HAH .. I wrote SOLOS. The universe (god) is amazing and send me stuff ALL THE TIME NOW. It is saying your wife's work is URGENTLY needed now. SILO typed as solo! YES! Everybody wants the SOLO .. instead of SINGING IN HARMONY TOGETHER!! Every system and every book or earning course is a silo or a SOLO idea. Few of our INTELLIGENT resurces approach ANYTHING together
WE blather about LONELY and disconnected but nobody talks about the WHOLE. We need to go back to ONE .. a HUMAN! Screw your diversity and female empowerment AND racism. The problem is WAY BIGGER. We are mindless zombies roaming the streets with no thought whatever to our US ledger. Ye we live in bank accounts .. not of $ but RESOURCES od=f all kinds. Assets and Liabilities that we have USED and IGNORED. If used CORRECTLY liabilities can be turned into ASSETS. Assets are deposits in our life ledger, liabilities are withdrawals. since the 60's we have lived our lives PURELY withdrawing everything of value. Health, Respect for others, compassion, loyalty, just FAIRNESS were ignored and withdrawn. We built a society were "progress" in the name of PROFIT and POWER were worshiped. (thanks Friedman) To make matters worse Ayn Rand's evil made us think only the SELF mattered. Everything we have done since W W 2 has destroyed our humanity .. our brain is missing. How else could we deplete or destroy everything of TRUE value .. all I the name of MORE, faster and easier? We are already extinct. It was our brain .. our mind and "heart" that made us human. Most of us are now just mindless "beings" .. "phone faced sheep ants" devoid of all civility.
It is time for us still human "Wonder THINKING" QUIET MASSES to TAKE OVER. Unless we do so IMMEDIATELY with urgency it is too late. we must build a new connected SIMPLE stem, no silos based on Quality of life for all. WE can build a new "TOTAL SOCIETAL HEALTH" by RE-PIONEERING. We create a SYSTEM that revises capitalism and "democracy". Valuing Voting and "freedom" is a joke today, NETHER are true. We have been scammed so badly with "democracy" it is now FUNNY.🤣 Wake up .. I knew something was wrong when I was 9!! That was 67 years ago .. but nobody listened the past 3 decades obsessively ranting. Now I am ready to LAUGH .. "Listen to me .. or DIE SOON." If you got this far reading you still HAVE a contemplative brain of WONDER and creativity. We can create a new BETTER SYSTEM of CONNECTED HUMAN INTELLIGENCE
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Mon. May 1, 2023, 3:00 pm
greed has taken over, whethe more faster easier or desire for profit and power .. our entire life focus is just WRONG. We have turned progress into a TOXIC POISON .. or a MORE LIKE A VIRUS because it is catching. While we worried about covid something far worse was happening. More and more stress and less and less REAL human Connection over the last decade is killing us. Stress and lack of security inflames our genes that were problematic so we die of many diseases. Divided they don't call it an EPIDEMIC. If we do not get a physical DISEASE, we "lash inward" in despair.. to addiction or suicide .. or we lash OUTWARD to mass murder.
Why do you think everything seems to be collapsing? NORMAL life is calm and slow and sometimes BORING, but it allows us to stay healthy. 900 mile an hour change for no REAL logical reason is not NORMAL. Ah but I guess the word "normal" is also OSTRACIZED. Sorry people there IS "normal" and we disrespected it to our EXTINCTION! We thought normal life was too boring for us people of amazing "progress". Sorry but we need routine, security and all the OLD FASHIONED things we had when we arrived as Pioneers. we had and still NEED Connection and a respect for the COMMON GOOD, with a goal that includes everyone. Instead we divide into micro groups and disrespect the other, having NO COMMON GOAL.
instead of extremes and excess.
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Warning .. it will take Personal Responsibility, self discipline .. and SACRIFICE. Can you do it? We have lived fast and easy for decades. We have to give up every thing that does not want to build our FAIR ceridifed with us..I bet TOGETHER with caring thoughtful like minded people you CAN!
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WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY