their crap so they can make 600X the salary of us who MADE them their millions! Why would they want to kill us off? Well .. they sure have their underground bunkers in case we revolt! They sure are trying to get "tourism too ?mars" so they can escape from us pesky complainers. Or they can take their servants with them to (Montenegro?) where only THEIR kind are, where they can escape our rage at their greedy injustices. Theyactually treated us worse than slaves. But without us they can not PROFIT.
I argue that they lose THEIR income (profit) when we quit buying their crap, because we have no job to buy .. our work taken over by A I, robots and drones. He suggests they will just create their own money system, maybe trading the Fine ART they have been hoarding? My answer is always THAT IS RIDICULOUS!! Life is more than a beautiful town full of rich people, or a gold toilet underground. Who the hell wants to live on Mars? No Rock concerts, no broadway or even casino or Magic Kingdom, museum, just weird artsy people, or historic tours. Nothing of interest without us pesky Right brains. No cool old bar with history, no craft artisan festivals or summer culture events. Do NOT tell me that is living! Life is all the weird people we meet and the many events and experiences we can take in. Sometimes life is hard .. but would you seriously want to live with every convenience safely LOCKED UNDERGROUND or on the moon?? The wealthy families who own us, can not possibly have such a STUPID plan as destroying us creatives that make the world exciting and joyful.
Well I am the biggest idiot. If Left brains got their success and wealth by being selfish and shallow, then those few families that own us must be GREED and STUPIDITY on fire ! Like DAH!! So their stupidity does not even SEE that killing us means no WORKERS and no CUSTOMERS!! They really ARE that stupid .. how slow can I be. I am a BRILLIANT genius .. just at turtle speed! 🐢 and a little🤪 So they really do want to kill us because we are a pain in the neck to them, you know wanting FAIR pay and all. We whine and whistle blow their secrets and sometimes see through their scams and LIES. Without us life would be so much easier for them, not having to always cover their evil tracks with public relations Propoganda. If they can not even see we ARE their profit they surely are not going to NOTICE it is us that make life INTERESTING.
always wondering (3), bought 3000 books of those EXPERTS who proved all my intuitions were correct (had I trusted myself think of the money and moving costs I could have saved!
coke .. sugar.. lack of discipline = debt
education teaches nothing, capitalism and "democracy" are jokes. Nothing DOES work. It is not me being negative and whining you STUPID LAZY people who say I am negative. yeah, grow up or DIE! It was too much work for you to think a little and just LISTEN! I did all the work you only had to take it in but no you went along with them OBLIVIOUS to the REAL reality. NOT .. a positive nd negative reality but only ONE. We are DEAD unless we move very fast. we better hope there is a heaven if we do not SEPARATE from this idiocy NOW!
we do not buy from or work for those not willing to be CERTIFIED FAIR .. or still HUMAN. Their plan is almost complete we have a year or 2.
fat lie .. then covid .. heart attack = proof, LIE of numbers
rolled out 5 G, no one to worry health effect
work from home avoiding office PLUS online costs
forced us to get with digital
when cloud uses 100!!!! times more electrity today than 20 years ago. OMG I have been saying we are too stupid to LIVE .. but I am really right!!
Tues. April 18, 2023, 8:00 pm
Canada politics .. immigrants VERY different today .. not at all like we were. I feel the outsider!
no (hijab) .. I agree .. you came here, now FIT IN. I would not come to your country and wear Western slut clothes. If I wanted to live in your country I would want to fit in. So from my experience I guess you just USE Canada? ..and can take less pay with your rich parents supporting you. (while my son must deliver food with a biz degree) I am just saying. many things I agree with on the conservative side. BUT! The I start thinking and on SECOND thought I wonder why their cover ups sometimes like full on masks disturb me so much .. why they make me angry? I think becaaeu they gather together with no effort to fit in or effort to BE Canadian.
You do know "diversity" is purely a CON to keep us divided? If we can not SPEAK and discuss problems TOGETHER, how can we fix anything? OR .. understand each other? I wonder if this is why immigrants make me ANGRY? But nuns and priest in their religious garb do not disturb me. Am I just a prejudiced WHITE lady? No .. I don't think so. Nun's and priests are the Leaders .. these people all sticking together with no effort to fit in, are just going to their church, NOT LEADERS. If I was in their country going to their church I would not wear my easter bonnet and finery I would dress to fit in. Seems pretty arrogant and entitled, but then Canada conned them this way. Diversity is to keep us DIVIDED so we will never revolt against THEM. Wake up.
This is just one point of many I agree with the left on .. yet in general I feel the left is my enemy. It usually takes me awhile after ranting at how STUPID their idea is .. and THEN I eventually see their logic. Covid not being real I thought was ludicrous. After about a year or less, there were just far too may weird coincidences at the CONVENIENCE of terrifying us. It made us NOT notice they're full on GLOBALIZATION and removal of our freedom. The LEFT takes things far too simple. Of course covid was REAL .. but the terror we endured was a 100% scam. Surely you know that heart disease kills far more EVERY single year. Nobody screams about that. So many covid deaths were becease of our terrible health, and it just took us down faster than diabetes etc would have. So if we had REAL covid death #'s they would be FAR less than heart disease.
Yet now we are stuck with all kinds of stupid rules. YET NO KNOWLEDGE WHATSOEVER OF HYGIENE ?? 🤔 plus they made us work from home which was the plan. Not having an office is much cheaper .. more profit. etc etc etc. HMM .. if left brains cn not tTHINK .. then who is giving them these ideas that it takes me some time to figure out?? Yike the ideas were planted .. completely ALSO to divide us. Left brains usually can not follow thru with discussion on these points.
Tues April 18, 2023, 10:30 am
Left Brain whether political Left OR Right are myopic and only focus and care what is best for THEM and their loved ones. I originally believed liberal or dems were the thinkers. Yes even 20 years ago! NOW moderates maybe still think and try to actually work to the common good.
Why would we even think life can be as simple as right or left politics??? That is stupid in itself! Everything that is worth doing FOR THE PEOPLE will have a "BUT ..". Yes T there us ALWAYS a but .. not an EXCUSE but a SECOND thought! A "what about ..?" wondering , curiosity finding a REASON .. NOT AN EXCUSE. USE YOUR BRAIN if there is still witring there to actually THINK instead of just act. "Act" for a full on Left brain is usually to simply ATTACK, because to be forced to think .. to them FEELS like COMBAT. They are simply reacting to what feels like ABUSE to them! Be compassionate, confusion feels out of control to them, it requires taking back control. But we put thinkers in asylums .. called them crazy. Can't we do the opposite now with the TABLES TURNED?? 👿 Not listening to our WORRIES (vs their WARRIOR shallow action), has now destroyed our society and is on the verge of destroying our humanity (ability to use our MIND to THINK)
RESEARCH THIS .. April 18, 2023, 9:30 am
Right b see BIGGER problems (vs myopic) therefore are MORE stressed .. plus this COMT gene??? depression
So then I have 2 DIFFERENT strikes against me?? is this why nobody thinks same?? Is this all doomed to FAIL??
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you must look after YOURSELF .. no one else will. ... NO! St Thomas prayer .. mindfulness and med .. NOW .. HORRIBLE EXCUSES for greed! SELF Help = scam .. Right brains never use yoga and nail salons .. too busy worrying about us losing our humanity!
Sat. April 15, 2023, 9:30 pm
But this is a world gone too far "bark all nite" .. there would be MURDER in this building if I lived there. What the HELL is wrong with people. We do know .. their brains are gone. They are DISABLED and I should be empathetic. But it is SO hard .. no one had empathy for my being different. I was the weird one? yet I would always consider others well being? That THINKING about others slows EVERYTHING down .. so that makes us "mentally" ill? NO .. it makes us the geniuses and kind humans you can NOT keep up with. You labeled us and made sure of the stigma! Meanwhile you go your GREEDY way and get ahead while we are considering others well being.
Guess it is true nothing is fair .. but we are going to change that by eradicating Left brains from our gated community. GO AWAY self absorbed people unwilling to consider others. Get off our Island. You will drown? well we gave you many opportunities, too bad, finally you must take responsibility without our help .. quickly .. learn to swim a marathon. Just try harder like you told us with the stigma YOU created. We are not "mentally" ill .. just still human! we use our RIGHT brain wiring to THINK about others we'll being. You live in a tunnel of oblivious greed. No wonder you get ahead faster than us.
Wed. April 19, 2023, 8:00 pm
I have to take some time to get my he'd around this, this is just too far EVIL. Yet it is not becaseu they are BRAIN DISABLED. They are missing their thing wiring so they simplify. They hate discussion so they just turn on us. An easy way is to say WE are what weACCUSE them of. Are they really that simple minded? You know like little bullies! You say they are mean and they say "No! You are." I am used to being called an abuser when THEY are they attacking warriors .. but .. this problem were you yell at someone for total INCIVILITY or actual LAW BREAKING .. and they yell at you all the way down the street. Kind of like Republicans calling us a "woke" MOB because we suggested maybe we should consider being more respectful of our earth home. YES!! WAKE up!! No That is bad judgemental talk, "Bad person! who do you think you are acting so "better than me"?" Calling us a "MOB"? maybe you should LISTEN .. time is getting VERY short.
But now I realize it is way worse! There are actually such DEEP TWISTINGS that we are called NARCISSISTS, full of ego .. becaseu we wonder why someone is angry with us. "It's not always about you!" Excuse me how does being sensitive and the wondering if I MYSELF did harm and caused the problem is EGO!! This has confused me for years and now I fee like an idiot. THEY are the "me/mine, here, now" self absorbed myopic ones! Do they just twist everything and throw it on us? I know I am very slow to catch on BUT AT LEAST I EVENTUALLY CATCH ON TO THINGS. Left brains NEVER catch on .. they are UNABLE to think deeper. Ths creates a real problem. Since they are in charge when we build our gated community they will probably come in with guns blazing. How do we contain their THOUGHTLESS action? Is it really time for Civil WAR? Sorry but just believing in GUNS .. to kill anybody if they accidentally open car door .. meanwhile FORCING a child to be born (no abortion) who will then have terrible NURTURING that shapes his humanity is such a conflict it proves insanity or brain death. This behaviour is slowly killing the country. Do we allow that? or do some of our own more directed killing. They love their guns more than thinkng humans, can't we do the reverse? They think everyone unlike them is a BAD guy, and shooting is ok. "You knocked on my door! .. sorry you are dead." Can't we do the same .. only with more common sense? .. better solving a problem of lost HUMANITY?
Even WORSE .. they can not UNDERSTAND our ALTRUISM, it makes them uncomfortable becaseu they SERIOUSLY do not CARE about others! So they think we are SUSPECT when we believe everyone should WIN. (Although they pretend they are "religious"??? They even have done NIH studies on this. It seriously makes me want to 🤮 how much despair must we endure at their hands? Is it evil to kill people whose only aim is to do us harm? Have they done us enough harm to finally declare war on their epidemic virus poison? Whether shallow and selfish or gone to pure greed, their lose of brain power (thinkng more deeply) is extinction HUMANITY.
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Thurs. Mar. 9, 2023, 7:00 am.
Thinking takes time. Being curious wondering why? but what about are slow and pondering like a TURTLE. We are a society of rabbits running off before we see the whole picture. But sadly in the fable we WON the race. We Thinkers have lost this race so badly some of us have given up. Some of US went from suicidal lives (lashing inward), to lashing OUT, wanting to "murder" mean people. Are we now just resigned to (?western) "humanity's" INSANITY and just ready for that meteor or sun flash or whatever some fear will kill us all. Lucky I am not god, I would wipe us of the beautiful earth we have destroyed with such disrespect, lack of personal RESPONSIBILITY.
hmm .. 5 kinds of people .. if you count the FEW "normal" BALANCED brains hidden among us! NORMAL HUMAN people .. are the thoughtful, caring ones, who actually USE their RIGHT Hemisphere brain, before ACTING with their opposing left brain RESOURCE. Those in power, or having a "good life" have no RIGHT "THINK before you ACT" brain hemisphere remaining. The toxins of our "progress", that values ONLY profit and power have destroyed our brain wiring. We are literally mostly DISABLED. Like our physical health, our toxic "progress" has stolen our Right thinkng brain .. the part that is our spirit and soul or our "heart"
HAH! we say people a little bit off are IMBALANCED .. now we are ALL imbalanced .. "mentally" ill. And we only now are starting to grow up a nd see "mental" is just another body part not functioning as it should. We were too stupid to see the brain as something that can malfunction just like our lungs. but was STIGMATIZING of great value to those who prefer us STUPID. Surely those in power prefer a simpler ACTION mind vs one struggling with why and how can we do this better. A thinkng brain cases trouble for those in power. Was the stigma a PLAN all along? as usual I digress .. there are 4 kinds of people.
hmm .. 5 kinds .. if you count the FEW "normal" BALANCED brains hidden among us! NORMAL HUMAN people .. are the thoughtful, caring ones, who actually USE their RIGHT Hemisphere brain, before ACTING with their opposing left brain RESOURCE. Those in power, or having a "good life" have no RIGHT "THINK before you ACT" brain hemisphere remaining. The toxins of our "progress", that values ONLY profit and power have destroyed our brain wiring. We are literally mostly DISABLED. Like our physical health, our toxic "progress" has stolen our Right thinkng brain .. the part that is our spirit and soul or our "heart"
Tues. Mar. 7, 2023, 9:30 am.
A human is his BRAIN. Our body is just the "being" .. a zombie, if we neglect to USE our WHOLE brain. Our brain is our mind, but also our spirit and soul, or our "HEART". Our brain is made up of Left and Right hemispheres. But the toxins of our shallow, selfish "progress" have LITERALLY destroyed our brain wiring! The STRESS of our society can also MAKE us SHALLOW and SELFISH, simply as a TOOL for survival. Overwhelmed and overloaded humans need to find a way to cope with life. Hopefully those quiet people who were once kind and caring .. will come TOGETHER with us still thinking, always wondering "WHY?" RIGHT BRAIN hopeless people.
Not worrying about why's and but's makes life so much simpler. Like a warrior you go into battle and attack the enemy. No thought to consequences (future result) or causes (why? in the past harms) can never be a REAL solution. we live in a blame bandaid world. But "win lose" people are usually SCREAMERS. Think parades and sports games. The worst is screaming about winning a championship when you won by a few points! Are you not BOTH winners? Why does everything have to be win lose? My dinner out was cooler than your dinner out choice! Yes, we have "lost our MIND", and with it our HUMANITY.
But there are so many of us silent Thinking caring humans .. but in not screaming, we are forgotten, IGNORED. Rachel Carlson trie to warn us of our WRONG direction 50 years ago. Too late now to worry about environment .. we killed it with our irresponsible selfish desire for easy and fast. HUMAN life is NOT easy OR fast. HUMAN .. thoughtful caring compassion and compromise is very HARD and very slow to accomplish. Us quiet church mice will get TOGETHER and start a new SYSTEM. We will replace everything QUIETLY on our own .. our own community (country).
We won't protest or yell .. just QUIETLY create a new SYSTEM that actually WORKS. A system that creates basic QUALITY of LIFE for ALL. WE all will contribute our talents and skills to share and in return get security of being fed and sheltered. We will need to SACRIFICE and take responsibility .. but I believe we could make a life far better using the blockchain in a new visionary LIFE LEDGER. We will invent something BIG .. new, but TRULY useful .. not like the shallow garbage of today's next big thing, that only DESTROYS jobs. Together we will DESIGN an invention that actually HELPS "We the PEOPLE" have TOTAL Societal Health for all. No socialism needed, just human sharing and FAIR trading .. a REVISED capitalism and "democracy".
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Sat Jan. 28, 7:00 am
Yes this the same image repeated. I thought it might catch our ATTENTION? At least we pay attention and complain about stupid things? I hoped it would help us remember that finding BALANCE is the most important thing in society's (humanity's) GOAL. But instead we have been so busy applying all manner of wise century old ideas ONLY to our SELF and OUR life. Lack of BALANCE in caring for me and mine has made us BLIND to others, blind to WE! We live in a society of "me/ mine, here, now" dividing us.
Accepting all groups is wonderful. When the reality only creates division from us as THE SAME humans going it has gone too far! We no longer exist TOGETHER as ONE and the same space. Our constant division creates constant STRESS. Extreme anything tends toward evil. Everything really is both good and bad and our JOB is to find the balance of the opposing idea. Opposite thoughts and beliefs create division. The answer to division is DISCUSSION .. not demonization. Unless we learn this FAST we are doomed LITERALLY.
hUmans have 3 kinds of vision (and everything between (4 if we count BLIND). There is NEAR sighted (myopic) and far sighted, looking wider and FURTHER. What we want is BALANCE. Those with natural near and far vision are very lucky and can see the world without glasses. those of us with both bad near and far sight need bifocals. Luckily most of us c
But that "eye SEEING vision" can also be our VIEW of life!! see photo of great card.
If we look only close, focusing just on "me/ mine here and now" life is simple!
If we look to the future and back to past causes of problems our life is much more difficult. But unless we are BROAD MINDED we can NOT fix problems. No wonder King ends "The Stand" With "WE NEVER LEARN!!" as the world ends.
OR Godaddy's way .. This is a content preview space you can use to get your audience interested in what you have to say so they can’t wait to learn and read more. Pull out the most interesting detail that appears on the page and write it here.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY