Tues. April 18, 2023, 1:30p m
Time, money, skill at cooking or cleaning or organizing or heavy work or fixing were all necessary. With common sense we used the right person for the job. But our common sense is gone and we no longer even THINK of resources or their wise management. We think time and money full stop.
Electricity or heat are RESOURCES. WE actually CONSERVED these. In the early 50' s we actually still CONSERVED everything. Do we even know that word anymore?? We had no air so we closed windows used blinds sat on the shade side of the house. HMM! We actually used our brain back then. AS we got more and more CONVENIENCES, calling it "progress", we forgot to use our brain.
Our Life is like a BANK ACCOUNT of positive assets and negative withdrawals or "debits". (Hey are they trying to confuse name calling my deposit a "CREDIT" .. when all I know is my credit is now lousy becaseu I OWE so much!) Reverse World will take our RESOURCES, things with which we create VALUE and try to INCREASE instead of DEPLETE them as we have for 50 years. Our community Life Ledger will be a STOCK EXCHANGE that constantly goes HIGHER in value. (Unlike the up/ down Casino of todays "stock market".
I say our STOCK exchange VALUE will constantly INCREASE becaseu we will respectfully CONSERVE resources, and where possible turn liabilities into assets. For example I hate dog people becaseu they are selfish and irresponsible (I always should say USUALLY for everything, sorry). One time an older woman's dog leash almost tripped me stretching across my side. I guess not paying attention I had had no time to rage at her in my head. So her heartfelt apology hit me about the same time as the leash did. What would have been a raging experience normally, turned into a nice discussion. We both left happy.
Normally I guess I DO decrease the Community life ledger because I am already raging in my energy as the dog comes. The point is if you smile at someone you may raise their spirits to be nicer to the next person. If we start our community with decent caring people, now we can raise each other's spirits (energy resource) with even a smile, and INCREASE our stock exchange's value.
My kids don't like being out with me, because I am always " BUT .. why don't they ... !" etc etc. Some call that complaining, but a right brain creative THINKER can see it is perfecting a system! With those decades of "education" how did I not realize I was a PERFECTIONIST, which some call negative but those who LISTEN see FREE suggestions for IMPROVEMENT. I seriously could have had a great career as a SYSTEMS DESIGN "CONSULTANT". I can always find a better easier more convenient more thoughtful way to organize something. My skill is NOT management and action but in DESGN or improvement analysis.
Why would education not teach more about finding our skills and talents? Would that not INCREASE our human VALUE LEDGER by sharing and trading our skills instead of struggling to do things we are NOT good at? This makes no sense! I often thought scammers who con people are expert at "selling"! Come and work for me and legally make money for your SKILL which I def do not have. Our H I TRADE System will EDUCATE to find our skills whether positive or negative. Then we will turn them into a VALUE to trade with others lacking them! Like Match, Care and ANGI .. but all together for "quality of life"!
marmora .. see plaque lower down .. read "gold rush" .. our "exploration" turned into
"Excess, Extreme, and Exploitation" vs "Respect, Responsibility and CAREFUL resource management"!
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Sat. April29, 2023, 7:30 pm.
When we are kind, we feel good about our value to the universe. When we feel VALUABLE, then we do even MORE good. The positive energy vibration MULTIPLIES. (It is my belief that people who do cruel vicious things (unless something wrong in BRAIN) have felt Devalued for so long they just want to PROVE they are horrible. (self fulfilling prophecy). The people who say we are feeding our ego and just being nice to feel important HONESTLY have NO ABILITY to be empathetic and kind!
Someone said to me "Is it bad I don't care a man died in that fire down the street?" It was horrifying to me .. inhuman! BUT Left brains are very ?logical. Does it make ANY sense for me to feel sad and depressed about that tragedy? What good does it do ANYTHING? It just steals energy vibration from doing good things. So I guess the left brain is purely logical BUT with a focus on SELF. (warrior/ worrier and Selfish vs selfless spectrum.)
This is where I get jealous because I find it HARD to ignore other's tragedies. Yet I should not "hate" those who do not care. They do not lose focus on the job needing doing or waste valuable energy on things there is no help for. HAH!! They need to be the emergency service workers, maybe even emergency doctors needing a tough heart. Right brain thinkers would get stressed out of their mind, depressed. Since Left brains are matter of fact, not concerned with UNDERSTANDING, they just SIMPLIFY .. then having them as police FORCE is ridiculous! No compassion whatsoever!
proof Left brains actually PUT down our compassion, TWIST it into evil. I was so hurt when my kids did that, "it's all EGO" etc. But agin .. just as I can not EASILY change my bad right brain .. they can not change their Left brain. BALANCE is the ONLY solution. Sadly our brain wiring is so destroyed by TOXINS we can not even use the SMART each brain hemisphere has together. Unless there are at LEAST 40 % of us who CAN discuss these brain DISABILITIES and share our opposite resources .. there is no future for humans.
Wed. Mar 15, 2023, 9:000 am.
deposits, VALUE .. not just money and time as our shallow society sees.
Resources ADD value .. TOXINS decrease and remove value! Toxins poison by adding NEGATIVE energy ..(like no respect for employees eventually meaning employees do NOT respect "job" .. as worse than slaves.) all is decrease or DECLINE OF society. Is SOCIETY the shared ENERGY of a population? Western society does NOT have good energy ANYMORE.
This is the mark of a THINKER or at least BALANCED BRAIN personality
a blog is me ranting for a bit .. a book is years even DECADES of work!! trying to pull the twigs of a NEW idea or theory together util it its clear and makes sense!
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Only the onion shell "SHALLOW Action" does not work!! And Right Brain "Thinker worriers" are also guilty of onion shell LAZY!! I finally realize there are many things in my life I just can NOT be bothered to think about and I label them CORRECT or false.
Tues. April 18, 2023, 5:30 pm
Nope no hope .. Dominion Voting Machines just got 787 million from Fox News, proving they lied about a rigged election. I bet my friend who is 80 will be just as VILE about Biden. Unvbeievable, yes they are all evil .. but at least dems are hopefully a TINY bit less evil. She was dem all her life. Now she will not even believe a COURT agreed fathom of the TRUTH??? I do not even want to call her .. too depressing. But is that not UTTER PROOF half the pop is BRAIN DEAD?? Maybe the other half is just STRESSED stupid?
ANYBODY who LIES or TWISTS should be in HUGE trouble. FREE SPEACH is NOT free .. there is F ..ing RESPONSIBILITY attached to it. Even if you qualify something with "I Think .. " or "I
believe ..". Or .. (bracket it) inside a ?. But you are NOT allowed to push CRAP ..
.. YUP we are TOTALLY screwed! They left brains being BRAIN DEAD, devoid of THINKING WIRING, do not even KNOW they are pushing CRAP. Their brain stops working at point one .. and gets confused with some BUTS or more points that COMPLICATE the issue. OMG we are so EXTINCT already!!
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