When everything is in constant change and we have no routine, we have lost our society. Society is a collection of humans, humans who band together in a feeling of neighbourhood wishing each other well. Even just a smile creates a feeling of CONNECTION. But years of forced masking, destroyed our last vestiges of the "greater neighbourhood". Make used to be for the bad guys to wear when they did bad stuff. Then we were supposed to learn how to deal Wirth faceless bodies supposedly staying 2 metres away. Maybe it is now so lovely to see a friendly crossing guard because covid destroyed our last remnants of a CONNECTED humanity.
GOOD crossing guards say good morning and even wish you a nice day .. or at least give a friendly smile. It is amazing how a smile can make your day! And a "hello" of RECOGNITION is even better! Hence the busy traffic spot becomes our only community and CONTINUITY. Since jobs seem to be part time we can not count on our same breakfast barista or same lunch server routine. No wonder we allow division .. we no longer KNOW anyone other than friends and family and fake screen "friends"
Oh no! was that not the fan of the Roman Empire? when they had gladiators .. humans fighting each other to their death .. do they want us DEAD of overwhelm and stress instead of being killed by fighting in a ring.
Sat. Mar 11, 2023. 8:00 pm
Explained to my (alzheimer friend) how the world was ending. Not sure how much she really takes in. somewhere in there maybe she wondered how soon this would be. I said in my usual catastrophe way "Your nephew's little kids will not see their teen years." Now the people I WANT to hang out with would say "O M G you really think the world will end that soon?".
She killed me laughing becaseu instead it was "my nephews kids won't be teenagers? .. oh well .. too bad" I do know her enough .. that was not alzheimers talking. She is very " Just deal with it and don't whine". She had kept saying "Its too bad we destroyed the world, but that is NOT my problem." so I said what about the little children we destroyed the world for? she still said "Too bad for them .. but still not my problem." Actually she never even said the first part!! What an easy life that provides!!! I can not even imagine being so solely focused on SELF.
The aliens I still have no idea .. but of course I am an idiot over the OTHER 2 causes. why not BOTH. THEY are made up of BOTH stupid "beings" but also beings DEVOID of ANY humanity .. greed to the core, with no empathy whatever for another's well being even when it does not affect their own.idiots, stupid people devoid of a thinking Right brain
Mon. Mar 13, 2023, 7:30PM
Ohhh, you stupid!! A I inventors are so lucky I am not god ..
Please god, wipe us cockroaches off earth on pie day. 🙈 🙏 We idiots take RESPONSIBILITY for nothing! Completely selfish, shallow, brain LESS! zombies, seriously!
A I Voice cloning!! 💀 .. so ANYBODY can easily create (?deep fakes). Idiot “inventors” feel totally NO RESPONSIBILITY for the HELL they create. I am telling you .. stupid people need to be exterminated like cockroaches. Sorry, WAKE UP or GET OUT! 👽 Humans THINK and take some responsibility for hat they UNLEASH. We have given up ALL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! in so doing we have create a hellish DYSTOPIA. We already have no TRUST. I just learned if I put my money in a bank to keep it safe from stealing or loss or fire .. I may not get it back (SVP collapse .. WHAT THE FRIGGIN HELL!). Nothing can be trusted to ACTUALLY be for "we the people". So now I can not even trust if I see a video or even HEAR a voice that it is TRUTH. Long ago I said I did not want to live in a world where everything must be questioned and cynically evaluated. I had NO idea how bad it could get!
Here is an ethical question for you! A human is his brain. Your brain gives you your MIND and your "heart" (spirit, soul) your character .. your HUMANITY. The "being" as in human being is just your BODY. So if we are brain DEAD we are no longer HUMAN! If our HUMANITY is dead anyway, is it ok to KILL those purely "beings" who are turning earth into HELL? Don't let them TWIST and steal "woke"! Wake up or die as a body .. purely helping the extinction of humanity. if a human devoid of brain is only a being or body .. but one that is a VIRUS destroying others .. is it ok to eradicate them like we do bad weeds?
Oh no!
Sat. Mar 11, 2023. 8:00 pm
The aliens
Fri. Mar 17, 2023, 2:45 pm. ok BAD! Apparently I am totally wrong. I thought we say we crated that play or system etc. "Crate" something as in DESTROY. How did I get such a wrong word! Hurry up and use my work becaseu alzhemers is fast approaching?
Her persistence got a coin made with her historic hero on it! Who needs teacher to grade the project!
Wed. Mar. 29, 2023, 10:00 am.
Awesome quote from a sharing HUMAN. How HARD "they" work at keeping us down! It is just as easy to work hard on giving EVERYONE success. That is true of us setting up our NEW "WIN/WIN" system! We CAN do it! EVERYONE can WIN in "Reverse World". BECAUSE that is our PURPOSE, our mission, no one wants the power. We work TOGETHER sharing RESPONSIBILITY. Everyone just wants decent quality of life TOGETHER, no big boss guys. WE will be a GATED COMMUNITY keeping out the "SELFISH and SHALLOW" .. unless you are just STRESSED SELFISH, which is a huge part of the population! It is hard to spend time THINKING when just trying to survive but needing 2 jobs.
If you have not yet GROWN UP to face reality, Win/Win for all, is NOWHERE the mission of our western society. It is a WIN/ LOSE system. Whatever system you look at or concept you consider it is set up SOLELY for THEIR benefit. Evil .001% very few families control everything. How do they sleep at nite destroying their Employee's health with the stress? BUT all those who help make this system possible are heading to evil too. GREED IS NEVER GOOD. That was a twisted marketing tool for THEM to destroy more humans, turning them into selfish and shallow ZOMBIES of SELF! Only "me / mine, here, now" is their goal.
A decent life ONLY works when we consider others even before we selfishly meet our OWN needs. Our society has become twisted into thinking "Just look after YOURSELF, you can 't do anything about the mess, focus on the positive." That is the perfect lazy irresponsible attitude that KEEPS THEM IN POWER. Grow up have some balls and SACRIFICE to make the world worth living in again. It has gone downhill faster and faster for the last 50 years. Even 20 years ago things were still half DECENT. But now in case you are OBLIVIOUS .. we live in DYSTOPIA. Just look at the positives is LAZY and IRRESPONSIBLE! Stop allowing this! Step out of it! Just STOP being part of it. Quit with the constant phone, the looking for followers and 900 food choices. Simplify and that will allow you to SACRIFICE buying from big companies that are LITERALLY killing us! (Especially processed food with its brain FRYING sugar of 64 names. We can do it if we get TOGETHER, think, create change options and sacrifice NONSENSE.
from CNN, Tues. April 18, 2023 7:30 pm
a lesson in Morality and OBLIGATION. "No one left behind". How do weDO GOOD for one another? and for those who helped us?
Mon. May 1, 2023, 8:30 am.
I guess I hate women bec they want to be EQUAL, then TWIST that .. and take no responsibility. (ie rape is everywhere??) You are Equal? Then kick him in the balls and RUN! Like the Trump bitch, WHY! was she in a DRESSING room with him to begin with?? When I was a young idiot, I even SLEPT with a guy (He was visiting my roommates and I had extra mattress space) .. and I never got raped. Speak up LOUDLY!! Men are not really monsters, just sex focused. It feels like these ACCUSING women LIE! They lead men on .. and they take famous men down with NO innocent til proven guilty. (Those "me too" TV anchors. Sorry, just evil!) But I guess NOBODY takes responsibility for ANYTHING in our society, not just re "rape".
Or if not LYING, they refuse to face men are sex FOCUSED, and we need to behave like a human and not lead them on. It is INHUMAN! .. Like dangling Choc in front of a dieter! 😈 how MEAN!
someone commented "I got kicked out of a group on Facebook for saying that 🤣🤣🤣" UNBELIEVABLE .. this is the backward UPSIDE down world young people have to live in?? And we wonder why young people are MORE addicted and suicide is way up??
written pre previous comment .. But of course I am now evil to the Screamers. Yup! I think we have also LOST OUR HUMANITY because all we do is BLAME and BANDAID .. take NO PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYTHING!!! We TWIST EVERYTHING because we have lost our THINKING BRAIN HEMISPHERE. But of course frying our brains was all planned .. little babies depend on the "daddy" power structure. Grow up NOW, if it is not already too late!
ps T said girl on bike (he tried to RAPE) O M G the word is TOTALLY TWISTED!!! we live in a "me / mine, here, now" TWISTED society!!
Mon. May 1, 2023, 9:00 am
needs edit plus ADD!
I just met an amazing old Jew. Yup we decided I am a new version of HITLER. Apparently Nazis hated Jew’s success. 🤫😱 I hate positive successful people bec. "me/mine, here, now"! I hate Left brains bec life is EASY for them! Easier than wondering and worrying about other, they focus on "me first, screw you"!
Think of all the time I would save if I could make a decision? but I always want to be sure I UNDERSTAND fully FIRST! You are right T! EVERY thing in life has a "BUT"! You call it an “excuse”, I say REASON! Right brains want to UNDERSTAND. So I am sending rage to you simplifying all for SELF only people! Your “success” is easy! When your life focus is "me/ mine, here now!" success is easy to come by! Our life is hard bec. we consider the effect on OTHERS in our behaviour! We hate easy life GREEDY guys! 😈👿 Be FAIR and decent or we will HITLER you!
Listen to me .. or ELSE!! 🫥🫣 Smarten up? .. or DIE!
where did I get this?? awesome, even for those of us introve
WE can do it all .. DIFFERENTLY