Fri. April 14, 2023, 12:30 pm
left take over simple action, right think compare takes time while the HARES actually win the race. They are in charge, Their lack of t honking is WHY everything is COLLAPSING. It was long before covid. Did they terrorize us with covid so they could then blame IT .. for this collapse. NO it was their easy fast way to handle colutions. Their "solutions" were always BANDAIDS and the bandaids no off show the WOUNDS have gotten way worse.
Why not ACTUALLY FIX PROBLEMS?? Think thru the causes and then mull possible solutions, analyze and evaluate and then design. Yes, take way more tine BUT always works far better. We spent the last century with ever faster easier solutions. Now every single system is falling apart. Let's create a new SIMPLE system. You know if you treat people with respect, value them, they take responsibility to build a better system.
We let them be the "daddy" and we did nothing to keep our control. Had we grown up, all control would now not be gone from us. We should have stood up and said "NO WAY" but we liked all the convenience and being responsible TAKES SACRIFICE and PATIENCE. I'd say we have a year or 2 to get those back and save ourselves. Once the A I and robots take over we have no work to control them by. We need a HUMAN STRIKE. But we will make it easy .. join our FAIR certified MEMBERSHIP or we will not buy from or work for you. Their profit comes 100% from us. But robots and A I do not strike, so you can be sure our power will very soon be gone.
Let's get un DEPRESSED, stick together because there are MORE of us THINKERS. TOGETHER WE can make change if we do it NOW. Let's discipline ourself to NOT THINK ABOUT THE INSANITY. Together we are building a NEW REALITY. Focus only on that!
Mental" illness CON
Right brain thinkers .. get rid of those troublesome people.
NOT despression needinng prozac!! NOTHING is wrong with our brain. Brad = mind and "heart" our heart is broken or terrified at what we see! ..
CAMH??? seriously TOO stupid to realize this grief and despair "depression", has NOTHING whatsoever to do with the old "mental" illness PHYSICAL depression.
My SYSTEM is simply LINKNG all the people who wish they could get off the insane planet to a better one. Let's ignore the hypocrisy and nonsense, create our own new REALITY. Yes, I am a dreamer and naive but if we SEE all the problems it is the only thing that lets us keep going! People, companies not aligned with us, are a virus. If they want to continue the "Shallow Selfish culture of EXTREME" they are the virus we must CONTAIN. My kids say I am a dictator "my way or the highway", no .. just be decent be a thoughtful caring human or GET OUT. Sadly we all need to sacrifice to patiently create our own society. A more simple but BETTER quality of life. Not "my way" .. but the CONNECTED thousands of good people whose TRUE AIM is the good of ALL. "Me/MINE, here now" is BANNED. We are like a web of organizations that have the same mission. PREVENT the further extinction of man. Manners were quaint, civility necessary. But now we actually are losing our very HUMANITY. We have lost our mind and "heart".
Volunteers in my NURSING home creating groups here are not KIND, they are serving THEIR OWN interests. Volunteers at Food bank and workers at menatl illness facilites are SAINTS .. BUT .. TOGETHER we will look for and build FISHING POLES instead of giving fish. We and our partners leave old failing systems behind and create a NEW SYSTEM. Total Societal Health .. quality of life for all. We contribute our resources, skills and talents to share and trade. The dictator is "Be a decent HUMAN or be gone! Consider how you will affect others before you act for SELF. Our focus is WE and US before ME. "Me first, screw you" has destroyed our society and the culture of SELF is now on the verge of extinct-ing HUMANITY.
Left brain oblivious care less people do not understand why we spend energy worryijgabout others OR things we can NOT do anything about. EXCEPT THT THEY TOOK THIS TOO FAR .. they ae right! I just wasted another morning in despair at the disappointment of even the YMCA being a scam artist, and seeing new mindless screaming of onion shell ideas. (shallow and brittle .. crack apart with a breath of THOUGHT!! How many years an I going to do this??? STOP! We know things are insane .. seeing another proof and letting to cause our despair is in itself IDIOT!!
Sun.April 16, 2023, 4:30 pm
Sorry BUT .. I hate TO. somewhere I will explain why (link). I die to be in my beloved NYC which to me is HEAVEN. I would sell my first born to the devil to live there. Yes, I am EVIL. 😈 I used to go every few months and have not since the fall before covid. No I do not want RHEIR evil sugar causing inflammation "vax". I made that up but it would be genius. We just die of whatever our DNA said ws problematic .. but it was the vax that made t inflame faster. brilliant murder eh? 🤔
anyway by now you have figured I just float around in the twigs of my intuition and research with no order or attention to the TREE (book) I am supposed to build. A chapter is a branch of the tree. So topics are supposed to hold together. Hopefully when I finally EDIT things will work better. My apologies! How do I have 18 years of education with noCLUE how EXTREMELY hard it is to write a book about a new TOTAL Health topic. Admitted it is a pretty damn far reaching topic eh?
Back to the title .. I just wnet for a walk to find my mystery tree. loos so green from my window yet just a boring evergreen but BIG whwer I think it is. Whic is the realty very green .. or dull and boring ? we will never know. SO!! This actually ties to the title. Instead of hating TO (boring dull evergreen) see it as the bright beauty green that I see drom my Wondow! Cool how that came together! What I was supposed to say was that in searching for the tree (I see it from my 11th floor, behind roof top architecture that I cannot compare from the street.) I went down an unknown side street and came across an UNBELIEVABLE CAFE! it was around the corner from where I have walked regularly for a decade! I always think that .. what wonder is around a corner we never see with no TIME to explore? S
So when we feel despair, remember that around a corner too you will find a wonderful cafe or a new friend or quiet peaceful little park. Those of us who have been THINKNG and worrying for years at humanity heading over a cliff, have to change our focus. we ARE heading for a cliff.. sadly it iS the reality. But if we were given a diagnosis we had a year befre a disease got us .. hopefully we would ENJOY our days even more. I will show you why we can maybe believe in heaven and if not wemay as well remember a new ADVENTURE can be just around a coorner. So let's keep our eye open to the adventure and QUIT focusing on those selfish zombies we keep running into!
We can accept we will grieve losses constantly now, a fav cafe, even a TV show, or news announcer. But ACCEPTING all is LOSS and insecurity today does not mean it is right .. does not mean we are STUPID and will not survive this. Once we get into our GATED community we can start to create lasting connection. And if something is not working for a biz .. we wiill all come together and BUY IN. Like communities in small towns do with their General store! see awesome link. Like we should have done with Hey Go (later link)
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
"Me first, screw you" has been hugely destructive of our society and humanity. We and US will always ee more important than ME. But we have lived this century with ever worsening faster "me/mine, here, now" attitudes. No thought to th future or what in the past caused a problem will never solve ANYTHING successfully. So we with our many layer THINKING brain must sweep aside the onion shells of brittle outer layers. We will get to the heart of the onion (problem) instead of the lazy use of the first layer (idea) that we see. AT least this SHALLOW behaviour is now FRONT AND CENTRE. All the screaminf we hear makes us think the worst. Sorry I am probably most Quilty. Please keep reminding me thr are MORE of us good kind people than the selfish screamers.
And .. when we add in all those MANY people who are just STRESSED selfish and shallow merely trying to SURVIVE there are WAY MORE of us!! Always keep that at the FOREFRONT of our thinking. The media is the tool of THEM .. and they WANT us to go insane. We are trouble for their selfish Bandaid ways, calling out their flaws in solutions.
Mon. April 24, 2023, 12:30 pm.
Best advice yet? Don't think about it .. just DON'T!!
Take responsibility for your OWN well being! (Thanks Malik, 2009? STILL trying to do it!)
I woke up with 2 (hah! I am so down, I can't even remember what created the despair anymore!) So then if I can not remember what, why did I let the insane planet BRING ME DOWN like this? I have just wasted 4 hours hopeless and FROZEN. (6:30 pm now, the whole day actually, I am an IDIOT!) I was so despairing .. And I have a pension coming in. The NERVE! My young friends have NO SUCH LUXURY. I think that feeling of guilt, made my despair WORSE.
What did it help? NOTHING!! .. in fact it removed VALUE from our 3 Life Ledgers. Not just mine but the WE and US bank accounts! I decreased the value of our stock exchange. I gave bad vibrations to all I met! We need our "church" library cafe. Can we YELL at each other there. Wish I had the previous "lost value" thought earlier. All I did was slow the possibility of our success by ANOTHER day. Wasteful IRRESPONSIBLE behaviour. If I can reduce temperature with my mind .. I can IGNORE sad and hopeless too. Once we get some work done we feel better. Discipline is necessary! We will support each other to build it back. But I just motivated me myself .. sooner next time, please!
Let's stop being stupid idiots ourselves, us worrier Right brains. Let's LEARN FROM THEIR LUCKY "OBLIVION ABILITY"!! IT infuriates me that THEY (the left brains) who caused the MESS, just go on merrily with their FINE lives. We who see their shallow not REAL success are the ones taking all the HELL that THEY CAUSED. They are blissfully unaware and do not even SEE it! TO SURVIVE we MUST become mindless when it all becomes too much. But we must seize our soul before it careens into the deep hole. Maybe we must sometimes SACRIFICE thinkng. Practise our self discipline by NOT GOING THERE. The longer we slide the harder it gets. So STOP right when you feel the first tug into despair.
If we had cancer and 2 years left, would we spend a year wasted crying OR look for possible outside solutions. And just enjoy everything we took for granted. But with our majority GOOD humans let's try to find a NEW solution and design and BUILD IT.
With our ever hastening destruction of earth, we may not have nature's water and trees to relish for long. Try to spend more time AVOIDING, ACCEPTING and APPRECIATING than worrying. People have worried and written books for 50 years .. nobody listened. We are probably too late, Left brain selfish shallow has done humanity in. But just in case NOT .. let's TRY TOGETHER and while we are at it .. enjoy what we still have that is good. Each other, Nature and even man made beauty, architecture and some history.
While we appreciate let's breathe deeply. We can give ourselves ENERGY to try a few new things, to make REAL success possible. We need good energy vibration to make our SYTSEM recipe into reality.
The mess we NEVER created! nobody would LISTEN to us THINKERS! That leaves us enraged or at least RESENTFUL. But both of those use a lot of our physical energy and decrease not only our own positive energy vibration but reduce the good energy others feel. Remember "we too are atmosphere". Everything is connected. So rage at never being heard and now that train we warned was coming is bearing down on us. "Just breathe" sounds such STUPID, shallow nonsense! How does it pay my rent!! But somehow it actually works. That air for our lungs somehow includes forward movement. Maybe it is god helping us continue?
Hah .. I like that!! .. what do you think? I hate the entitled white people yoga, meditation stolen crap .. although I know it has worked for centuries. (It's all fine if not worried about eating and also paying rent) But the BREATHING somehow calming our brain is actually quite cool. It is nice to think god is giving us a tool to SUPPORT us!! Feeling important and cared for is what would stop so much pain!
Sat. April 29,2023. 3:30 pm.
A perfect example of duality and changing PERSPECTIVE is the Internet . In the 90's I believed it was our chance for UTOPIA. How it could so improve our lives for the better was MIND Boggling. But of course Left brain 's took over with fast easy USES instead of actually using it to improve the life of everyday people. I have grown to hate it as poison or surely THE ENEMY of any quality of life.
But of course it is still true the internet IS amazing if used as a TOOL to improve quality of life. So one thing, the web is BOTH evil, the enemy AND .. a wonderful tool. Instead of creating GOOD we used it as an addiction to EXTREME devoid of any THOUGHT. I tend to THROW THINGS OUT as TOXIC .. but the good side still remains. Let's try to remember that with everything it is probably GOOD until taken to EXTREME. Concrete and elevators were GOOD. then greedy developers took them extreme in ridiculous HIGHrises and destroyed all sense of neighbourhood and community. "Concrete hardens the "heart", and softens the mind."
(.. crawdad's) So true in Toronto!
I kind of hate Left brains but they ARE the ones who "GET 'er done". Both our right hemisphere AND our left are RESOURCES. But there must ALWAYS be balance! This is probably how we are DIVIDED, always on the opposite side? duality is the beginning of CIVIL discussion to find the best SOLUTION. But to keep our sanity we must focus on the positive of each thing and less on the negative. The internet HAS destroyed our civil society, BUT thinking in duality .. we can USE it to connect us like minded souls .. to create a new BETTER WIN WIN system.
The reason they RULE, with their shallow "success", is because THEY believe THEY deserve it ALL. THEY are confident that THEY SHOULD WIN. The rest of us are left to LOSE. Not all of us were lucky enough to receive that belief of deservedness! We will install CONFIDENCE in each other, take on their belief of PERSONAL deservedness and TOGETHER build a WIN WIN society.
WHY THEY WIN! the "Magic Magnet" (Law of attraction) ..
To help us without being a PUPPET MASTER, god gave us a MAGIC MAGNET. For awhile it was all the rage as the "law of attraction". Why do tTHEY always win, and have little struggle? Becaseu Left brain people are selfish Warriors who just win their battle. Meanwhile Right brain thinkers are considering EVERYONE wanting a WIN/ WIN solution. Of course that takes time and patience and involves thinkng of PROBLEMS. When we focus on the problems too much thye are attracted to us. Left brains are SELF confident and FEEL deserving of all good. The NMAGIC MAGNET brings it to them. WE on the other hand on thinkng feel we made mistakes, are guilty and therefor NOT DESERVING. God must be sad his plan to help us can be BACKWARD. Maybe why "No good deed goes unpunished."? Let's feel more confident and DESERVING of great success. The CEO (god) wants that for us even more than his selfish members.
With our new confident and DESERVING attitude we bring to ourselves what we need for our system. WE create our 3 Life Ledgers, (ME, We, US) using the blockchain for a better SYSTEM not just another stupid $ replacement. We put our personal value IN and get OUT the value needed to eat and be sheltered. The 3 Ledgers ensure our VALUE is increasing in both our personal (me), Societal (we), and also our big picture assets, (us in the cosmos). ME can't be healthy if the air and water are toxic!
Our ledgers do not NEED a crypto currency, just FAIR share and TRADING. Maybe our trade economy can be based on a "TURTLE", respected and FAIRLY shared. But someone will object to saying that item is worth 1/10th of a turtle. God we are stupid. Do we live in a "GOT'CHA society"? Everybody wants to GET us for saying something wrong! It is another TWIST, a TRICK to get us NOT paying ATTENTION to the REAL important things like our humanity collapsing! Instead of "Got'cha" we better damn well FIX this mess. Stupidity. I just realized for years I have been saying things like "the world is falling apart and I should care if you put 2 "l's" wrongly I my name? (To starbuck's barista.The epitome of a SELF absorbed society eh?
Together supporting each other, we can get back to being an ADULT, not letting daddy (government and their corporate partners) run our lives. We gave up our freedom when we QUIT be personally responsible. Let's take back control of our lives. But it does require SACRIFICE. No working for or buying from THEM. A MASS "strike" to remind them how important we are for their profit. we ARE their profit. But only for another years or 2. Then A I and robots take over and we all starve (or eat each other?)
Fri. May 12, 2023, 7:30 am.
This guy is 94!! DR. Gifford jones .. Plus the guru Dr Mark Hyman (link) and ...
We could consider eating better for our health, as an act of "STICKING IT TO THE MAN!" By getting HEALTHIER we take away his PROFIT .. AND have more energy to REVOLT. (actually SACRIFICE. I saw and learned about an ACTUAL group of STRIKERS yesterday. WE will have to learn THEIR SELF DISCIPLINE. Just like "dieting" is far easier if approached as improving HEALTH instead of deprivation .. we then have A THIRD reason to look after our health. We FEEL IN CONTROL .. we do NOT fall into THEIR health "care" trap and we will feel VICTORIOUS and powerful.
Cleveland Clinic, Functional (medicine), Dr Mark Hyman is where to get REAL Health info. But of course this was quashed, never went MAINSTREAM! Just like finally publishing in mainstream news, that FAT was a lie, just before the pandemic. The evil has ALWAYS been SUGAR, not fat. Fat comes from farmers .. while sugar has (64) names and is in EVERYTHING processed. Why is that?? Because it poisons our brain, and then of course the body follows our own A I program ! (HAH! our subconscious BRAIN is like our body's A I program, just following our genes and added effects that INFLAME.) Plus SUGAR causes brain loss of the MIND, Thinking people are of course more problematic to THEM.
Avoid processed food like the POISON that it is.
Those Left brain people are correct .. but thinkng causes and consequences is NOT negative to is being a caring thoughtful STILL HUMAN being!
Thanks Rose .. Sat Mar 25, 2023, 8:30 pm. whoops this is an engineering ERROR, sun reflections were MASS heat creating!
Thanks Rose. It's really sad we do NOT take conservation at all seriously. I knew nothing about!
In 2012 before anyone was using it "the cloud" it was using the energy equivalent of all Argentina. Can you imagine the immense power use now? Instead of external Hard drives storing our stuff (no power use) we create heat and noise with constant energy use in instant access CLOUD warehousing.
Sorry I just can NOT believe our utter stupidity. We just bandaid everything. Never REAL solutions because they take real SACRIFICE and responsibility vs easy, and fast. Our gods are convenience and extreme who we worship DAILY not just Sun.
Is that good .. or make you never want to text me. I think You would hate my website. Were we mostly conservative in politics?
Earth day??? Sat. Mar 25, 2023. 9:00 pm.
Damn it! Everything is so CALMLY CLEAR now.
Am I going to die then?
No! It means my life is JUST finally beginning. 👏
A lady here hates me bec she THINKS I am negative.
She is an idiot. 😈
Complaining about a little wind when there is blue sky is negative. Thinking Earth day is ludicrous when we use twice the power thanks to CLOUD .. is not negative! It is THINKING, USING the BRAIN! Instead of living a life of oblivion. Jealous I guess! 😁
It is easy to forget to breathe deeply when out stomach is tightening with the latest idiocy we take in. How is it there are a bazillion jobs in the Usa, when so many struggle? Is it possible they count PART TIME as a job? So many crazy backwards things it keeps us imbalanced all the time yelling. My neighbour will soon have me evicted! If I could just remember my own PREACHING! Breathe deeply so our brain clears and we can set about with solutions. Together we have so much talent to share so many different skills to trade and share! That alone can CHEER us!
PLEASE do not be me .. I am old and soon dead and only NOW figured it out. PAY attention or you will waste your life like I did! It is TRUE ..
Wed. Feb. 22, 2023, 7:00 pm.
Of course it is not FAIR. We are IDIOTS. Becaseu we WANT everything to be FAIR .. we think other people think like us?? Sadly if their right brain wiring ?(or amydula?) is gone .. they think ONLY "me/mine, here, now".Without the thinking hemisphere to balance they behave in a "me first screw you" selfish SHALLOW manner. Those in power have a brain that does not function with FURTHER vision or wondering "why"? They are disabled from curiosity and wanting to UNDERSTAND. WE EXPECT everyone is like us, caring and thoughtful. Why do you think they Left brains run the world? Why do you think we do NOT? Life is EASY thinking only ME/ MINE! Of course our life is far harder when we try to contemplate how this affects OTHERS, what could go wrong or WHAT CAUSED THIS PROBLEM TO BEGIN?? That is a COMPLEX slow life! Left brains are myopic and fast and take over easily of course! (McGilchrist)
It is easy to "succeed" when you just blame any old thing and throw on a BANDAID. Our "Health" care system is nothing but profit from sickness by throwing on BANDAIDS. There is never a real solution through finding THE CAUSE. Solving the problem would mean NO MORE ONGOING .. FOREVER PROFIT!! Wake up (they steal good words now!) .. the System was never made to be a benefit to us! Fair? the only fair those in charge see is " it is FAIR for me to profit and gain power. I worked hard and DESEREVE!" I wasted my life like a total idiot not recognizing NO SYSTEM we have is for "we the people". Every system benefits only THEM .. those in charge .. those with the power and who profit.
Are we ready to quit wasting energy raging and despairing at unfairness? I can not believe I will be 76 and only now GET IT. I have to put my "RAGE energy" into making CHANGE. The only way is for us Right brain THINKERS to stop wasting time on injustice DESPAIR and DO SOMETHING. For the first time I feel I can breathe and I feel HOPE and possibility! Even if we are only 1 of 100 selfish shallow people .. we can build our own community and QUIT the systems that do NOT work for us. But to begin it will take big SACRIFICE. But soon enough more will join us and we WILL see good change.
We actually desrve MORE than those in charge because we are still thoughtful caring humans. Those who care little for the well being of others, have LOST their very humanity. They are beings ambling about but no longer HUMAN. A REAL human is kind caring and THINKS of others well being .. not purely a focus on THE SELF! we have allowed a fake phoney culture to thrive. It is time to take responsibility and remove ourselves from the SHALLOW wrong direction and band together in a simpler community.
Sadly easy and fast will have to go. The only solution is to go back to a more pioneer existence, less extreme, more working TOGETHER, rather than competing. We are creating Win WIN system! I PROMISE our quality of life will far surpass our 365 different kinds of beers and artist manicures competitive regular living today. If this all sounds crazy and boring to you .. there are 6 zillion sites for you online. Enjoy. The 1 of 100 staying .. thank you .. we can do it. we will share our expertise and talents and soon EVERYONE will want to join our spectacular SYSTEM that works so much BETTER. We will only buy and work for companies who still want to be HUMAN and are will ing to be certified FAIR. There are surely a few that will partner with us to begin!
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY