Wed. April 12, 2023, 8:00 pm
means not fast and easy, like we love in this society worshipping convenience. It will be hard and slow, something we are no longer used to. Can we take the personal responsibility to be DISCIPLONED? Our choice now .. but later the choice is gone .. and in the very near future NOT 10 years down the road. Rachel Carlson told us we were destroying nature the ?60's. It is 60 years later and we REALLY still do not GET it. This time we have only a few years to listen. Hey, I have invested my life to create a formula .. now it is YOUR turn to do something. Take my recipe and help make the product.
Reverse World .. TOTAL societal HEALTH .. is like an architectural plan .. help me build the building. You have connections I do not. You have skills and talents I am missing. MY talent is taking divergent problems and making the liabilities into assets, increasing the LEDGER of our collective lives. But it will take our SHARED intelligence and connections to actually make it a success.
Win Win will mean compromise. Collaboration and compromise will mean losing some, gaining some. HEY! It beats today .. which is constant LOSE LOSE. Why do you think suicide, drug addiction and mass murder have so increased?? We can not live with this STRESS and overwhelm! OMG, I see more deeper EVIL every day. THEY saw our mental" Health collapse was coming .. so "let's use covid so we can blame everything on it, not our greed and disrespect of EVERYTHING except productivity and gaining more power. It was NOT our fault .. it was covid "isolation"! Wow .. just WOW!
It began with advertising which turned into Propoganda and "Public Relations" con jobs. Now it is even subliminal and we no longer even question it like we didi in the ?70's.
chartwell is 100 x worse than I have been ranting. "How do you live with yourself??" The poor guy as to pay his rent!!
Sun. May 7, 2023, 11:00 am
N C governor (find link to title above, Face the Nation) .. the "allowing 12 weeks to abort a fetus" sounds like a fair COMPROMISE between Republican "NO" and democrat "YES!" re abortion. But the governor says there are so many rules ( OBSTACLES) that one will never surmount them in time for the 12 weeks.
Damn it!!! Just be up front and HONEST with EVERY IDEA. When EVERYTHING isa LIE society falls apart. WE are collapsing from ever side! I swear that all these SCAMS, the inability to TRUST or believe ANYTHING .. is causing people to LOSE THEIR MIND and lash out. Mistrust and fear, not believing there is justice or at least TRUTH is probably what causes (127) mass shooting in (137) days!! All the inhumanity of our "systems" and behaviours is stressing people beyond their limits.
Sun. April 23, 2023, 8:30 am
lucky we are introverts .. therefore suspect!
all the great thinkers (even philosophers are creative!) are RIGHT brain!
Mon. April 17, 2023, 8:30 pm.
A new news segment 1 person DIED of 100 infected with a fungus from a paper company. Right from the damp forest soil and decaying leaves. I guess we have to face that almost every single thing or idea is DUAL .. good AND bad. Even "kindness" is bad if you completely neglect your own care. The sunny side of the street is best, why walk in the dark side? BUT ..
Tues. April 18, 2023 7:30 pm on NBC
The people accused of this discussion are just saying it was doctored and is untrue. Yet reporter for the small town paper, is so afraid he left town. Great!! now evil people will just use "A I as a defence".😱 sorry .. it is TRULY over.
Are you going to join us and sacrifice any dealings with evil business? No? .. OK then .. the human game is over. The inhuman Evil Lying Twisting people of GREED won. See you in hell.
Sun. April 30, 2023, 5:00 pm.
How do you seriously think we can communicate when everyone is yelling in their own language. And sorry those white people tend to speak ore QUIETLY! Now I suppose that is ?racist .. no babay .. it is just a FACR that your brain no longer sees becaseu it is fried from processed food and ALSO TWISTING. Be an adult and think for yourself. If we can talk TOGETHER we discuss problems and think of solutions. Do you think the 1% wants that? no! DIVISION of every imaginable type SUITS their agenda of ALL power and profit. And you just fall for it and step in line. DIVERSITY is an evil con job. When we old people IMMIGRATED we learned the language! And when we got together with those from our country, we were not rude enough to yell our language LOUDLY, in all public spaces. We got together privately. Remember people LIKE me love festivals celebrating other cultures. Just not 10 languages yelling in one subway car!!!
Why was Home Ec. removed shortly after DIVORCE became more accepted? A STABLE secure family support system build capable intelligent people! Can not have that! They might revolt against the power structure!
Sun. April 30, 2023, 5:30 pm. mind blowing from NIH 2018!
Our "We US" cooperative stock market EXCHANGE increases FOR ALL .. when we do good. The value of our resources RISES, our positive energy VIBRATION increases. To denigrate the good we do by saying we are selfish is pure evil! But it is done because their Right Brain wiring is MISSING. THEY who say this .. are actually themselves UNABLE TO FEEL THAT GOODNESS! Therefore they can NOT UNDERSTAND us! We intimidate them, so they TWIST to take us down! Hah! We have just hit on a new THEORY.
Emotionally Abusive, demeaning people always want to TAKE US DOWN. They constantly work to reduce our confidence and belief in ourself. THOSE PEOPLE themselves are UNABLE to be empathetic and feel compassion. They are RIGHT BRAIN DISABLED. Depending on how BADLY their brain wiring has been destroyed, their shallow selfish life focus may turn to GREED where the evil spectrum lies! They are jealous of our kindness because it escapes their "heart". sorry but the "ME/Mine, here, now" focus heads toward evil and INHUMAN. There are family members that will be left OFF our Island. Remember there is a choice. Listen and Learn from us Right brains .. or be gone!
Sat. April 22, 2023, 6:00 pm
Let's build a NEW SYSTEM .. based on the CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS of the RIGHT Brain Hemisphere. If we do that HARD work, BEFORE the Left brain ACTS to complete the task we will be HELLA better off!
This is a content preview space you can use to get your audience interested in what you have to say so they can’t wait to learn and read more. Pull out the most interesting detail that appears on the page and write it here. .. (left right?)
Sun. April 30, 2023, 4:00 pm. incomplete ..
Examples sorry bitch woman on queen E .. nearly tripping me with leash
leashed dog park WOMAN screaming down street
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misinformed, biased, no FULL knowledge, DISinformation ..purposely TWISTING, (Propoganda)
marketing (using our emotions!) to TWIST .. giving us what we WANT to hear but NOT truth. (ESG etc)
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Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sun. April 30, 2023, 6:15 pm.
I am 76 years old! why do I not have this at the FRONT OF MY MIND!! I do not believe I have forgotten this .. I do not think I have ever SEEN this. Of course I KNOW we are biased, but how are we not taught this. Do you seriously not see that "education" is a CON TRULY a conspiracy to make us STUPID. It teaches less important things becaseu the important things would allow US the opportunity to be more powerful than THEM
This is a content preview space you can use to get your audience interested in what you have to say so they can’t wait to learn and read more. Pull out the most interesting detail that appears on the page and write it here.
Wed. Apr12, 2023, 9:00 am.
The REALITY is we gave up RESPONSIBILITY and let "DADDY" supposedly look after us. But Thoes who control us never had our best interests at heart. Their goal was ONLY productivity, profit and power. Now .. our last shred of power is almost gone. We have a year or 2 before we lose any possibility of surviving. Right now their POWER actually DEPENDS on us! Without us unvalued workers they have no product to sell. Without our work there IS no profit! And who buys their crap? US! We have 1 or 2 yers to seize our power back before they have robots and A I do our work. We are troublemakers, striking for fair pay and safe conditions. Robots and A I do not cause trouble. THEY are in a great hurry to get rid of us.
BUT! .. the toxic cloud that has fried our brains has ALSO fried their brain! If they get rid of us we have no money! If we have no money HOWDO WE BUY THEIR CRAP? How did they forget this? They enjoyed their goal of making US stupid .. but they are mad stupid OR evil personified. Maybe they are ALIENS? Either way .. there are ACTUAL driverless trucks in the midwest NOW. 17% of jobs are some type of movement of goods. Almost 1 of 5 will be gone, JUST from driverless delivery vehicles! Plus A I will eat those jobs creating music and art, and EVEN THOSE WRITING will be gone in our "economy" based on advertising. But everybody is ASLEEP! and "woke" got stolen by those with no brain left to THINK!
The REALITY is we have lost our mind! Our brain has been eaten by the many many toxins of so called "progress". The reality is we let our power be gradually stripped from us until we never even noticed nothing made sense. Our society make TOTAL sense. But the MISSION is for THEIR benefit not at all for we the people.
Thurs. Apr. 13, 2023, 9:00 am.
I have designed a tool for us .. a SYSTEM .. that is WIN/ WIN .. FAIR for all instead of the WIN / LOSE for (70%?) of us. But it only will. work if we USE IT. And unfortunately it only works if we use it TOGETHER. Only a few of us and it fails. Like a protest with 100 people, eeveryone ignores it EVEN if the REALITY is .. a huge problem does exist. Voting and Protesting are USELESS. THEY who control us do NOT have our well being at heart. We actually control their power IF we take a stand!!
The toxins of our supposed "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring. The virus is our poisonous "me/mine, here, now" culture of SELF. Unlike "the Stand" the "dead" bodies still walk the streets, but as "beings" only, no longer HUMAN beings, caring for others. Phone faced sheep ants focus on self only.
A human is his BRAIN. When our brain wiring is disabled we lose our humanity. A human is THOUGHTFUL and caring. We are no longer HUMAN, because toxins of every type (stress, selfishness, shallow divisive thinking) these toxins have been destructive to our brain wiring. Our BRAIN holds our MIND and our "heart" (spirit? soul?). If the brain's wiring is destroyed it is no different than our heart or lungs no longer working properly. The 2 Hemispheres RIGHT and LEFT must work in BALANCE. First we use the right to Design and PLAN, then we use the Left to act and ACCOMPLISH. For 60 years we ONLY accomplished .. but now we have to pay for all those easy fast solutions that NEVER fixed the CORE PROBLEM. The shallow bandaids are falling off and the wounds of humanity have gotten way worse while ignored!
But our Right Hemisphere brain THINKS and compares and contemplates solutions. If that wiring is missing or minimal, the left brain doe the action portion of the task. Maybe right brain wiring is more sensitive to destruction? But the result is action without thinkng that results only in shallow BANDAID solutions! Without first contemplating the cause of the problem and consequences of the solution .. REAL success is NOT possible. The Left brains in charge (simple action is FAST .. they get ahead of us Right brain THINKERS.
"Don't blame my company or leadership, or bandaid solution .. covid did it .. it is covid's FAULT." Hmm, very interesting thought! Things were collapsing long before covid came along. What a nice COVER for their failure at REAL win win solutions. Whoops it was no failure .. it was their plan! One focus! productivity = profit = power! Never mind FAIR! That word has never entered the brain of our Left brain power structure! "is irt good from? Greta, screw all the other humans" is how we have ALLOWED our country to be run. We never STOOD UP, never took anY RESPONSIBILITY.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
?/ unbelievable
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY