Thurs. Feb 23, 2023, 7:00 am
Why was I never taught what philosophy is! .. I mean so I would REMEMBER!! .. like 1 + 1 = 2??!! .. There is the REAL CONSPIRACY!! KEEP US STUPID!
WHY IS PHILOSOPHY NOT THE GOAL OF EDUCATION??? PLUS .. we would long ago have realized some of us are INCAPABLE of even TRYING to seek the truth. O would not have spent my life hating on people who "ignored" me. I would have realized my ONSLAUGHT of questions and answers confused them .. made things complicated an difficult. Hence the idea I was ABUSIVE!! My words ideas feel like weapons to warriors, they feel afraid because they feel OUT OF CONTROL! Education is evil .. I just found proof! OR .. of course all those in charge of the "education" SYSTEM are LEFT brain (or missing the amygdala or white matter connecting the right hemisphere)
hard to read article .. re Russell etc. philosophy
"In the above passage, Russell clearly states how he believes that our perception is in itself a judgment and a prejudice, and that beyond these perceptions there lies some more fundamental truth to reality, even if we cannot access it. To Russell, to free ourselves from the prejudices that we are capable of understanding (those of our thoughts and behaviors, and not our sensory construction) is the goal of philosophy."
too late for philosophy Wed. Mar 22, 2023, 8:00pm .. we ARE too stupid to live .. mess the world and humans totally but worry about making fresh "humans". Kind of like when I saw the first FAKE flowers. YES I am old .. don't remind me!🤬
great resources to STUDY this!!
TRUTH IS SO HARD. It takes time and patience to find. but left brain WARRIORS just want to "get er done". Almost everything is good AND bad. If we take things toexEXTREME they always become BAD. Like guns, they can sometimes be good but extreme like Florida are a prescription for extinction of human BEINGS. (the human is already gone just our body or "being" remains .. you know like a ZOMBIE? Just look at people on the street face in phone sheep ants)
see this BIAS by me! selfishness is good "TWISTING" see healthy selfishness, Fromm, 1939!
Wed. April 5, 9:00 am.
THINKING .. is LISTENING and HEARING, Learning, reconsidering by analyzing. Then you RECONSIDER your own position with this new KNOWLEDGE. If you HEARD the opposing idea and CONTEMPLATED it in your brain .. you will have a new UNDERSTANDING
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Do not INSULT me by saying liberals are right brain. Yes, maybe the quiet ones. But anybody SCREAMING is LEFT brain .. so that INCLUDES the "woke". Yes Right brains think we should WAKE UP! WE ARE GOUNG OVER A CLIFF .. our boat is SINKNG FAST! But right brains take UNDERSTANDING PROBLEMS much further than animal rights and not using plastic bags, and STUPID "Defund the police". How abut choose only more Right Brain vs CONTROL left and DELETE the word "force". Most of what you HEAR is a SCREAMER Left brain that thinks the first or second layer of. an ONION. Think of solving a problem like an ONION. The people we hear screaming opposition do not get down into the onion LAYERS of opposing idea analyzed. They simply grab the brown Outer shell (conservative?) OR the next layer (liberal) and RUN with it. No deeper THINKNG or analyzing!
Sorry for being draining. But if you were BLAMED for something you would want me on YOUR side. I would want to know WHY you would have done this. There would always be "BUT .. what about ... if?" Life is COMPLICATED, The only EASY is that it be FAIR for all of us. Natives sat around thinkng and then forgave and HELPED the troublesome soul! But whoite man came along and thought THAT was "promotive". Oh but white man had his GOD and his RELIGION. My REAL god must be SO SAD AT OUR AWFUL BEHAIOUR. YES! We are building a new religion, SIMPLE!! One commandment "just be decent and FAIR and think of OTHERS FIRST." But THAT would take a lot of THINKNG comparing evaluating not at all what FAST Left brains feel comfortable with. So then just LISTEN to us and BEHAVE decently. Consider OTHERS well Being not just your OWN! Ok .. yes I have faced reality I will have like 2 MEMBERS out of 100 people! Who wants to take responsibility and work HARDER? But it would improve our quality of life nd there is only a very BRIEF opportunity. Robots are coming for us VERY soon, with in a few years our opportunity to TAKE CONTROL is GONE.
Yes it is damn HARD to try to UNDERSTAND everything. But Left Brin action without investigating and analyzing has brought us to the BRINK OF HELL. Some of us are already GONE! WE are our BRAIN. A zombie is NOT a human!
But TOGETHER so much easier! We can do it .. the RECIPE is here.
Being WRONG should be celebrated as LEARNING. Thinking is a tool to learn more, and better in seeking TRUTH, or at least different perspectives. Thinkng can be a waste of time if it is circling in your head on an aimless hamster wheel. So "thinkng can be GOOD .. or a bad waste of time.
Fri. Mar. 31, 2023, 1:00 pm.
Lots of values are very important. But if everything around us is a LIE .. it is CRAZY MAKING. I want things to be FAIR for everybody. When you finally realize everything is a LIE and never MEANT to work for us .. for those of us who want WIN WIN for all .. it is completely ENRAGING. Eventually you just want to murder liars .. or at least GREEDY inhuman ones .. like our power structure most of us still believe works FOR US.
Grow up! (sorry .. that took me 7 plus decades) and it sure was easier to be a naive child! But us immature irresponsible children LET our countries go to ruin, running ONLY for their benefit. What I will never undersatnd, without us they have no workers and no customers! If AI and robots take over we have no money To buy their crap. They have no customer, robots do not BUY!!! No consumers for them if we are replaced by A I and robots. are they THAT STUPID??? I thought their GREED was evil .. but it actually seems insane. OR .. Are they aliens??
Government "by the people, for the people" has been gone perhaps for a century! The SUPER wealthy are aided and abetted by those who want wealth above all. All of our systems work for THEM, the wealthy and powerful. Mayors do not work for you .. they work for developers and stock market invents who they give breaks to. Then YOU pay the taxes. In Canada our 15% sales tax is ridiculous. Do you think that fazes the guy paid200x what you and are. It is pennies to him but a half hour work to us.
Le Bron James. My daughter was worried it was photoshopped. WORSE .. it is A I created, I guess then totally a LIE!! WE were confused just by marketing lies. Twisting things so they SOUND good for us but REALLY only help the .001% in every way, was BAD ENOUGH! Now we will have this to contend with? We will have to question every word every photo, every story. It will be too tiring and we will just give up. Some of us will go crazy and get murderous. I have felt MURDER for a few years. But now .. Hell! we live on an INSANE planet! Let's just step out, get an island and go amish or quaker or whatever. Surely it would be better than this hell DYSTOPIA. Good bye to most of you. I know you will not take the responsibility to sacrifice anything. The rest of us .. there have to be a few still human corporations and rich guys will join us. I bet Barry Diller will help us create BIG Island!! He already gifted New Yorkers Little island and the beauty High Line!
Ok we may have to go mennonite. If we do get following and build a community, can you imagine the LIES they will put out against us? NOPE .. if civil war does not start with Trumps indightment on Tues .. we are definitely DONE.
Sat May 13, 2023, 8:00 am.
Here is what is wrong with EVERYTHING! Figure out something logically and with reason .. you are racist, or just evil. Also the photo above? Now just makes me ANGRY .. wheras when I was young, I wanted FAIR for men. Why could I wear a suit first in my class in late 60's but they were trapped in no fun clothes? See what SCREAMING nonsense does? It turns us quiet thinkers into MEAN people. Get your LGBQTRSYZ the hell away from me! Everything is nonsense because HUMANITY as a WHOLE is forgotten .. for the SCREAMING benefit is the few .. DIVIDED. You are so CONNED by the scam of "diversity". It is merely to SEPARATE us and has done an amazing job. Don't worry I just hate EVERYBODY now .. and I used to be always for the underdog. So sad we have allowed ourselves to be mined controlled by pure greed. Greed is the spectrum to evil .. NOT GOOD! But you got conned there too, eh? Grow up .. but I think it is too late .. our society of very silly, self absorbed "pre teens" still controlled by daddy is too far gone. But wait! We still THINKING are the quiet ones! The previous observation is becaseu we remember their idiocy .. while we quiet horrified are observing the crazy world.
Fraser Institute. see title above
"Over time, the immigration issue has attained a kind of religious mystique, so much that any debate over the costs of immigration will immediately be dismissed as racist, or anti-Canadian."
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Wed. Mar 22, 2023, 10:00 pm
Are they an EXPERT? By that I do not mean those TV reporter one sided "experts", or BNN stock advisors who also know little but pretend they know EVERYTHING
WE live in a society of SELF. ME! Arrogant self absorption. And the rest of us are so stupid (sorry BUT our brains are FIRED by toxins) so STUPID, that we think if someone has lots of followers they actually KNOW stuff that matters. If they are wise they may very well be brilliant. But SHALLOW is zero. And SHALLOW goes for those saying "just breathe, meditate, you can manifest anything" or "LOVE is all we need". Yes! Those ideas are TRUE .. BUT!! so much harder and more complicated IF you actually CARE about others than YOU. Unless we wake up from :me/ mine, here , now shallow easy fast convenient WE ARE DEAD.
A decent FAIR to all life is NOT easy. It is HARD if you want EVERYONE to win. So keep on with being SHALLOW and we all die. OR! .. Start living your life with more TINKNG going into your actions. We are at the END of SHALLOW easy "thinking" .. it has already made too many of us EXTINCT .. "beings" bumbling around with the HUMAN missing. Our BRAIN is our humanity. too many of us are missing a MIND and "heart" .. a spirit and soul. We can fix this TOGETHER. BUT .. each of us must take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY again. We have totally given that up and purely just follow along like "sheep ants" with our face on our phone NOT EVEN PART OF SOCIETY. Global destroyed us! How about HERE now paying ATTENTION to the old person you are knocking off the sidewalk in your phone faced OBLIVION. Damn .. sorry for yelling at you! If you are HERE you are NOT the people I am yelling at. What an idiot .. my audience is NOT those people. And if we trying to be DECENT people yell at the idiot zombies .. they scream at us for 2 blocks!
O-M-G!! Come to think of it.. I so often go to sites of great wisdom and guess what? There are ZERO comments, ZERO likes. In fact most of the time stuff I find in research has NOBODY caring. Like .. I may as well give up today!!
I have a young friend always talking about this guy on you tube or this Tik Tok .. what is his background? Is he worth listening too? Does he CARE about the world or just himself and having lots of followers? I thought ALL of us able to communicate would be UTOPIA. But it is a DYSTOPIAN freeforall with no QUALITY or organization. We are going to change that. You are going to make a career out of your area of FASCINATION
So we now say altruism is DYSFUNCTIONAL?? (Ridiculous! Inability to understand a Right Brain's NORMAL behaviour results in JEALOUSY! Guess who says this ? A person who is VERY selfish and INTIMIDATED by those who ACTUALLY put others first just NATURALLY.
A Left brain selfish person is confused and feels uncomfortable with a selfless person. WE are not looking for a trophy! I would like to be appreciated and respected, but instead I truly think we got labelled MENTALLY ill???
Selflessness is furthest from a Left brain mind. The ACTION Warrior thinks "me first, screw you". Why do you think they are in charge of everything, gov't CEO's etc.? So unable to understand putting others FIRST .. Left brains feel almost attacked by the person blathering about being decent and FAIR. Fair does not enter a Left brain. They are WARRIORS and simply ATTACK. Attacking .. even when gaslighting or bullying is the action taken by a Left brain WARRIOR when the "enemy" (A naturally considerate person) comes into the picture. (Left brain even explains abusive behaviour!) So delving more deeply into this horrifying article will be interesting
From the link I was HATING ON!! we take EVERYTHING out of context!! Our brains are so DESTROYED we can NOT think FURTHER! In the 60's we took From's idea and used HALF of it .. conveniently taking it OUT of context!! He is saying not looking after the self is like hating YOURSELF .. and therefore dysfunctional. He said if we want to care for and love others OF COURSE WE TOO SHOULD BE LOVED AND CARED FOR! O M G do you see how we take stuff to suit whatever our bias is! In this case it was MY bias. Once I can afford your comments tech please share if I am being biased or closed minded! But civilly not like todays horrible people!
"In his 1939 essay “Selfishness and Self-Love,” Erich Fromm opened by declaring that “Modern culture is pervaded by a taboo on selfishness. It teaches that to be selfish is sinful and that to love others is virtuous.” In his essay, Fromm argues that this cultural taboo has had the unfortunate consequence of making people feel guilty to show themselves healthy self-love, which he defines as the passionate affirmation and respect for one’s own happiness, growth, and freedom.
Fromm argues that the form of selfishness that society decries— an interest only in oneself and the inability to give with pleasure and respect the dignity and integrity of others— is actually the opposite of self-love. To Fromm, love is an attitude that is indiscriminate of whether it is directed outward or inward. In contrast, Fromm argued that selfishness is a kind of greediness: “Like all greediness, it contains an instability, as a consequence of which there is never any real satisfaction. Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction” (Fromm, 1939).
Mon. April 24, 2023, 10:00 am
CEO who praised selling dog ... Brain dead simplicity .. LISTEN Hear .. use your brain!! Listen to the whole ONION layers of the idea .. not just the brittle outer crackling layer. Complainer .. Your brain is that outer brown layer .. BREAKING apart!! .. your BRAIN is BROKEN. Listen to the WHOLE idea .. not just the scream immediately from your mouth! Living in a society takes BRAIN WORK. THINK before you speak you idiot brain dead people!!
sorry why am I wasting more of my life on this? . we are TERMINALLY ill.
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