Sun. May 14, 2023, 8:30 am.
Maybe atheists just don't believe in RELIGION? There HAS to be a CEO who designed and developed this amazing art! Seriously there HAS TO BE A god (CEO). Here the builder could not even build a concrete building properly .. ONE toy thing and this building is GARBAGE. In toronto I see so many churches with fences around and locked gates. So nice you are wWELCOMING those who are struggling. I thought god wanted us to be kind and help those struggling and just generally be a SUPPORT to others! So No I have come to hate "religion" after much search for one that truly connects people in a supportive caring manner. I guess that is how THEY divided us back in the day even before TV could indoctrinate us to THEIR ideas. Sorry guys if you are old enough to read this and do not know everything is a con game ONLY to give THEM the power .. yo never GREW UP>
purpose of religion?? to divide us before communication got crazy DIGITAL extreme. Printing press first used for the BIBLE?? follow these rules guys .. no get busy ACTUALLY HELPING people instead of pretending you are "god fearing" and praying. ACT to be caring a god yourself. God wanted us to be kind and caring like him .. not READ some guys words and pray. DO SOMETHING. Make the world a better place. even better think out of the box. Instead of "giving a fish lets make a better FISHING POLE FOR EVERYBODY
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