Jan 30, 2023. 1:00 pm.
TOTAL Health today is NOT for all of us .. only the wealthy few. Stress for the masses destroys our physical AND MENTAL Health. Quality of Life (QoL) for ALL .. today is not at all what the Founding Fathers intended. They are for sure turning in their graves at the mess we have made of their good intentions.
Remember that when the Pioneers came they had NO SYSTEMS! They had a general store to trade and a CHURCH. Then they were just NORMAL humans (YES! there IS such a thing .. we are all ABNORAL thanks to our nonsense "progress". The only way t restore our HUMANITY is to start over. Try a totally new system SEPARTE from all the old collapsing at once. This means no DISRUPTION .. just seeing that RE Pioneering works better means duplication of the small template begun.
In Newport News school is reopening with metal detectors after a 6!!! year old shot his teacher. Yes we have lost our mind! Who is responsible? The PARENT is responsible. I do not want to live in a prison of fear while people have children but do not RAISE them to be responsible human beings! Instead we blame the school, blame the security, blame the city while we have given up ALL personal responsibility for our OWN duties to society. JFK said " ask not ..
In 1995, some 28 years ago! .. Philip K Howard wrote "the Death of Common Sense" a seminal book to what we now face the result of! But of course no one listens to Right Brain THINKERS 🥸. Left Brain ACTION brains, say we are just pessimists ..😠 and move to "success" with their SHALLOW solutions. At least we THINKERS are not SELF ABSORBED like most people today. e want to UNDERSTAND and then ACTUALLY find REAL solutions! a "Me/mine, here now" focus will NEVER achieve REAL success.
"Me first, screw you" has got us into this mess. Unless we Immediately start to take responsibility for OTHERS not just the SELF.. the climate mess will be the least of our worries. We used to have manners, then we lost our civility but now our humanity is going extinct. There is already fighting on the streets .. between 70 year olds knocked off their side of the sidewalk by PRE teens! This is a society of NON humans, taught to respect NOTHING but the SELF. A body with no brain to SEE the bigger picture is really a Zombie.
Not just POLICE need reform .. our SOCIETY needs a COMPLETE REFORM!
Us quiet UNSELFISH people, still consider OTHERS well being and the health of our larger home before our own SELFISH focus. Some of us are SRESSED selfish and shallow so if that is you please join us. Together we can solve this very urgent problem. Too many especially young people show no RESPECT, or responsibility for others. "GREATER Good" behaviour is unknown to far too many today. I know we remember the kid who was on our side of the sidewalk as baby bully .. but there were 10 plus youth who walked by with civility. Sometimes we let the fact that ONE horrible incident creates despair in us make us forget the many quiet decent humans we encountered. So let's get together and solve these problems. Our BRAIN resources together will create a HUMAN INTELLIGENCE nothing can compare to. But sadly we must SACRIFICE. No more EXTREMES of cell phone use or social, or watching "videos" or competition or "experiences". Quit with this NONSENSE we are addicted to and remind your friends and family! It is all Junk Food for our BRAIN. And our BRAIN, our MIND is our HUMANITY. It is being destroyed by the TOXIN of a new "junk food" diet. The last fried our body and brain! This is frying our mind!!
If "bad guys are made nor born" we can stop the problem at its base! But our shallow selfish society thinks only profit and power. Jails make profit, are an industry. But we could create jobs that BETTER society instead. I promised if people are left feeling cared for, wanted and valued we will not NEED police, laws or courts! Each person contributes to our REVERSE world, but in return receives shelter food and some fun. Not socialism but being HUMAN. Everyone contributes their special skill or talent, and shares more of our stock EXCHANGE especially if working unsafely or overnite etc. etc. Let's start a CO-OP where we build this SYSTEM that can then be replicated wherever they truly want SOMETHING THAT WORKS BETTER.
The jobs lost in law order and PUNISHMENT (which half the time is WRONG .. labels bad by a non thinkng LEFT brain ENFORCER. Old white people are now afraid of police. Why trust people who do not think or listen and just want to find the BAD GUY. They blame and throwing someone in jail is a BANDAID .. never stopping the original problem of UN FAIR ness. "life is not fair" is made up by Left brain selfish people! (Left brain is great .. they manage and get the job done while us (whiners) 🤣 .. is spell check spying on me?? how did THINKER become whiner?? 😱yikes! ) Thinkers do ponder longer. Others get impatient BUT at least we don't do BANDAIDS. We want to know WHY? to understand. So we would be the jobs replacing the Get the bad guy police. I am mid 70's entitled white lady and I am ready to lash out. The rage of seeing things backward for my entire life and no one listening has become unbelievably explosive. How do you think people brought into the mess Boomers left for them feel? If we work together to find solutions we will have BETTER than bandaids everywhere. That will be a lot of new incomes replacing the old failing "Law and Order". Treat people FAIR and you get humans back!
Left brains JOIN the force because they are control Freaks, or at least SIMPLIFY to good guys and bad guys. maybe the job just turns one into a control freak. The ATTITUDE must be one of helping people vs CATCHING BAD GUYS. This old lady, me .. once wanted to MURDER somebody .. a young man with my bare hands .. and s I left the situation a kind stranger on the street let me explain how this rage had ensued (link to a great story but a most terrifying moment in life). That man maybe stopped me jumping off a bridge or something becaseu what kind of a STUPID society enrages an old lady to that degree? How utterly despairing. That kind young man took a few minutes out of his probably stressed rushed life to help another unknown human. He was worth his weight in gold in our cooperative that day. Sharing and trading energy or intelligence is how we can make things better. But we have to start over and QUIT using inventions as LIFE itself. They are MERELY tools. Get OFF that cell phone. My hero would never have seen the terror / rage/ fear in my face had he been raised IN A PHONE!
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