Re Frame the things that most disturb us .. is there DUALITY? .. can we SEE the opposite view?
Sat. Mar 25, 2023, 7:30 pm.
Maybe we should just QUIT our ADDICTION to needing the shiniest, tallest, loudest and bad things will happened less often! LA concert Hall is beautiful but the sun reflecting on the shiny metal created huge burning heat areas. Nature will always win. They forgot to consider reflecting rays heat build up. natives may have had less inventions but they also had no disasters. This engineering and history Chanel (Cottage Life) is all about disasters and WHY they happened. Fascinating. This is where we people who are curious and wonder why .. MEET!
BUT .. the channel also reminds me how amazing some of our inventions and engineering feats ARE! We were damn inventive! Sometimes we tried for the greater good but missed something and it turned out bad. Everything was not caused by evil, incompetence or laziness. Hah! A Chanel to remind me everything is NOT stupid and there are reasons why things often fail. The cali beach that destroyed all the fish seemed to be made in good faith .. create farming in the area. Yes .. we miss unintended consequences .. but at least TRY to think everything though before jumping ahead with no KNOWLEDGE and effort for intelligence. Being a slow Turtle Fish is mostly GOOD.
OMG .. gleaned from watching "the Good Doctor" April 17, 2023 .. gay relationship (breakup)
one partner was ranting about the world and religion etc, the other felt unheard or uncomfortable (a history of this ranting? quiet guy who walked away did say he never sat around the table discussing world problems with his fam .. therefore discomfort? he said he felt every discussion was COMBAT) But this guy just walked away .. my experience is ATTACK me with vile horrible words. So I guess this is the SPECTRUM. This guy is LESS left brain, just leaves.
this lets empathy, compassion enter my mind for my attacker? words that confuse seem like WEAPONS drawn for battle?
"Act" for a full on Left brain is usually to simply ATTACK, because to be forced to think .. to them FEELS like COMBAT.
Tues. April 18, 2023, 1:00 pm
Joel Osteen .. but more WE oriented
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from 3/6/9 Tesla Thurs. Mar 23, 2023. 4:15 pm
"For example: doubling 1, then 2, and so on creates a pattern that excludes 3 6 and 9. Scientist Marko Rodin believes that 3 6 9, then, represents a “flux field” or a vector from the third to the fourth dimension. (time?)
Threes also appear often in human history. Triangles have three sides — as do pyramids. Trinities abound in human history, as in the “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”. Tesla himself would point to the trifecta of “energy, frequency, and vibration” which he believed contained the “secrets of the universe.”
In his life, Tesla manifested his obsession in numerous ways. He would walk three times around the block before entering the building. Tesla would wash his dishes with 18 napkins (18 is divisible by 9, 6, and 3). The inventor would also only stay in hotel rooms that had a room number divisible by three."
now a whole new kettle of worms!! What the hELL .. now I need to study the FOURTH dimension. So then what is the FIFTH Dimension (The age of Aquarius? they were a band back in the day!) see below .. String theory!! YIKE .. we have soooo much to learn! 5th dimension
"But the idea that extra dimensions explain forces was revived half a century later by proponents of ‘string theory’, which views the fundamental building blocks of the Universe not as particles, but tiny ‘strings’ of mass-energy. To mimic all four forces, (time/space) the strings vibrate in 10-dimensional space-time, with six space dimensions rolled up far smaller than an atom." (Einstein's everything is ENERGY??)
Fri. April 21, 2023, 8:00 pm
So cool .. people like old simple GOOD things! Nostalgia for better more simple and CALM times!! We right brains are NOT alone in feeling today is too much stress and change and CONFUSION! Why does life have to be so COMPLICATED?? I thought fast and easy was our god!? EVERYTHING is all BACKWARDS!!
Old record buying graph is crazy UP!! NBC news RECORD Store DAY link?
Mon. May 15, 2023, 7:45 am
SUN Halo .. I saw small portion yesterday! Buffalo had it all .. on their first top's shooting ANNIVERSARY. saw it on their ABC Chanel but could find no photo or focus online.
FORGET THE WEB for 90 % of the crap we use it for .. it should INCREASE quality of life .. be a TOOL to make life better NOT BE LIFE ITSELF!!
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