Who the HELL has time to study 50 people? So we study the FEW who we know of .. usually the screamers OR the richest with promotional $$. What a set up for failure. ?helpful
Other proofs of INSANITY causing our human COLLAPSE. If all our systems are failing and everyone is a zombie we have reached the point of ridiculous nonsense INSANITY. 50 for Mayor disorganization and (inept, useless "system") is terrifying but this next shows us clearly what our society is. A Culture hijacked by shallow selfish brainless can't think the seond onion layer let alone deeper. These bags of onion shells must be IMPRISONED. They are a VIRUS! THIS virus is killing us faster than any PLAN-demic.
When you do not think .. do not research, investigate, analyze .. and then DISCUSS and reconsider MORE .. everything becomes NONSENSE .. and we now live in a RIDICULOUS Society. NOT a society of "progress". We can pat ourselves on the back for our brilliant digital inventions.. but the truth is we are STUPID. So much so we have lost our humanity
hUman = BRAIN, Brain = 2 hemispheres that should BALANCE. Those with wiring in mostly one Hemisphere took over the world. Left brain is a selfish thoughtless WARROIR who attacks any one in the way of getting the job done FAST. Seizing "success" and power is their only focus. "Me/ mine, here, now" can ONLY FAIL in the long run. That time is now and EVERYTHING is collapsing. I guess we Right brain Thinkers are going to build a new EDUCATION CURRICULUM and a way to serve citizens of a HUMAN COMMUNITY. The country is no longer HUMAN and no longer serves WE THE PEOPLE. It serves only shallow GREED for power and profit. WE can do this TOGETHER, if .. we can still find companies that are HUMAN who will partner with us.
Sun. April 16, 2023, 11:00 am.
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Told you .. Republican LEFT BRAINS are missing any Right brain THINKING wiring. oh for the days of John McCain where brains were not disabled and opposing side rep dem got together for drinks to discuss and LEARN from each other. CIVIL dIscussion is a RESOURCE .. without it we have DYSTOPIA! We let the toxins of our shallow "progress" fry our brain wiring and now the EXTINCTION of humanity is at risk. What will happened in civil. war? People are so ANGRY and despairing there will be no turning back. We are already extinct since a BRAIN = a HUMAN.
ABORTION? NO! .. GUN? YES!!! .. So it is ok to kill humans who are scaring you, but a piece of FLESH down the drain is NOT allowed. THAT is murder? A Fetus is nothing more than a piece of flesh. A mindless Being like those who now walk the street DEVOID of humanity. A HUMAN is a mind, a spirit, a soul. Those are NURTURED in the fetus's BRAIN by loving parents. Even in the womb joy, love and care are NURTURING energy vibration that create the human.THERE IS NO HUMAN in a fetus .. only a "being" or extremely tiny body. It is the hard work of NURTURING that creates a human. And a mother with no idea how she will care for another human can not be PUNISHED with her mistake for a life time. I worried over my kids from day born .. how can a struggling person be FORCED into that position .. yet you who scream can kill in a second with your GUN??? Ridiculous, utter stupidity, illogic or Insanity.
In the fetus' case, a very tiny body with a brain that works .. but is not yet HUMANIZED! So killing some "living" flesh is BAD, but killing a full human with your gun (so often a MISTAKE) is ok? "Whoops he was NOT robbing me, my bad". Unbelievable. Apparently GUNNING down an intruder .. a now HUMAN "being", I guess that DEATH is fine. Yet a tiny seedling with as yet no humanity is NOT ok to "kill"?
Left brains are devoid of intelligence because their brains wiring can no longer THINK. They can not REALIZE that NURTURE is far more important than the second of fertilization happening. They play god and think that is what the REAL god wants. The REAL god wants us to be kind to each other, not torture others for mistakes made. Are they THEMSELVES willing to nurture that birth they are forcing? If so fine I will have that baby if I meet a decent family that is dying to raise a child with GOOD nurturing. But if they are REPUBLICAN (not allowing abortion) They are shallow, selfish, arrogant, disabled THINKERS. No .. I will not give you my fetus we need LESS not more of you duplicated!
whoops .. yes DISABLED! But it is so hard to be nice to disabled people who are mean to selfish to greedy on the EVIL scale. Most disabled people are not filled with greed and malice. We must TRY compassion for devoid of THINKNG Left brains but I also feel so RESENTFUL becaseu they Neve listened to us THINKERS and now we live in hell with their choices and ACTIONS. UN- contemplated actions lead to DYSTOPIA!
apr 18? 2023
pitiful! why would you ever be thinking of marrying THAT? Don't come on my Island lady .. you are gone the minute I see this! If we were a culture of where this is fun, and others well being was not DISRESPECTED this could be fun. But it is the idiot COMPETITION GOD we worship. while our planet decays on every level of our health. These are the brainless zombies that caused our extinction!
brideproposal o n plane (it was funny to begin .. but HORRIFYING forever on a far deeper level
Sat. April 22, 2023, 8:00 pm
We will be EATING each other when there are no jobs .. but there is no BRAIN to think of this and I am NEGATIVE .. and people run away. Good luck to you .. you SHOULD HAVE listened to me. your loss!
Tues. May 2, 2023, 5:30 pm
How insane or just totally IRRESPONSIBLE are we? What happened to conservation? Cooling our buildings is already ?20 % of maintenance cost and we have GLOBAL WARMING that will amke it much worse. Does anybody ever talk about PERSONAL responsibility of ALL TOGETHER .. CONSERVING!! I never even HEAR that word!!
see above?? same?
Thurs. May 4, 2023, 9:30 am
.. just saw an ad to buy stock in a way to FIX OUR PROBLEMS! .. ?? go to space???
"me/mine, here, now" Left brains USE the world, with NO CARE to understand FIRST what PROBLEMS their "progress" causes. THAT is what their missing Right brain would have done, consider problems BEFORE acting! This is the type of UNTHINKING "being" I would demolish if I were god. Animals were NEVER as ruthless as humans have become. (actually "brainlessly" causing LOSS of our humanity! (as in destroyed BRAIN, which IS our mind and "heart")
Fri. May 12, 2023, 1:30 pm
.. inability to speak or THINK FURTHER, is not freedom OR tolerance! Everything pushed on us is CRAP .. is that who they now call "woke"? People who DO NOT ALLOW QUESTIONING are "woke"??
Jim goad, love him! .. written 2014 .. yup if he felt like me 9 years ago .. the by now I am surely right we are totally insane ZOMBIES .. no brain left to think. And I saw it with coke (its sugar) in the mid 50's. Grow up, before us still wise old timers are GONE, for you to actually LEARN from!
oh oh .. so confused (remember = the mark of BRILLIANCE .. stupid people keep it simple, they do not GET confused!) Di Jim goad become so angry with the brilliance of the 2014 MEDIUM article that he turned a little evil. Very scary ! Am I turn so angry at IDIOCY and lack of responsibility and decency that I am becoming ?? Red neck .. A black DOG lady ... (add story! .. and I felt like saying to her "I do not give ONE DAMN the colour of your skin .. you are STILL A RUDE BITCH!!") Do not DARE to call me racist because I called out UNCIVIL behaviour!! (Besides the sun was in my eyes and I never even knew M/ F. Yes! there are 2 sexes and if you are confused it is NOT my biz where you put your genitals. PLUS should we not be MORE IMPORTANTLY discussing why 1 of 10 are now gay?) Birth control pills in our water? .. to anybody awake?
re Jim GOAD changing .. I know I was quiet and ?gentle caring about others, now I just hate everybody stupid! (sorry but I believe A STILL HUMAN likes to think! learn! and at least TRY to find TRUTH! .. vs just screaming shallow nonsense.
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Sun. Jan. 22, 2023. 7:00pm
I want to understand everything and then share (was a teacher) with others. Having a brain that constantly asked why or suggests a "BUT , what about?" is hell way to live life. Means we also skip decisions still wondering curious and investigating further. If you are Right brain this is probably you. Believe me it makes life hell always asking questions .. so when we find answers we like to share! But the world is a bunch of Ralph's! Nobody listens to Georgio!!
But when I thought humour would help explain our conflict, all I got was "Don't send us more ads!!" Now I am back to DEPRESSED again. How can we learn from each other if only ONE side is willing to open their brain? If someone refuses to listen are they allowed to continue to create conflict?
NO! sorry .. off my island .. only people willing to listen, actually hear, think and reconsider are allowed. That does not mean "my way or the highway." It just means RESPECTING another idea and taking responsibility to try to UNDERSTAND. Both must try to understand the other. We can never solve problems unless we can discuss and learn from each other. Being shut down and out, is NO SOLUTION to problems. It is just the division turned demonization of today's FAILING world!
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Lindt by Sprungli
For THEM there is always some legal excuse .. for us "you broke the rules, PAY UP, or go to jail. For THEM, there is no jail. But .. WE will create our own jail for them. All their money COMES FROM US! WE make them the 1%! So let's quit being stupid sheep ants. QUIT! There are some managers (Left brains) who are still human. With their management EXPERTISE plus our Right brain creative inventiven
mon. April 24, 2023, 9:00 am
you can not keep scamming us every way we turn and not expect us to explode. why do you think suicide, drug overdose and MASS MRDER has increased ????
I chose YMCA thinkng it would be FAIR. Great a nite is $$220!!!!
Mon. May 1, 2023, 1:30 pm.
In fact the day has a rain cloud with 70% chance. ?? .. Excuse me? .. HAS (A I retarded ) ALREADY TAKEN OVER?? ARE THOSE ROBOTS TRYING TO MAKE US CRAZY?? I am not imagining or mistaken!! Wish I had 2 phones and I would take pic .. sorry forget how to do screen shot. I am 100% sure the DAY symbol was a RAIN CLOUD becaseu during 1 hr there was a 30% chance of rain. Hey idiot! are you just TRYING to depress is. So far the day has not been that bad! And you call ME negative? get lost! Right now it is quite sunny on my desk and that is about where the 30% rain hour was!
Go away RETARDED A I! Life was better when we could even CALL PEOPLE retarded. By the way .. just because you INVALIDATE the word does not mean the condition does not exist!! We have become RETARDED. Get over it .. your blaming nonsense from now on to me is a SIGNAL that your brain is gone. If you SHAME me, instead of using your brain to think .. YOU ARE RETARDED!! Retarded was the word we used when people had minimal thinking power. A girl in my village had Downs Syndrome. In fact it was the DR's daughter Elizabeth Sinclair!! She was the most lovely personality, so loving and kind! But the thinking MIND part of her brain was missing.
OK so I am WRONG. Why call people today "retarded"?? Guess I want to because it is not allowed and I am ready to be a BOOMER REBEL!! People today are nothing like her civil HUMANITY! Completely Uncivil, not only is their MIND gone .. so is their "HEART" .. their soul and HUMAN spirit!
Humans are going extinct from INSIDE. A human is his mind and "heart". Zombies roaming around are NOT "human". They are just bodies or "beings". Phone faced sheep ant RUDE "things" are not humans!
Wed. April 12, 2023,10:30.
For THEM there is always some legal excuse .. for us "you broke the rules, PAY UP, or go to jail. For THEM, there is no jail. But .. WE will create our own jail for them. All their money COMES FROM US! WE make them the 1%! So let's quit being stupid sheep ants. QUIT! There are some managers (Left brains) who are still human. With their management EXPERTISE plus our Right brain creative inventiveness we have an awesome RESOURCE. Sharing our expertise we CAN create a better system!
If we QUIT working for them (see other income) and we QUIT buying from them they LOSE! But in a year or 2 that POWER will be gone. A I and robots will have taken over our usefulness!
THEY have a way out .. see Chartwell's irresponsible CON.
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