If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sat. April 29, 2023, 5:30 pm
Time to step out of NONSENSE world, time to only support things that are decent and FAIR. Most of what we have is STUPID and does NOTHING whatsoever to improve our quality of life. We do not need a watch telling us our heart rate! We just need to LEARN Functional Medicine, eat and live healthy and we will feel good1 Dr Mark Hyman and Cleveland Clinic could have begun TRUE HeaLTH! But the "care" industry ie the REAL DRUG PUSHERS and their profitable procedures mean you do NOT DARE mess with the established evil.
Besides people would need to take PERSONAL responsibility for their health. Hell no .. we just expect daddy to take care of us in everything. Only this "daddy" does not love us ..in fact has no respect or VALUE in us. Daddy wants to replace us all with A I and robots. Or at least the left brain missing THINKING BRAIN WIRING do. If you check the link above you see it is a LOT of
"listening", learning, and reconsidering, PLUS time to manage life anew. We do not have the DISCIPLINE for that. We want ONLY fast and easy. Please prove me totally wrong .. or we are doomed.
Are there 1 of 100 of us willing to ACTUALLY SACRIFICE the CONVENIENCE WORLD? I do not mean cold turkey or COMPLETE withdrawal but we must do it very soon! (Before the robots and A I take over!) And we must remove our buying and working with them ENOUGH to make it HURT THEM. They will never notice just a few of us .. so work hard to bring along your thinkng worrying friends and family!
If we QUIT and are NOT online 24 hrs, they get no ad revenue. Sadly it affects those "influencers", but are they really people trying to improve life .. or just THEIR life? We Right brain THINKING people have to start influencing. Try to bring friends and family along. Some of us will sadly realize the reason we always felt OUTSIDER. Even close family if left brain does NOT even care to UNDERSYAND us. Yet we worriers want to UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING. Life is simple when you care nothing about the "but .." 's and REASONS. Left brains call those EXCUSES. What a simple minded world Left brains have created.
Unless we are willing to STEP OUT of that simplification, things will not change. Society WILL collapse. It is up to us. The ONLY solution is to step OUT of STUPID WORLD, refuse to take part! Once we build a connected community that is joyful and has REAL success of it HUMAN"S quality of life, more and more will WANT to join us. We must remember that so many are just STRESSED selfish and shallow. S /S is a tool for survival when you are just trying to eat and pay rent!
We have SO MANY RESOURCES ( ..) But without our TOTAL HEALTH we have NOTHING, really! First start o your PHYSICAL HEALTH. You can start that this minute with Functional Medicine Dr Hyman .. your genes that have problems get INFLAMED to be diseased. You can STOP THAT INFLAMMATION FROM HAPPENING!
Together we will work to change all the things that STRESS us. We can never be TOTALLY Healthy unless we have a MOSTLY secure calm life. We will work to create new careers and SHARE our Human Intelligence, plus TRADE OUR RESOURCES. Knowing we live in a CONNECTED and CARING community takes such stress off our body and MIND and "HEART". We will be healthy without TIK TOK and TWEETS! Stop wasting your life on that nonsense. What do those people really KNOW of INTELLIGENCE? You get INTELLIGENT by researching investigating analyzing BIAS, contemplating causes and consequences. How many on tik tok and twitter do that?
If we quit everything STUPID, and stop working for and buying from or supporting anything not FAIR certified we have POWER!! we can take back control! It is like a HUMAN strike. Millions of us saying "I am not taking it anymore!" The job you won't take can first be asked "Would you like to partner with us and get FAIR certified? No .. BYE!" FAIR Certified is just REAL not FAKE what they all PRETEND. "FAIR" means treat employs well (fair pay), pay FAIR taxes, don' polite and STILL be philanthropic, ACTUALLY like Carnegie not TOTAL FAKE like today! (Like a cancer RACE sponsored by " .." where YOU do all the work raising the funds. WAKE UP PEOPLE! where did our common sense go? You know! It was FRIED by the sugar and wheat of 90 names in every food that you eat! Stop it! Smarten up. we are seriously being KILLED becaseu robitrsand A I are less trouble. THEY are also brain dead becaseu A I will not BUY their stuff!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
With your help and connections I bet Barry Diller will help us build our BIG ISLAND .. better quality of life for all.
What do the people who get paid 600X our non livable wages give to us today? It is time to REVOLT.
No working for or buying from companies that do NOT have humanity's BEST interest at heart
They can join us or we (segregate) them. Left brain selfish thoughtless behaviour is not tolerated on our Island. Behave human or drowned.😈
The "SELF" virus, "me/mine, here, now (screw you)" has been festering faster and faster and now has almost done us in.
The (weapons and enemy) VIRUS that create our wounds must be QUARANTINED.
But the universe (god?) has been sending me more and faster great ideas!! ( Awesome Social Enterprise!)
Our mission is to use our HUMAN INTELLIGENCE .. SHARED and TRADED to build a simpler but BETTER "TOTAL Societal Health SYSTEM".
Every silo SYSTEM is collapsing. We will create ONE SYSTEM connecting only one MISSION and goal .. base quality of LIFE for all .. or TOTAL Societal HEALTH. Societal HEALTH consists of ..
Fri. Mar 24, 2023, 11:00 am
What actually was a "concentration" camp? We NEED a new one! I am the first one IN IT!
this is NOT edited except the new date below.
ooowooo .. I hear the screaming right here all the way to my place. A "solution" is LISTENING .. maybe BEFORE screaming .. HEAR my idea! I am Swiss GERMAN, always wanted to learn the REAL story, the TRUE story about Hitler. I KNOW nothing .. but LOGIC would say IN THE BEGINNNG he must have had good ideas to get followers? WHOOPS!! never thought of today! We have Trump followers today and they do not think deep about ANYTHING. They DO have some valid ideas .. but they should be questions to find the TRUTH about if that is still possible? Truth?? Is probably a pipe dream of mine. "Truth" has become so hidden, so TWISTED into whatever suits THEM (1% in control) .. am I just DREAMING? is it even possible to find Real TRUTH anymore? Sugar has destroyed our health (64? names) and then they profit of the drugs .. can any TRUTH actually be found in a society so BRAINLESS as to allow that?
Re CONCENTRATION camp .. I just worry Propoganda has not told us the whole TRUE story about Hitler. Always remember REAL truth was HELLA hard even in NORMAL times .. because there are always biases. Like me being (Swiss) GERMAN and we are supposedly demons, biasing me AGAINST the opposite side. As I said I am clueless re Jews and even why the war existed. added Sun.
April 30, 2023. 4:30 pm. Awesome! I met a Jewish woman with an OPEN mind who I was able to discuss this with! Still have no clue of the history BUT she said they (Jews) were hated because they had the MONEY and power. OMG .... how IS that different than me? I hate rich people becaseu they tend to be selfish and shallow or .. GREEDY and STUPID! YIKE! Bec. I am Swiss my kids jokingly said I wanted to be Hitler .. but crap .. sounds like that WAR began in a way similar to wht I am preaching! So what I say elsewhere not in order please remember I do not care black gay Jew or a MAN .. I care ONLY that you act HUMAN! Be caring and thoughtful OF OTHERS WELL BEING or get the hell off the planet! If you live "me first, screw you", the WAR against that VIRUS of greed may murder you.
8:00 pm .. See if we just KEEP "LISTENING" and LEARNING .. eventually if we share our HUMAN Intelligence we will get it right! I just checked History channel and they say Hitler also wanted to get rid of homosexuals, very poor people and those with disabilities. So no, I am just a dictator to get rid of mean cruel SELFISH people! Be decent and FAIR .. or DIE. Remember it is always OK for the power people to say who we kill. It is never murder if war is declared by the powerful. But of I say we may have to murder greedy evil people, I will be in jail as a TERRORIST. HMM .. real FREE country eh?
So cut the crap of screaming nonsense, that I am the enemy. Of lies, scams and Propoganda, YES! I am old and hope I do not end up in jail for trying to stop the nonsense screaming, dividing us .. when "Personal Responsibility TOGETHER" is the only solution. Face it! Nonsense Division is perfect for them. How do you SERIOUSLY believe the 1% can keep 99% in line? Lies and diversion and disconnection is how!! Regardless of the IDIOT screaming (? "you are a Neo nazi, white suprmacist").. I need a "CONCENTRATION CAMP" to stay on track. I just diverged again. And we have NO TIME FOR diverging. THIS is too URGENT for preventing the EXTINCTION of humanity.
Don't we ALL need a "CONCENTRATION space" to make our brain start working again? Place to start paying ATTENTION again? Maybe we can call it the NEW concentration camp. Maybe SPACE would lower the screaming volume? So many of our words have been stolen.
My brain is "THINK smart" but unless I get "ACT smart" and FOCUS and actually GET THE JOB DONE we are dead. Sorry but everybody is terrified and nobody has ONE connected solution like I have spent my life mulling through. If I do not get my HEAD TOGETHER as in "CONCENTRATE" focus on FINISHING my recipe for others to create and replicate .. I help NO ONE and wasted my entire life.
We need to get together .. CONCENTRATE, hence need a CONCENTRATION (camp) to stick to our new SELF DISCIPLINE together. Screw losing weight .. we need to lose our selfish, lazy and thoughtless WAYS far more urgently! Maybe our "Church" Library cafe can be that space .. a place to EXERCISE our BRAIN back to normal Human BALANCE!! ! I refuse to let certain people, in this case jews STEAL the word concentration. I presume they put people in camps to concentrate on behaving better or just concentrating them together. WELL! We need to concentrate .. come together in a community space to GET OUR ACT TOGETHER. Right brains must learn to DECIDE! and ACT. Left brains must learn to listen HEAR learn and reconsider. Nothing is a fact. By discussing and evaluating we get a little closer to TRUTH. Surely we all want truth and honesty as one of our main values?
Sat. April 15, 2023, 1:00 pm
OUR brain is far more than a bunch of information! When we went down the info/ date is king road it was the way to HELL. REAL intelligence .. HUMAN intelligence includes a SOUL, a spirit and a mind that has compassion and empathy! Our mind does not just summarize stuff and add $, or help us dig a hole .. our mind THINKS and feels others pain or joy .. that is REAL INTELLIGENCE. Shuffling around art or music or words THOUGH A I STEALS OUR WORK AND LIVING .. it will never have the human HEART which is what MAKES REAL ART.
Go to art shows .. you can FEEL with intuition who is the true ARTIST. Listen to music .. you can FEEL who just wants followers and fame. The TRUE ARTIST can be felt, his message transferred by ENERGY. Do A I and robots have energy? Not the important kind! ONLY THE ENERGY USE THAT IS DESTROYING OUR PLANET!
SERIOUSLY?? .. I am supposed to eat plant burgers and drive electric, while our A I and CLOUD use 1000X more energy now? Like I said .. we are truly BRAIN DEAD INSANE!
share trade H I
Sat. April 15, 2023, 1:00 pm
Unless we bring this ABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY back IMMEDIATELY our extinction will be complete. Seriously those UNWILLING or even unable will have to be somehow contained. A new asylum for the truly BAD people? They put us THINKERS in them to keep us from questioning their motives or giving up and screaming on the street. Those who won't listen and discuss to UNDERSTAND go to jail? Police have no problem throwing bad guys in jail. Let re consider who the REAL bad guys are. BAD GUYS are the people who think only of SELF. "Me first screw you." will no longer be tolerated. Once we have our ISLAND .. "me/mine, here, now" behaviour will be warned, second warning you are on your way out.
You told us THINKERS to just TRY HARDER. WELL! NOW IT IS YOUR TURN TO TRY HARDER! Acting with no thought is EASY for you. But now THINK .. SOMETHING HARD FOR YOU TO ACCOMPLISH!! TRY USING THE RIGHT SIDE OF YOUR BRAIN TO UNDERSTAND .. instead of simply good vs bad? DONE. Yup you told us "MENTALLY" ill Thinkers we were just too lazy to succeed. Our desire to UNDERSTAND and be FAIR was what made us SLOW and indecisive. Meantime you could take over with your SHALLOW selfishness turning to greed!
REVERSE WORLD FLIPS everything. YOU who won't think and just act with no UNDERSTANDING are now the bad guys! Hah your turn to try to do something not your skill. We Thinkers have been in trouble forever for just to GETTING THE JOB DONE!. Yes it is much harder when you have to thinks or even just LISTEN to and consider others ideas. That makes everything harder and slower. Your easy fast will no longer be TOLERATED.
probably relate for young'uns (the F... girl who seems wise but F this F That makes you SEEM STUPID!! Do you have other words? Why are you wasting tome adding USELESS words Why are you SCREAMING? I hate screaming and won't listen!
We pay the taxes while THEY have the yacht, jet and 5 mansions. Get enraged and then .. no more interaction .. work for and buy ONLY from DECENT still HUAM businesses willing to CERTIFY (link) as FAIR R 3, C8.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Fri. Mar. 17, 2023, 10:00
Whoops .. guess I am not welcome either then! I scream a lot and blame and want "MURDER" .. eliminate? bad people .. but please UNDERSTAND I am only talking about greedy self absorbed mean actually EVIL people. The REAL people I want OFF MY ISLAND, are those who care less for others, can honestly step over a homeless person and with no guilt otr at least EMPATHY say "He should have worked harder like me! It's HIS problem". Those people ENRAGE me.
Yet again I am WRONG! Those people never had much of a Right Brain hemisphere to let them THINK, consider causes, and contemplate consequences
Fri. Mar. 17, 2023, 10:00
My "Theory of everything .. HUMAN" is based on Dr McGilchrist's updated Left Right brain work. When I generalize Left vs Right .. please UNDERSTAND I am speaking opposites but the TRUTH in all of life is NOT so simple. Life is GREY, everything is good and bad (A gun is good if a bear is attacking, but bad if you use it to get your own way.) But I have a weak ?wrist and if I said MOSTLY left brain or Mostly or TENDING TOWARD Right brain every time I would have a useless hand and be UNABLE to write! Everything wrong with our world is SIMPLIFYING to black/ white, good/ bad, right wrong. WE ARE TOO LAZY TO THINK. Thinking means wanting to understand! But it is just faster to say Right vs Left BRAIN, so I apologize for simplifying Right Left HEMISPHERE .. when people always OPERATE on a SPECTRUM or scale.
When you WONDER and are CURIOUS you want to UNDERSTAND and work toward a WIN/ WIN solution. This book, manual, formula or SYSTEM is fr people who want to understand what has happened to humans and why so many of us have LOST our humanity! Selfish is the path to greed and greed is EVIL. No wall st guy greed is NOT good!! But most left brains are STRESSED selfish and shallow, so fo rgive me when I just rant how bad left brain is. If we are stressed into Left Brain ACTION .. devoid of right brain thinkng .. we are purely trying to sur vive. Hopefully that is most of us .. Together we can CHANGE the system and we don't even need protests or disruption. But we will need sacrifice of our easy and fast. If you are willing to that path of self discipline, TOGETHER we CAN create a better quality of life .. a SYSTEM that is WIN/ WIN for all instead of the 1%.
This is probably not your community. Thinkers use their RIGHT (wanting to UNDERSTAND) Brain to listen, hear, reconsider and reTHINK ideas. WE discuss and debate CIVILLY. All the screamers are LEFT brain. They are WARRIORS , not worriers and yelling at us is a battle thing. Be quiet and LISTEN .. but HEAR and reconsider new ideas. What makes life hard is compromising on opposing ideas. Yelling, dividing demonizing will not save us from our COLLAPSING systems. When "wake up issrolen to be demeaning we have a big problem! I used to think left brain were conservatives. But sadly screaming Liberals are ALSO Left brain. Screamers have no intention of LISTENOING to learn. Divide and demonize is the mark of a society that worships easy and fast. It is time for right brain thinkers to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and quit easy and fast. UNDERSTANDING causes and consequences of problems is slow and HARD. A society that worships only CONVENIENCE is set to fail. Please bring along all your STRESSED selfish and shallow seemingly left brain friends and family. With all the STRESSED shallow and selfish in our community we can DEFINITELY WIN. WE can TAKE over w WIN/ LOSE society and make it WIN/ WIN for all. We can revise capitalism and "democracy to work for WE THE PEOPLE instead of the 1%. Are you ready to SACRIFICE together? I swear when we lived with no bathroom and no heat system we had a better life. I know iwas only a kid .. but the excess of today now only creates stress. It does NOT create quality of life. I can not walk with my &$ treat of Starbucks and not feel pure quilt as I walk by a homeless person. He does not have 7$ to EAT for the day. How is that FAIR? Plus most I know work 2 jobs to pay the rent and eat. that starbucks is 1/2 HR of a days work!
"We" the people has been forgotten more and more every decade since the 50's. Our systems no longer works for US .. the everyday people. They work only for the 1% .. and nicely for maybe the top 10%? Everything is win lose .. and WE lose. THEY win. If I am wrong then why is Education RIDICULOUS, Policing and Justice a joke and don't get me started on Health "CARE". I just want to be HEALTHY .. not cared for!! How stupid have we become? If I build my body with good (bricks) it will be like those OLD buildings still a functioning work of ART, 140 years later. Instead we build our bodies like the concrete condos of today .. with garbage .. so they fall apart. Sure a few years ago we got into kale smoothies and gluten and vegan but did anybody move forward with FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE? No .. where are the DR's licensed in Functional. We need to learn what inflames our individual cells and the we will be MORE healthy. But that would reduce the PROFIT of lawful DRUG pushers. 🙈
10 plus years after I bought Wheat Belly and thought we finally got SMART, NOTHING. The first FOUNDING PARTNER we will work toward is Dr Mark Hyman and the Cleveland Clinic. I would trust them with our lives! But they too live in a world that is TWISTED to success only, for the top few. Even the trusted and honoured Cleveland Clinic could get NOWHERE with creating REAL "Health". Nothing else matters if you are in pain or daily life is a struggle of feeling PHYSICALLY badly. Luckily my daughter dismissed my "gluten is god" belief with there is more to health than not eating processed food. I had spent my life obsessed with physical health, and the IDIOCY of "mental" health> How stupid do we have to be to stigmatize BRAIN dysfunction? Why would it be any different than a poorly functioning heart or liver or any other necessary ORGAN? PLUS! Our brain is about the most amazing thing on earth. Of course a million things can go wrong with those complex neurone and capabilities.
I suggest we have lost the function of our RIGHT brain. the R br and the left
That is perfect for THEM. Left brains just get er done. no questions just DO IT. Right brains wonder and are curious and are a PAIN FOR EMP{LOYERS. Plus we are terrible CONSUMERS. Why the hell do I need WHITE teeth? it LOOKS stupid and UN NATURAL. Why do I need to buy and DO one MORE unnatural thing? Do you think THEY who own us like me? Especially if I lern to write well and get noticed. My god some might listen, buy less and refuse the stupid paths they have taken us on! Back To my daughter .. and you have her to thank for this brilliance! 🥸
Fri Mar 17, 2023, 12:30 pm
Our SYSTEMS are set up to DESTROY our health. The less TOTALLY Healthy we are the more we behave ourselves. Afraid to lose our job, we can NOT complain about UN FAIRness. When profit and power became their ONLY desire we lost everything. BUT .. we are RESPONSIBLE TOO .. us boomers. It is the stock market that wants profit above any other VALUE. That stock market funds us boomer pensions! So we better damn well take responsibility. I have to be very careful because my rage wants to murder people. I must remember they have been made BRAINLESS by the TOXINS of "progress". BRAINLESS people are disabled! If our right thinkng hemishere is missing we are UNABLE to think! People who WANT left brains to THINK feel like attackers and create discomfort. Left brain "just do it" people get confused by us thinkers and they DISMISS us by calling us NEGATIVE! Do you think maybe it is time we DO something about these negatives? I guess they do not even SEE the negative so they can not even UNDERSTAND I spent 60 years curious what the SOLUTION is. If after 67 years I did not find a SOLUTION .. there is no hope for me and you better not eats time here. But I did! And you need to help me QUIT hating on stupid left brain people. They are disabled. just as I am .. I am stupid in not getting things done! You can not live in your head and expect to FIX problems. YOU MUST GET ER DONE like the skill and TALENT of a left brain.
Our brains used to be BALANCED right (Think), Left (do) until those TOXINS of our fake "progress" destroyed our brain wiring. So now we MUST work together to share our skills Think first THEN ACT. Back to enrages .. please keep reminding me I would not murder a DISABLED person! Now I know WHY, but I fall back into the pattern of hating selfish mean people. I would not hate someone missing their left ARM .. and I should not hate for missing the left brain! What just enraged me was trying to discuss my idea with some OLD people. One I had thought might be nice not EVIL (selfish) said "what is this "our golden years"? There are no more golden years for us". I had a hard time not SCREAMING myself .. like those woke? and extremist Left brain Dividers. Seriously? As we sit in our luxury "bistro" on our 9th social floor .. with our awesome pensions, those people doing NOTHING with their days (sorry but volunteering for US .. counts for NOTHING! That is just "me/ mine, here! now!" SELF volunteering. It cares nothing about makig the world a better place. Volunteering to make MY PLACR better is NOT on the selfless side of the sefish SELFLESS scale! Luckily I did not murder .. I said seriously? you do not see how LUCKY you are? Do you know what my kids and most young peoples pension will be? .. DEATH! sorry I stole that from a late night comedian.
WeB 3 .. virtual reality? Hey you need a couch and screen to be there. you will not becaseu unless we actually WAKE UP, you will be dead from civil war. We can not expect to overload, overwhelm with stress people for so long and not expect them to BREAK. Is it Right brain thinkers like me that are on our last thread? Suicide is what? doubled? You can't tell me mass shooting have not doubled. Ridiculousness seems to be the mark of everyday. A 6 year old shooting his TEACHER?? 😱 If you do not think we have LOST out humanity, you need to pracise trying to think and then come back. OR .. just become part of my solution and follow the rules here. Yes, my kids always said I wanted to be a dictator. My rules is just be decent be fair! come back to beinf=g HUMAN. You know with a MIND and "heart". Is our heart our spirit and our soul? I believe our HUMAN resides in our RIGHT brain. With so many STRESSED selfish and shallow left brains .. we have LOST our humanity. A human is not a body. a human is a considerate caring SOUL. Our brain is our humanity. If our caring brain is gone we are just ZOMBIES ambling along. I meet these "beings" or bodies every day on the sidewalk. WE have gone from losing our manners to losing our civility. If you want to help re build our HUMANITY before we become extinct (but living bodies) please join this collaborative. IN religion we used to think our bodies die but our soul lives on. How did we now make this BACKWARD? Our soul is gone but our bodies are on MY sidewalk running me into the gutter. Sorry it is the dead of this worsening incivility that has me so enraged at being a ghost I want to murder. Luckily I have NO gun, no car, no explosives and I am a weak old LADY. But together we can create a new STSTEM of TOTAL Health .. base quality of life for ALL. Revising capitalism and "democracy" inootWIN/ WIN. No ore win lose for us .. but it will take a bit of SACRFICE and taking responsibility all day! Are you game. If there are enough of us I promise with our Blockchain LIFE LEDGERS we can create a stock market that ONLY rises.With a "YOUme" (link) greater good focus we can INCREASE value instead of destroying it, moment by moment in our current system. "Me first, screw you" will never work and it has destroyed all the good we once created . The Founding Fathers are turning in their graves. We will repioneer but using the VALUES of the natives that we called "primitive". 😈 They lived for centuries. It took us inventive new country creating whites less than 2 to destroy everything. Contemplating causes and the consequences of solutions"progress"
It will take discipline but I promise the result will be more amazing than the discipline of losing a few pounds!! As you rescues .. just look at the POWER it gives you. YOU are controlling your life. And those you refuse have a choice .. they can join our FAIR Certification program and partner! You are showing your power .. but not being mean. You are saving HUMANITY!
Fri. Mar 31, 2023, 8:30 am.
But life's problems need BOTH Thinking and THEN acting on the contemplation. Either "smart" alone will NOT work! We used to have balanced brains .. like 50 years ago. The Right brain Hemisphere THINKS, then the left brain gets it done. Now action minds hate thinkers and thinkers are sick of the power simplifying left brains get. but that kind of success is short lived. And now it is time to pay the price for the thoughtless selfish and shallow action of the past 50 years.
Can you see THAT is where our DIVISION and demonization lies? Those who just want to "Get on with it! Stop with the EXCUSES, get it done" vs those of us thinkng but that is NOT even common sense, vs anywhere smart at all!". Of course that simplification is much easier SO THEY DO GET THE JOB DONE. They are the CEO's and politicians! The rest of us quiet "voters" would rather find out WHY? causes so solutions are REAL. Us quiet THINKERS want to think about consequences of our solution. Who does it harm? How can we compromise? We are divided by those who act quickly and take charge, and those who want to THINK more deeply. The fast ACTION run our world. We slow frustrating THINKERS are NOT excuse makers .. we want to UNDERSTAND FIRST and only then act. So of course the SELFISH and SHALLOW have taken over. A society of REAL success has balanced brains. So we must now work together or humanity goes fully extinct. A zombie is just a "being" but not HUMAN.
Our DIVISION is NOT Left vs Right politics, but missing brain wiring DIVISION! Those in control vs those of us who just do the work so THEY can profit. It is US against THEM .. the selfish, shallow Politicians and CEO's seeking ONLY profit and POWER. We need to step OFF this hamster wheel that we ALLOWED us to be on! We need to take back CONTROL. But we can only do so by taking REAL responsibility and SACRIFICING! Can you do that?
Hah! Trump was just (indited) .. is that proof they (both Politician sides together with the CEO's) want us to kill each other? I have always disliked Republicans but actually their ideas are sound, they just do not THINK far enough! (Only profit and power are of value!) Are "liberals" holier than thou? Actually I think most in gov't only care about "ME/ mine, here, now" surely NOT "WE THE PEOPLE. If they did would things not WORK for us? NOTHING does, it only works for developers and the super rich. Creating civil war thru Stormy Daniels, when the guy caused Jan 6 destruction in the capital is ludicrous. Shallow myopic Trump followers will start vandalism and attacks and everything will turn into chaos, if not now surely soon. He even said there will be (death and destruction). A rabid follower leader can NOT be saying that!
OK, so collapse is very near. LET"S GET TO WORK! ACTION is of EXTREME URGENCY.
We are now rebuilding AIR ships, you know, dirigibles? ( Bloomb) Instead of thinking our transportation of extreme "more" nonsense can not continue, we invent MORE stupidity. Always "Bandaid" instead of what is causing the WOUND? We HAVE TO simplify our lives if we want to survive our destruction of the planet. WE do nothing to relearn RESPECT for our home, just add stupid new bandaids like Plant burgers. Insanity! Find the HEART of the problem and THEN work toward a solution! WE need to TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and conserve our draining of earth's resources. BUT Brain Dead zombies won't actually are not even ABLE to do that becaseu our brain is gone. Seniors are too lost and SELFISH, mid life people are to terrified, and young people are phone faced sheep ants! Our only hope is if THINKERS get together and learn to ALSO ACT, to ACCOMPLISH what we believe in. protesting and yelling are too late now!
When faced with a dilemma we often just grab the SHELL of the onion. Sometimes we just simplify. No .. No guns .. never. But I can see how young men do not feel SAFE .. FROM THE CONTROL FREAK police, those who got into policing for the "force" part. You know, those looking for "bad guys" .. not those police who want to make life BETTER for all. LIfe is not as simple as we pretend it is! Americans divide into gun no gun or Abortion/ no. That is all RIDICULOUS .. and not the mark of humanity. Why have we never sat down with a hot beverage and had a CIVIL discussion. It is so sad that young men are unable to feel like we old guys. You are having trouble? The police are there to HELP. And abortion .. do you really think a fetus that will be DEVOID of nurture can have a decent life? No they will always feel less than and undeserving. NURTURE is equal to a POT of GOLD. How selfish to put your law on another without your resources. PROBLEMS are complicated If they are 2 sided instead of demonizing like we do when we simply grab the ONION SHELL .. we better start getting to the heart of the onion, the hard make you CRY layers, becaeu life is an onio that makes you cry! IF .. you are still human with a Heart and MIND. But yes I am a thinker yet just realized we ALL simplify much. We just grab the onion shell and run with it. Our life is so xiomplicated today we just HAVR TO SIMPLIFY some things.
We live in a Bandaid world .. fast and easy. Instead of studying the CAUSE of the problem, by looking at the PAST and considering FUTURE results of solutions we take fast and easy BANDAIDS. Finding out what CAUSED a wound lets you prevent recurence. But that takes time and is not EASY. Our desire for CONVENIENCE is KILLING our humanity. Humans are a MIND, sprit, and soul (heart) but those all take THINKNG before ACTING. If we simply take the outer onion shell we are being shallow NOT getting to the HEART of the problem. We have to work through all those onion layers of opposing or DUAL ideas. It is the ONLY REAL way to actually SOLVE our problems. But after decades of worshipping more and faster, can we STOP and start THINKNG again? This site is for those WILLING to sacrifice time and convenience to build REAL solutions to our TOTAL SYSTEM COLLAPSE. Nothing is working! Let's separtate form the easy fast in power and TOGETHER share our resources to build a better quality of life. We need BALANCED "SMART". It is smart to get the job DONE .. but it is ALSO smart to think and compromise opposing ideas.
Fri. Mar. 31, 2023, 5:00 pm.
So if we just take onion SHELLS and run, instead of THINKING through layers to the heart of a problem, are we just lazy? No, sadly we are DISABLED. Thinkers are unable to get the job done, But Left brains that want to just ACCOMPLISH THE TASK, are UN-able to actually listen with an open mind patiently. They are actually DISABLED from listening, hearing, learning, reconsidering and compromising. Their brain shuts down creating discomfort with a THINKER'S rambling.
But a Thinker has no ACTION smarts. He can not multi task or multi step. I get frustrated just if a job has a few STEPS, let alone ANY ability to multitask. I could NEVER take a job today even at a Tim's! Those guys do 4 things at one time with those mobile and delivery orders etc to contend with. I have hated on Left brains for YEARS Jealous of their ability and especially how FAST they can do it! But now that I realize my smarts were never RESPECTED and not listening has caused our EXTINCTION .. I am SO ANGRY. I am trying hard to learn EMPATHY now that I know they are {PHYSICALLY DISABLED from listening because the right thing wiring is mostly missing. (Do understand I am GENERALIZING and there are still a few lucky balanced brain people.
Our Brain wiring is LITERALLY DISABLED because of the TOXINS of our supposed "progress". Sugar with its (64) names in every food was the beginning and the most evil. It does not only destroy our self control but also our physical HEALTH. Makes us buy more and need prescriptions .. nice for more profit and power eh? More control of the masses. From the beginning of COKE and then processed food evil things have only gotten worse. Search, stress, the focus on SELF have all created a society unable or too lazy to act like a citizen. Instead we eventually became children expecting government to be our "daddy". There is NO ONE taking care of us .. so we batter act quickly. Once we have no work to hold over them as bargaining power .. we are done. THEY won't even pay FAIR taxes, do you really think they will give everybody UBI a universal basic income? In a year or 2 when robots and A I take over you will be TOO LATE to do anything. Let's get together while we can .. we CAN force change if we SACRIFICE. I have done my life's work to create the SYSTEM. It is a plan, a recipe a FORMULA that CAN take back control PEACEFULLY without even protest. But it takes individual responsibility and ACTION. Now it is your turn to act. So it will be hard for us Thinkers but we CAN do it encouraging each other. Supporting each other with a feeling of BELONGING, and sharing and trading together is how we CAN succeed.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
SACRIFICE NOW .. or you will sacrifice everything a bit later when none of us have jobs.
Sadly .. unless we quit working for them or buying from them NOW, we will lose the very LAST power or ability to control we have left. I think in a VERY few years, robots and A I will take away our power. It will take awhile to build our new BETTER system that replaces EVERYTHING so we need to start TOMORROW. Or .. bye bye humanity. Start seeing if you can bring along DECENT friends who are just STRESSED shallow and selfish. WE do not want shallow selfish becaseu they are who GOT US IN THIS MESS! But as my poor daughter says. You young people have no TIME to sit around thinkng. You need tp apy the rent and will never have a pension coming in like I have assured funds. No wonder I can spend boring to nite obsessing.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY