Wed. May 10, 2023, 11:00 am.
A ZOMBIE focused solely on "me and mine" is NOT a human!
Worrying ONLY about the SELF "me/mine, here, now " has left HUMANITY in ruins. Those who still ARE human (as in caring for and considering OTHERS well being) are ready to explode. We have either become alcoholics or drug addicts to cope. Eventually just signing OUT .. suicide is easier than dealing with corruption a nd twisted of every idea or word. But some of us have become ENRAGED with the injustice. "Not Fair" for the 1000th time may put us over the edge and make us murderers. You see more and more lashing out. It seems like left brain WARRIOR action or is it right brain gone over because it is impossible to deal with INHUMAN for longer? In any case .. whichever .. we are at war with OURSELVES. Humanity has devolved into behaviour WORSE than any animal.
brief R L hem .. Left = "use", just DO it... vs Right "WANTING TO UNDERSTAND" FIRST!
Trump's 5 million $ "bitch" is truly the end of the world. How is it even physicallybpossible for someone to be raped? Think about it CAREFULLY .. does a rapist have like 3 hands .. 2 to control and a THIRD to do the task of RAPE? incomplet (dressing room? what is YOUR responsibility girl?? a connection saying took 2 men down in life NOT EVEN MEANING to just goofing around! So were is your responsibility EJ bitch .. 26 years and you still want revenge and payback becaseu YOU gelt guilty. sad to live in your brain! .. what if my ex destroyed any confidence and deservedness I felt, way worse than your "rape" .. should I not get millions? NO! .. because I should have left. I should have had some self DISCIPLINE and then taken personal RESPONSIBILITY, instead of staying and then BLAMING. Taking RESPONSIBILITY is a human ethic which we no longer DO .. and it is positively THE DEATH OF US. Take personal Responsibility .. or go back to the DYSTOPIA you came from. We here want to actually FIX things for the greater good or QUALTY OF LIFE FOR ALL. But personal responsibility ALSO means taking care of OTHERS not just the SELF.
what do you think will happened now that EJ bitch got 5 mil? . hmm .. why don't I sue my old brother in law for assault from decades ago?? Hmm .. if I get 1/10 what "trump bitch" got .. $500,000? .. that's pretty cool. Women are just stupid enough to beielbve this is ?empowerment?? NO it is weakness admitting you ARE the weaer sex. You can't just be equal when it suits you .. women have become VERY selfish . Sorry .. I mean the screaming ones that make us think it is everyone is like this. MY apologies to REAL human "women", who want FAIR for all, not just women as SPECIAL elite.
How terrified do you think this makes men feel of their past. How terrified are they to now even speak to a woman. YOU HAVE JUST CASTRATED men. mark my words .. mass murders will now multiply even more! Our Toronto Car murderer is kept very quiet becasue he hated women. Interesting that makes little news eh?
We BLAME and then bandaid by SUING. Nothing in our life makes sense.. there is o logic, reason or COMMON SENSE. Let's go back to that. Let us SHUN anyone who does not think deeper like the layers of an onion. Instead of just BLAME, what could I myself have down differently. What can I learn to do better next time.
Women have been "empowered at the EXPENSE of men! Instead of EQUALITY and FARNESS we have lost ANY balance and simply DEMONIZED MEN. If you are a woman who does not KNOW men are naturally DRIVEN by sex .. and you CRUELLY flaunt your sex .. and then say NO WAY. that is EVIL .. and we do NOT allow evil people here. The description of EVIL is having no care for others but the self. GREED is not "good" it is EVIL and not human. Disagree .. then GET OUT. So there will be no SCREAMERS o our discussion blog becaseu you will be immediately TERMINATED as member .. but worse once we hit civil war stage. This site is for thoughtful CARING humans. The women who rant about EQUALITY yet play WEAK when it is time to kick a man in the balls .. are EVIL. So if you are crying rape GO AWAY. You wanted equal, you wanted power! What happened when it suits you then you are a poor little weaker sex> GET OUT. Please share this with your GOING THE WRONG DIRECTION still having a MIND friends .
this is disgusting!! buzz feed .. I added this somewhere but can't fund. the pet dying is PROOF of above PLUS inhumanity!!! But .. maybe that person WAS a thinker and wondering about CAPTIVE pets, rather be dead than in prison.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY