Sat. May 6, 2023, 8:00 pm.
(If you are a perfectionist? you probably are a control freak? Maybe that was what they meant. But after decades getting MORE and MORE enraged NOBODY listens I found what I am IRREFUTABLY RIGHT WITH!!)
Unless we start to LISTEN to each other, LEARN from each other, Think about thse new ideas Reconsider old ideas we will surely be extinct.
we think we are so special now that everything is decaying everything we tough is depleted. Unless the left brain simplicity that CAUSED this is reeled in, we have no hope to continue as a human species. Zombie species? maybe.
Listen and LEARN is Sharing and trading HUMAN Intelligence. Hah! Maybe L+L+T+ R IS our Human Intelligence. If you never listen how can you GAIN intelligence and wisdom.
People do not listen to me because their brain only has enough wiring for taking the outer protective "onion thinkng" layers. They stop thinkng with one idea no delving deeper and wondering "BUT WHAT ABOUT ..". Like an IDIOT I have always listened to them (well .. except when I am BEING them! with say "abortion is a PERSONAL choice". Refused to consider ANY other thoughts which is what they do with EVERYTHING, refusing to HEAR another perspective. This does not mean I AM CORRECT. It only means please respect me too and hear my new direction. Why do I consider THEIR thought s sometimes it takes awhile but I always come to see what they are thing, and it COMPLICATES things. HAH!! So they just do not want complications! Therefore do not listen to her. Do not listen to these troublesome "Thinkers", they are always creating CONFUSION! Hah! Confusion is uncomfortable Scarry so the WARRIOR comes out. So they just attack. The worker vs WARRIOR Left brain spectrum is perfect to explain the behaviour of short sighted simple minded Left brains. They are aeswom at managing and getting the job done but juggling conflicting ideas is horrible for their comfort level. When my daughter kept saying I was abusive I had no clue and felt very insulted since I suffered REAL abuse. But when a new relationship eventually echoed her words I became very curious. McGilchrist uses Right brain wants to understand while left brain uses. I have changed that to right brain just wants to THINK, while left brain just wants to ACT and DO the task! All this questioning and wondering and analyzing is horrible uncomfortable for them, eventually feeling trapped and fearful.
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Fri. April 28, 2023, 12:30 pm.
That constant INCOME, allowed me to OBSESSIVELY research and investigate the questions of FAIRNESS and how to create a new quality of life FOR ALL. I could have went on cruises, and watched soaps, but my GUILT at being unemployed made me try all manner of INVENTIONS to create new jobs for struggling Buffalo Black youth. I was always too EARLY with my inventions, and the Left brains I needed to approach could not see my vision. (Left brain ACTION brains are MYOPIC, simple minded. Think about the bandaids we have slapped on problems with easy and fast goals. Since the 50's we have been decreasing resources, especially our BRAINS. The toxins of our shallow progress have fried our brains like all our HEALTH.
"Mental" illness is a SCAM to get THINKERS out of the way of those who just want to GET THE JOB DONE .. and USE it to gain profit and power. Left brains are in power becaseu it is far easier to accomplish the you think ONLY "me/mine, here, now". Wondering about CAUSES and contemplating CONSEQUENCES is not easy or fast. Right brains slow down Left brain ACTION. We had to be corralled somehow .. so why not say we are CRAZY? Most great THINKERS and CREATIVES are said to be bipolar (manic depressive). Is Bipolar just DESPAIR at how we mess up and then feelings of MANIA on discovering ways we could fIX and do things BETTER?
The "mental" illness system let me work 18 hours daily for DECADES .. please USE my value and help make my DESIGN into reality. I created the quality of life PIZZA RECIPE. Please help me set up Pizza ( Church Library Cafes) in every community. There is no reason for young people to feel such despair. We can create new careers, in our physical, emotional and ECONOMIC HEALTH. We will still use the tools of "progress" but with common sense and LOGIC.
Selfishness is the path to greed and then EVIL. All the "selfish vs selfless", "warrior vs worrier" spectrum research now leads to McGilchrist's work. (link) Unless we learn about the Left and Right brains opposite function we will never TRULY succeed in building a DECENT society. We were taught "life is NOT fair" but is the not just an easy way out. Why can we not build our OWN community, our own Co-Operative, hopefully COUNTRY or at least ISLAND? Mennonites/ Amish did it. But they were DISCIPLINED and just did not partake in the "progress".
Our recent "progress" has been TOXIC to every facet of our Health .. Physical, Emotional and now our Economic and System Health. Our TOTAL Societal Health no longer has ANY quality of life. Overwhelmed, rushed and stressed we are heading to imminent collapse. I suggest the HUMAN population is already half extinct. A Human is his BRAIN .. his mind and "heart". We seem devoid of both! At least those in power have no MIND and seem to be missing "heart".
My hope is that they Left brains in power, are all the SCREAMERS. They are the people who stand out and make us think the world is ending. a SELFISH OBLIVIOUS being is not really a human. Even on the street if you call out iincivility YOU are the one SCREAMED at. Stay hopeful! That "being" yelling at you for expecting just common DECENCY is a zombie. There are beings roaming the streets no longer human .. just OBLIVIOUS zombies to all but SELF. Our humanity is going EXTINCT but our bodies still roam about. Together we will remind each other there are more of us QUIET THINKERS, than the LOUD ACTION Left brains. We will build our own share and TRADE SYSTEM and live together in QUIET DECENCY. We will partner with those companies still human, WILLING TO BECOME FAIR CERTIFIED.
I was so angry in the late 80's when Family Studies (Home Economics) was reduced in the H S curriculum. I felt my expertise (at the TIME, thinking I was probably BIASED) BUT really .. what was, IS more important? Learning how to best use the RESOURCES of your family and create quality of life was the NO BIAS .. the most important thing in the curriculum! No? So before us old guys die off .. you better quick gain and practise our WISDOM to pass on (if we continue to exist.)
Us OLDER boomers still had the SELF DISCIPLINE of the "use it up, wear it out, make it do" generation before us. These people are very quickly getting dementia and you will lose that wisdom for good. ALL of our resources are either depleted or declining. We do not even have any ice what a RESOURCE is! Saying hello and holing doors was a resource to create quality of life in a CIVIL society. We lost our civility a few years ago. Now we are on the verge of losing our humanity. A stressed overwhelmed society focused on the god of easy and fast will not survive. Use us as a RESOURCE while you still can! I am beginning to be senile myself so it is urgent we work together NOW with not a minute to lose.
Every person has value. (well sorry not an alzheimer vegetable! I will gladly give up my cost to stay "alive" to give a decent life to a few young people. The nerve of these vegetables .. they care nothing about anything but self. They were Left brains and even sat 80 their attitudes blow my mind. I am happy to do MAID the minute I am physically (blind deaf, can't walk) or MENTALLY dead. But I want the money the stupid gov't would have taken to keep me alive" to be spread amongst young people. They do not want us vegetable to be DEAD! We are then no longer a profit source.
So please go to your license or whatever we do and make your wishes clear, no profiting off our vegetable bodies! I wish that money could go to the young people .. but NOT going to THEM is at least something. Democracy has become a JOKE .. we are merely pawns for tTHEIR power and PROFIT. We the people left the mission about 50 years ago or more. Coke (sugar) and MARKETING were the beginning of the end of our brains and personal RESPONSIBILITY. Resource management must be matched with RESPONSIBILITY .. PLUS respect for all of us.
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