Fri. April 28, 2023, 11:00 am
Galen Weston .. Canada .. even more evil than USA power structure! (Loblaws AND Shoppers!) First .. He makes us SICK with his DELICIOUS processed food (President's Choice) .. then he reaps the DRUG profit off our misery. Hah! the Canadian Drug LORD!! yet some still have a record for cannabis? If you are RICH you can even PUSH drugs and not be in jail.
re link above .. PDF .. see below because they always shut out non subscribers. Once I have $ I WILL subscribe) It is not really fair for poor people to not have ACESS to knowledge. Guess that is what the LIBRARY is for. We need to build a NEW Library system. Our H I analysts will be paid well .. BUT people who do not have the Britanica like high cost to access will be supported! Maybe I pay 100$ for me .. or 133$ to support another less fortunate soul?
Sat. Feb. 18, 2023, 5:00 pm
Yeah sure, of a bazillion people I will have about 100 community members. For sure Western Society has now lived so long "me/ mine, here, now" selfish convenience that no one is going to work toward this. Please, Please prove me wrong. I live in a horrible area and have become very jaded and cynical. NO! I see such wonderful stories of such human good, such heroes in the old media. There are thousands more unseen, for those few captured on TV, right!..? If we work together for the greater good we can rebuild a NEW SYSTEM that works better than all the failing silos. We can work together sharing our HUMAN Intelligence that no A I or robot has. We can build a new system for Education, Health and the Economy. What we have does not work for "we the people". It only works to create profit and power for those in control. Let's go back to controlling ourselves.
But that means TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY which we may have forgotten how to do. Then looking after our SELF, but other's Wellbeing first .. we can RE create what the pioneers had and the Founding Fathers built. It is simple .. no 10 commandments just one .. Just be a decent HUMAN .. be FAIR.
Mon. may 3, 2023 1:30 pm
I suggest if you do not know what FAIR is .. you have lost some of your humanity. Be decent to the other guy. If somebody puts out free flowers .. you take 1 or 2 .. you do not take them all for you. If your neghbour is quiet, but you like parties you are not loud all the time. Do you have no brain to UNDERSTAND another point of view? or do you just ENJOY torturing others? You come to some kind of a FAIR agreement.
I am sorry BUT, in "Reverse World" the Texas neighbour is no longer human and must be ANNIHILATED himself. His shooting was disturbing the neighbours calm. His response? "my property, my rules!". Sorry guy .. you are gone. we kill bugs who di nothing to us. You are no longer human .. proven by you KILLING THEM ALL EXECUTION STYLE. That type of gone brain must be removed and we really can't afford prisons. Spend that scarce money making STRUGGLING people into GOOD guys. If someone had HELPED him earlier he would not have TURNED inhuman. Or maybe his brain was always missing the human compassion and empathy wiring. These people were called psychopaths I think. Like some of us can't walk or talk he can not THINK in a human way. This should never have happened. His loss of humanity must have been on view long before this?
Wed. May 3, 2023 1:30 pm.
see above .. we no longer SUPPORT each other. If we value and respect everyone and make them feel CONNECTED and belonging most of our problems would be gone. We would only be left with the EVIL power structure. But in Reverse world we SHUT THOSE PEOPLE OUT. We will not work for or buy from them. Our ability to SACRIFICE and be personally RESPONSIBLE bcaseu we are connected TOGETHER will hel us. Definitly sacrificing then eays fast we got used is HELLA hard. But the alternative is living on a dead planet .. worse than "the STAND" because the dead are WALKING ZOMBIES, DEVOID OF HUMANITY. The STAND was EASIER than what we are dealing with! (2 enemy camps in a virus dead world. Our virus of GREED leaves "beings" devoid of humanity littering our streets. Dead bodies look and smell bad, but at least do not enrage us decent thinking humans, with living UNCIVIL zombie behaviour!
We have to deal with a spectrum of selfish to survive to greed to EVIL. The few families now incharge of our world are either EVIL, alien? or just hella STUPID! How much fun is a world of ONLY rich guys devoid of us creatives and inventors. But they MUST be insanely stupid! A gold toilet safely int he underground bunker afrain we will kill them is NOT QUALITY of LIFE! Space ship travel to a barren planet because they DESTROYED all resources on earth is NOT a life worth living. Sorry they ACT EVIL .. but I just think they are TRULY BRAIN DEAD. They see ONLY Profit and power in their myopic vision. They are oblivious to all that is the REAL value of life, respecting people, nature and REAL human connection with others.
We just got a piano in our dining room. There is a man who very quickly got extremely demented within a year of living here. I heard this wonderful music coming from the supper hour and was amazed to see it is the man who can not remember where to see the menu or where he lives. I was ranting to everyone outside the room how amazing his playing was! it brought tears to Amy eyes because his brain is gone .. yet he can remember this talent. And he feels so important having CONTRIBUTED.
Now I find out people are complaining becaseu he was not supposed to play during dinner .. they might want to talk. Strange I mostly see them all sitting Looking at each other saying little! It's true I understand BOTH sides. But it depressed me becaseu here goes ANOTHER PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED. Depressing! Am I just OLD and sick of problems to solve? Maybe I should just give up and "VEGETABLE AROUND" like all these other people. They make me so angry. us boomers destroyed the world for the young people that work here. Yet THESE BOOMERS are oblivious to the struggle of young people, how hard their world will be with A I eating all jobs, and polluted everything. "..not my problem" they say. And then sorry but I want to murder them. I guess they create some of the only jobs. But those "Senior con" employers are so very disrespectful of their employees.
Yes I am sick of problems! I should quit becaseu I spent my life complaining this would happened .. but nobody listened. They just said I was negative. But quitting leaves my life's complaining not helping you young people. PLEASE take what I have learned and use it to make YOUR life better. And if you are a Right brain Worrier too, make sure to sometimes JUST NOT THINK!!, so you can breathe a little and just enjoy a moment WITHOUT worrying about the mess that was created. We will get though this by using the "magic magnet" they automatically have by being shallow and selfish. Life is so easy when you just EXPECT good for yourself! (being self confident and feeling DESERVING are a "pot of gold" better than $$!! The magic magnet is what god created to help us .. but us worriers just focus on fixing problems instead of our SELF and what we want for US! That's why we wonder if there is a god. Why does he let some suffer and others always "succeed". They think SELF, we just want to understand and fix! NOT fair. But together we can give each other the SUPPRT we may never have gotten to build our feeling of being valuable! There is so much we can do together!
Always opposing sides. Not right and wrong just 2 different ideas of what is good? I thought it was amazing to see what was probably the old Denis, but these others are complaining. If I was the boss or the judge .. what about he introduces the first part of dinner 10 minutes if it is a half hour time slot, then they have 20 minutes to"talk". Feels to me they are just complaining and being controlling. I will check more carefully next time I pop in. Maybe they just need to feel they still have some control in life?
I am not positive they just sit and stare through supper, because It is too depressing to eat there! I was sold a scam pre build .. SEMI retired ACTIVE seniors! Then they turned it into pretty much a NURSING home almost! Nobody here is having their needs met .. not them and I am always screaming complaining seeing my future in them. 🤬.. 😠 .. 😰 "Stop being negative" they say .. NO!! This was NOT fair!! And whoever said "Life is not fair" was one of those evil ones in CONTROL of us. Life CAN be fair .. if we throw greedy people off the planet (or do our OWN civil war). Then the rest of us caring DECENT Humans can create a better Quality of Life .. or TOTAL Societal Health.
If more people are legitimately bothered by the beautiful piano playing (not just being selfish jerks) .. then maybe Denis has to play at lunch when fewer are present, maybe he can play only 2 songs. But his joy at being important and valued and useful has to count for something in our community! The value our listening and caring gives him makes him a happier person so he contributes positively to our ATMOSPHERE. Normally he just walks around sad asking silly questions over and over. Of course this NON community does not care but in our community raising the spirits of one of us raising the whole communities positive value. We eat have a personal asset/ Liability LEDGER, but also a community ledger. The 3rd ledger is our (cosmos) ledger .. all of us humans together. (you know like how we destroyed the assets and created tons of liabilities with toxins of "progress"?
So deciding how to handle 2 different sides of wants requires evaluation and then balance of opposing need. I guess FAIR could be when everybody loses! OR .. in a HUMAN society when everybody wins some! Right now we seem to live win/ lose lives. Those who constantly lose eventually either commit suicide or become enraged. Sadly this never happened with such frequency when we still had more humanity. First we lost our manners, then our civility .. but now oblivious zombies roam in the place of humans. We have even lost our SPATIAL sense. People often walk right into me. But it is curious they seldom ACTUALLY do! Their MAGIC magnet is working. "I am fabulous and do not deserve this silly lady running into me". And I don't, though I never moved an inch out of their way. We worriers have to build each other up so we can live feeling DESERVING. I swear the people et good becaseu they believe they DESERVE it! You know that "law of attraction" that was popular a few years back.
Because we CARE .. we are harming ourSELF. We put others first and ourself last. Can we combine being CARING but also see ourselves as DESERVING too? That trick would be awesome. Selfish shallow people's lives are SOOOO much easier than a deeply THINKNG worrier Right brains. We are the nice ones and we get the crap. The Magic magnet was a tool to help god in his love and support for us .. make his job easier because we could help ourself too .
Damn! instead of whining how unfair life is .. We have to remember god thinks we too DESERVE good, not just the lucky confident self absorbed ones! Focusing on good coming actually BRINGS IT .. like a magnet!! Oh boy .. we have work to do changing our habits of only worry. Worry brings what we are focusing on solving.I guess if we are POSITIVE "We can fix this!" .. then that would bring it? Let's get started. Form a group and remind each other. I am still pretending this is just a BOOK I can share cheaply.
Research with an OPEN mind, analyze biases, "listen" (true of READING too, not just TALK!), Learn, reconsider, then discuss. But CIVILLY with COMPROMISE and EMPATHY for another!
Wed. May 3, 2023, 1:30 pm
IF this is not you, get off our island or hopefully the planet!! A HUMAN is someone who
IN humans to be "gotten rid of" (in 4 choices of methods) are .. the people who
Wed. May 3, 2023, 11:30 am.
We get rid of "bad guys" in jail .. but would they BE "bad" if we had valued their life TO BEGIN? REVERSE THIS STUPIDITY. Respect everyone not as gay or black BUT AS HUMAN. If however ANY being constantly does not ACT human, we will have to remove Them. Maybe we can first go back to "asylums", but they require resources and we are almost OUT OF RESOUCES. Our 3 Life Ledgers have to balance. (Fed Reserve) does not want to balance TAXES and costs and America may default on debt owed. We can no longer do this. In reverse world each person must PAY their fair share (contribute to the GREATER GOOD!).
Even a Downs Syndrome "immature" person can contribute in return for base quality of life. Their sweet positivity amidst struggle is an inspiration. But sadly the old seniors I have met here have to go. They contribute nothing but impatience and nonsensse complaining, remember nothing and share NO WISDOM or volunteer ANYTHING. Yes they are alzheimered but $ going to vegetabels could better serve our THREE life ledgers than wasting it on us old guys if we are no longer human. MAID ( ) is an awesome idea but although I WANT to use it have I had time to SIGN whatever I must? GET RESPONSIBLE Wake up. Have some DISCIPLINE idiot preacher lady who does not DO what she preaches! !👿 .. 😩
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Mon. May 1, 2023, 2:00 pm.
apparently the guy who executed (6) of his neighbours was asked to shoot on the other side of his place, so it would not torture them. His answer? "It's my property, I will do what I want". If I encountered him I would EXPELL him to the wolves. Be gone or be dead. If he came back why can WE not shoot HIM? He is not HUMAN. A "person" who has NO CARE whatever for OTHERS well being is WORSE than any animal. Animals do not terrorize and are never CRUEL. My description of EVIL is a person with no regard whatsoever how his behaviour affects others. No! .. that could just be a STUPID person .. I am talking someone who does not CARE if his behaviour harms another. Have more and more of us become psychopaths?
Sorry BUT .. those 4 people who last week SHOT and killed some of the people MISTAKENLY at their door or in their driveway have put me over the edge! GET HUMAN .. or get off the PLANET!! I know this is mean, because their brains are gone! They are DISABLED. But!! everything is in such a mess we just have to START OVER and we no longer have ENOUGH resources to deal with stupid, that is just EVIL. We can't even deal with vegetable people (senile) any more, if they use up scarce resources, without contributing something BACK. But these EVIL greedy self absorbed people STEAL all our resources, destroy our well being, and give back NOTHING. WE have destroyed so much of the world we can no longer keep beings that do not ADD to our shared resources. You put IN to our life ledgers and you get OUT a decent life fed and housed. If these seniors KNEW they world be vegetables, would they want the govt paying for their existence when those 4 could give security to a young person's life? Do not DARE keep me alive as a vegetable. that $6000 plus could give hope and security to like 3 or 4 youth! They can build our new system that works BETTER than this stupidity we live in..
GONE, get human .. or we will help you DIE! At the horrible "May Day" march yesterday, a police woman said she would not put me in jail for saying that? .. Hah! let's see how long before I am in jail as a terrorist.
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Tues. April 18, 2023, 1:00 pm
Tax covers OUR SHARED NEEDS, so we ALL pay in. FAIR PAY includes being ABLE to contribute something. Being HUMAN makes you WANT to contribute MORE if you HAVE more. Daring to step over a homeless person saying "He should have worked harder .. like me" is devoid of compassion for those without your LUCKY "pot of gold" skills. Get out! GET OFF OUR ISLAND.
Thurs. May 4, 2023. 12:30 pm.
Hopefully most of us are SELFISH and SHALLOW, forgetting how our behaviour affects others .. because today it has become a TOOL necessary, to just survive. If this is the case we are WILLING to try to change our habits. It will take some time to think FIRST of others. We are returning from "me/ mine, here, now" SELF society back to a HUMAN "YOUme", or "weUS" society. This will take time and require changed habits. We will need to be patient with each other.
Once we have LOST our humanity manners, then we lose our CIVILITY. Now we are on the verge of losing our HUMANITY. Our MIND and our "heart" (soul, spirit) make us human not our body, unlike a dogs! We dress dogs in all seriousness. YES! we have lost our mind. But when that dog affects MY life we have lost civility. Be crazy, be you .. but you can NOT ignore the well being of others. 3 strikes and you are out! Be mean 3 times and we will think of the first punishment. Ostracized from our community for a month? By selfish 3rd offence of 3X, out of our UTOPIA for 6 months?
But we will have to create a ledger value. If we harm someone and we HONESTLY did not realize or mean to harm them it is nowhere as greed as just NOT CARING ABOUT OTHERS. But there are so many lies I our society, a lot of people have lost truth .. we live in plastic INAUTHENTIC society. E S G is just a shallow pretence at caring about us and the world while corporations continue their quest for MORE proper and MORE profit. No FAKE or INAUTHENTIC is allowed in Reverse world. That means our INCESSANT marketing that has turned TWISTING and lying must STOP. TRUTH is the basis of our FAIR society. But truth is really HARD to find.
OMG am I wrong? for the last few years I have gotten more and more ENRAGED with the boldness of dog people. Stay away from me!! men look sideways = assault get damn dog out of MY space.
But .. are they just used to an EARLIER selfish human? Those peope who pet my daughter's dog WITHOIT ASKING. Hey idiot .. you never fed and cared for that dog he is not your to use. you can't STEAL the sweetness the owner spent a lot of time and money on. That dog is HIS property not yours to rent even momentarily unless you ask permission! So maybe owners come close to me bec they are so used to BOLD people using their dog fir the loving benefit without investing.
OK so a rule is too always THINK FURTHER, to feel more compassion.
BUT! .. I just remembered how those horrible dog people go in other peoples flower bad and let the dog damage flowers and plants. Who the HELL do you think you are?? Get the hell off my planet self absorbed in human! As you can see, too many years of idiots NOT LISTENING. (I am mean and negative.) NO, get the hell off the HUMAN planet, your brain is missing and unless you are willing to SMARTEN up to others well being we must get rid of you. We get rid of cockroaches and mice. They do not even harm us! What do they do? .. I think my son said they can be noisy? It will be CONSTANT work to SHARE our human intelligence bec most of the nonsense on the web does not address our HUMANITY collapsing.
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WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY